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  • sebastian/MetaGer
  • cpietsch/MetaGer
  • kossow/MetaGer
  • jens/MetaGer
  • open-source/MetaGer
5 results
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Commits on Source (29)
with 633 additions and 106 deletions
......@@ -21,3 +21,4 @@ npm-debug.log
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -215,5 +215,4 @@ integrationtest:
- sed -i "s#^APP_URL=.*#APP_URL=$URL#g" .env
- ./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit
- php artisan dusk
\ No newline at end of file
namespace App;
use BrowserStack\Local;
use Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver;
class Browserstack
private $webdriver, $bs_local = null;
private $LOCALCAPABILITIES = array();
private $CAPABILITIES = array();
public function __construct()
$caps = null;
if ($this->isLocal()) {
$this->bs_local = new Local();
$bs_local_args = array("key" => env("WEBDRIVER_KEY", ""));
} else {
$caps = $this->CAPABILITIES;
$this->webdriver = RemoteWebDriver::create(
private function setCapabilities()
"os" => "Windows",
"os_version" => "10",
"browser" => "Firefox",
"browser_version" => "79.0 beta",
"resolution" => "1920x1080",
"project" => env("PROJECT_NAME", "Not Set"),
"build" => env("BRANCH_NAME", "Not Set"),
"name" => env("COMMIT_NAME", "Not Set"),
"browserstack.local" => "true",
"browserstack.console" => "verbose",
"browserstack.networkLogs" => "true",
"browserstack.timezone" => "Europe/Berlin",
"browserstack.selenium_version" => "3.5.2",
$this->CAPABILITIES = array(
"os" => "Windows",
"os_version" => "10",
"browser" => "Firefox",
"browser_version" => "79.0 beta",
"resolution" => "1920x1080",
"project" => env("PROJECT_NAME", "Not Set"),
"build" => env("BRANCH_NAME", "Not Set"),
"name" => env("COMMIT_NAME", "Not Set"),
"browserstack.local" => "false",
"browserstack.console" => "verbose",
"browserstack.networkLogs" => "true",
"browserstack.timezone" => "Europe/Berlin",
"browserstack.selenium_version" => "3.5.2",
public function getWebdriver()
return $this->webdriver;
public function shutdown()
if ($this->bs_local != null) {
private function isLocal()
return env("APP_URL", "") === "http://nginx";
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ class HumanVerification extends Controller
$key = strtolower($key);
if (!$hasher->check($key, $lockedKey)) {
sleep(\random_int(1, 8));
$captcha = Captcha::create("default", true);
$user["lockedKey"] = $captcha["key"];
......@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ class HumanVerification extends Controller
sleep(\random_int(1, 8));
$captcha = Captcha::create("default", true);
$user["lockedKey"] = $captcha["key"];
......@@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ class HumanVerification extends Controller
private static function saveUser($user)
$userList = Cache::get(HumanVerification::PREFIX . "." . $user["id"], []);
if ($user["whitelist"]) {
$user["expiration"] = now()->addWeeks(2);
} else {
......@@ -204,13 +206,16 @@ class HumanVerification extends Controller
return true;
} else if (\preg_match("/^\s*site:\"linkedin\.com[^\"]*\"\s+/si", $eingabe)) {
return true;
} else if (\preg_match("/^\d+.(php|asp)\s+\?.*=.*/si", $eingabe)) {
return true;
return $possibleSpammer;
public function botOverview(Request $request){
public function botOverview(Request $request)
$id = "";
$uid = "";
$ip = $request->ip();
......@@ -232,7 +237,8 @@ class HumanVerification extends Controller
->with('user', $user);
public function botOverviewChange(Request $request) {
public function botOverviewChange(Request $request)
$id = "";
$uid = "";
$ip = $request->ip();
......@@ -247,11 +253,11 @@ class HumanVerification extends Controller
$userList = Cache::get(HumanVerification::PREFIX . "." . $id);
$user = $userList[$uid];
if ($request->filled("locked")) {
$user["locked"] = boolval($request->input('locked'));
}elseif($request->filled("whitelist")) {
} elseif ($request->filled("whitelist")) {
$user["whitelist"] = boolval($request->input('whitelist'));
}elseif($request->filled("unusedResultPages")) {
} elseif ($request->filled("unusedResultPages")) {
$user["unusedResultPages"] = intval($request->input('unusedResultPages'));
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class HumanVerification
# A lot of automated requests are from websites that redirect users to our result page.
# We will detect those requests and put a captcha
$referer = URL::previous();
......@@ -98,9 +98,10 @@ class HumanVerification
if ((!$alone && $sum >= 50 && !$user["whitelist"]) || $refererLock) {
$user["locked"] = true;
# If the user is locked we will force a Captcha validation
if ($user["locked"]) {
sleep(\random_int(1, 8));
$captcha = Captcha::create("default", true);
$user["lockedKey"] = $captcha["key"];
namespace App\Traits;
use BrowserStack\Local;
use Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver;
* Run BrowserStack from your tests.
trait SupportsBrowserStack
protected static $bs_local;
* Create the BrowserStack WebDriver instance.
public function createBrowserStackDriver(array $config = null): RemoteWebDriver
if ($config["capabilities"]["browserstack.local"] === "true") {
$this->bs_local = new Local();
$bs_local_args = [
"key" => $config["key"],
return RemoteWebDriver::create(
* @afterClass
public static function shutdown()
if (static::$bs_local && static::$bs_local->isRunning()) {
......@@ -75,4 +75,4 @@ services:
working_dir: /html
- .:/html
command: "./vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit"
command: "php artisan dusk"
/bin/sh: 1: ps: not found
/bin/sh: 1: ps: not found
Thu Jul 09 2020 11:17:18 GMT+0000 (UTC) -- [INFO] Started the BrowserStack Binary server on 45691, PID: 22
Thu Jul 09 2020 11:17:19 GMT+0000 (UTC) -- [SUCCESS] You can now access your local server(s) in our remote browser
Thu Jul 09 2020 11:17:19 GMT+0000 (UTC) -- Press Ctrl-C to exit
namespace Tests\Browser\Pages;
use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
class About extends Page
* Get the URL for the page.
* @return string
public function url()
return '/about';
* Assert that the browser is on the page.
* @param Browser $browser
* @return void
public function assert(Browser $browser)
->waitForText("Was MetaGer auszeichnet")
->assertTitle("Über Uns - MetaGer")
->waitForText("MetaGer - Characteristic qualities")
->assertTitle("About Us - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Was MetaGer auszeichnet")
->assertTitle("Sobre nosotros - MetaGer")
* Get the element shortcuts for the page.
* @return array
public function elements()
return [
'@element' => '#selector',
namespace Tests\Browser\Pages;
use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
class App extends Page
* Get the URL for the page.
* @return string
public function url()
return '/app';
* Assert that the browser is on the page.
* @param Browser $browser
* @return void
public function assert(Browser $browser)
->waitForText("Diese App bringt die volle Power unserer Suchmaschine auf ihr Smartphone.")
->assertTitle("Apps - MetaGer")
->waitForText("This App brings the full Metager power to your smartphone.")
->assertTitle("Apps - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Diese App bringt die volle Power unserer Suchmaschine auf ihr Smartphone.")
->assertTitle("Aplicaciones - MetaGer")
* Get the element shortcuts for the page.
* @return array
public function elements()
return [
'@element' => '#selector',
namespace Tests\Browser\Pages;
use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
class Datenschutz extends Page
* Get the URL for the page.
* @return string
public function url()
return '/datenschutz';
* Assert that the browser is on the page.
* @param Browser $browser
* @return void
public function assert(Browser $browser)
->waitForText("Datenschutz bei MetaGer/SUMA-EV")
->assertTitle("Datenschutz und Privatsphäre - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Data protection at MetaGer/SUMA-EV")
->assertTitle("Privacy - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Data protection at MetaGer/SUMA-EV")
->assertTitle("Protección de datos y privacidad - MetaGer")
* Get the element shortcuts for the page.
* @return array
public function elements()
return [
'@element' => '#selector',
namespace Tests\Browser\Pages;
use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
class Hilfe extends Page
* Get the URL for the page.
* @return string
public function url()
return '/hilfe';
* Assert that the browser is on the page.
* @param Browser $browser
* @return void
public function assert(Browser $browser)
->waitForText("MetaGer - Hilfe")
->assertTitle("Hilfe - MetaGer")
->waitForText("MetaGer Help")
->assertTitle("Help - MetaGer")
->waitForText("MetaGer - Hilfe")
->assertTitle("Ayuda - MetaGer")
* Get the element shortcuts for the page.
* @return array
public function elements()
return [
'@element' => '#selector',
namespace Tests\Browser\Pages;
use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
class HomePage extends Page
* Get the URL for the page.
* @return string
public function url()
return '/';
* Assert that the browser is on the page.
* @param \Laravel\Dusk\Browser $browser
* @return void
public function assert(Browser $browser)
# German
->waitForText("Garantierte Privatsphäre", 1)
->assertTitle('MetaGer - Mehr als eine Suchmaschine')
->assertSee("Vielfältig & Frei")
->assertSee("100% Ökostrom")
->assertSee("Gemeinnütziger Verein")
->waitForText("Guaranteed Privacy", 1)
->assertTitle('MetaGer: Privacy Protected Search & Find')
->assertSee("Diverse & free")
->assertSee("100 % renewable energy")
->assertSee("Nonprofit organization")
->waitForText("Privacidad garantizada", 1)
->assertTitle('MetaGer: Buscar & encontrar seguro, proteger la privacidad')
->assertSee("Diversa y libre")
->assertSee("Energía 100% renovable")
->assertSee("Organización sin ánimo de lucro")
* Get the element shortcuts for the page.
* @return array
public function elements()
return [
'@sidebarToggle' => 'label.sidebar-opener[for=sidebarToggle]',
namespace Tests\Browser\Pages;
use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
class Impress extends Page
* Get the URL for the page.
* @return string
public function url()
return '/impressum';
* Assert that the browser is on the page.
* @param Browser $browser
* @return void
public function assert(Browser $browser)
->assertTitle("Impressum - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Liability Note:")
->assertTitle("Site Notice - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Exención de responsabilidad")
->assertTitle("Aviso legal - MetaGer")
* Get the element shortcuts for the page.
* @return array
public function elements()
return [
'@element' => '#selector',
namespace Tests\Browser\Pages;
use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
class Kontakt extends Page
* Get the URL for the page.
* @return string
public function url()
return '/kontakt';
* Assert that the browser is on the page.
* @param Browser $browser
* @return void
public function assert(Browser $browser)
->waitForText("Sicheres Kontaktformular")
->assertTitle("Kontakt - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Secure Contact Form")
->assertTitle("Contact - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Formulario de contacto seguro")
->assertTitle("Contacto - MetaGer")
* Get the element shortcuts for the page.
* @return array
public function elements()
return [
'@element' => '#selector',
namespace Tests\Browser\Pages;
use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
use Laravel\Dusk\Page as BasePage;
abstract class Page extends BasePage
* Get the global element shortcuts for the site.
* @return array
public static function siteElements()
return [
'@sidebarToggle' => 'label.sidebar-opener[for=sidebarToggle]',
'@languageDropdown' => '#navigationSprache',
public function switchLanguage(Browser $browser, $language)
namespace Tests\Browser\Pages;
use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
class Plugin extends Page
* Get the URL for the page.
* @return string
public function url()
return '/plugin';
* Assert that the browser is on the page.
* @param Browser $browser
* @return void
public function assert(Browser $browser)
->waitForText("MetaGer zum Firefox hinzufügen")
->assertTitle("Plugin - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Add MetaGer to your Firefox")
->assertTitle("Plugin - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Añadir MetaGer a Firefox")
->assertTitle("Plugin - MetaGer")
* Get the element shortcuts for the page.
* @return array
public function elements()
return [
'@element' => '#selector',
namespace Tests\Browser\Pages;
use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
class SitesearchWidget extends Page
* Get the URL for the page.
* @return string
public function url()
return '/sitesearch/';
* Assert that the browser is on the page.
* @param Browser $browser
* @return void
public function assert(Browser $browser)
->waitForText("Hier finden Sie ein Metager-Widget für Ihre Webseite.")
->assertTitle("Sitesearch-Widget - MetaGer")
->type("site", "")
->waitForText("Hier finden Sie ein Metager-Widget für Ihre Webseite.")
->assertTitle("Sitesearch-Widget - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Here you find a Metager-Widget for your website.")
->assertTitle("Sitesearch-Widget - MetaGer")
->type("site", "")
$location = "/en/sitesearch";
if (env("APP_ENV", "") === "production") {
$location = "/sitesearch";
->waitForText("Here you find a Metager-Widget for your website.")
->assertTitle("Sitesearch-Widget - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Aquí encuentra el Metger-Widget para su sitio web")
->assertTitle("Widget para búsquedas dentro de tu página - MetaGer")
->type("site", "")
$location = "/es/sitesearch";
if (env("APP_ENV", "") === "production") {
$location = "/sitesearch";
->waitForText("Aquí encuentra el Metger-Widget para su sitio web")
->assertTitle("Widget para búsquedas dentro de tu página - MetaGer")
* Get the element shortcuts for the page.
* @return array
public function elements()
return [
'@element' => '#selector',
namespace Tests\Browser\Pages;
use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
class Spende extends Page
* Get the URL for the page.
* @return string
public function url()
return '/spende';
* Assert that the browser is on the page.
* @param Browser $browser
* @return void
public function assert(Browser $browser)
->waitForText("Ihre Spende für SUMA-EV und MetaGer")
->assertTitle("Spenden - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Your Donation for MetaGer to SUMA-EV")
->assertTitle("Donation - MetaGer")
->waitForText("Su donación para SUME-EV y MetaGer")
->assertTitle("Donaciones - MetaGer")
* Get the element shortcuts for the page.
* @return array
public function elements()
return [
'@element' => '#selector',