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Dominik Hebeler authoredDominik Hebeler authored
CssDocument.php 2.17 KiB
namespace App;
class CssDocument extends Document
private $styleString;
public function __construct($password, $base, $styleString)
parent::__construct($password, $base);
$this->styleString = $styleString;
public function proxifyContent()
# All Resources that I know, that are included within an CSS Stylesheet must have the url() functional quoting
# We're gonna replace all URL's that we find within this document
# First with Quotation Marks:
$this->styleString = preg_replace_callback("/(url\()([\"\']{1})([^\\2]*?)\\2/si", "self::pregReplaceUrl", $this->styleString);
# And then the ones without Quotation Marks
$this->styleString = preg_replace_callback("/(url\()([^\"\'][^\)]*?)(\))/si", "self::pregReplaceUrlNoQuotes", $this->styleString);
# Replace @imports without url()
$this->styleString = preg_replace_callback("/(@import\s+)([\"\'])(.*?)(\\2)/si", "self::pregReplaceImport", $this->styleString);
private function pregReplaceImport($matches)
$url = $matches[3];
# Relative to Absolute
$url = $this->convertRelativeToAbsoluteLink($url);
# Proxify Url
$url = $this->proxifyUrl($url, false);
$replacement = $matches[1] . $matches[2] . $url . $matches[4];
return $replacement;
private function pregReplaceUrl($matches)
$url = $matches[3];
return $url;
# Relative to Absolute
$url = $this->convertRelativeToAbsoluteLink($url);
# Proxify Url
$url = $this->proxifyUrl($url, false);
$replacement = $matches[1] . $matches[2] . $url . $matches[2];
return $replacement;
private function pregReplaceUrlNoQuotes($matches)
$url = $matches[2];
# Relative to Absolute
$url = $this->convertRelativeToAbsoluteLink($url);
# Proxify Url
$url = $this->proxifyUrl($url, false);
$replacement = $matches[1] . $url . $matches[3];
return $replacement;
public function getResult()
return $this->styleString;