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GitLab's Auto-deploy Helm Chart


  • Helm 2.9.0 and above is required in order support "": before-hook-creation for migrations


Parameter Description Default
replicaCount 1
image.tag stable
image.pullPolicy Always
image.secrets [name: gitlab-registry]
podAnnotations Pod annotations {}
application.track stable
application.tier web
application.migrateCommand If present, this variable will run as a shell command within an application Container as a Helm pre-upgrade Hook. Intended to run migration commands. nil
application.initializeCommand If present, this variable will run as shall command within an application Container as a Helm post-install Hook. Intended to run database initialization commands. nil
application.secretName Pass in the name of a Secret which the deployment will load all key-value pairs from the Secret as environment variables in the application container. nil
application.secretChecksum Pass in the checksum of the secrets referenced by application.secretName. nil
hpa.enabled If true, enables horizontal pod autoscaler. A resource request is also required to be set, such as resources.requests.cpu: 200m. false
hpa.minReplicas 1
hpa.maxReplicas 5
hpa.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Percentage threshold when HPA begins scaling out pods 80 GitLab project slug. nil
gitlab.env GitLab environment slug. nil
gitlab.envName GitLab environment name. nil
gitlab.envURL GitLab environment URL. nil
service.enabled true
service.annotations Service annotations {} web
service.type ClusterIP
service.additionalHosts If present, this list will add additional hostnames to the server configuration. nil
service.commonName If present, this will define the ssl certificate common name to be used by CertManager. service.url and service.additionalHosts will be added as Subject Alternative Names (SANs) nil
service.externalPort 5000
service.internalPort 5000
ingress.tls.enabled If true, enables SSL true
ingress.tls.secretName Name of the secret used to terminate SSL traffic ""
ingress.modSecurity.enabled Enable custom configuration for modsecurity, defaulting to the Core Rule Set false
ingress.modSecurity.secRuleEngine Configuration for ModSecurity's rule engine DetectionOnly
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations { "true", "nginx"}
livenessProbe.path Path to access on the HTTP server on periodic probe of container liveness. /
livenessProbe.scheme Scheme to access the HTTP server (HTTP or HTTPS). HTTP
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds # of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. 15
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds # of seconds after which the liveness probe times out. 15
livenessProbe.probeType Type of liveness probe to use. httpGet
readinessProbe.path Path to access on the HTTP server on periodic probe of container readiness. /
readinessProbe.scheme Scheme to access the HTTP server (HTTP or HTTPS). HTTP
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds # of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated. 5
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds # of seconds after which the readiness probe times out. 3
readinessProbe.probeType Type of readiness probe to use. httpGet
postgresql.enabled true
postgresql.managed If true, this will provision a managed Postgres instance via crossplane. false
postgresql.managedClassSelector This will allow provisioning a Postgres instance based on label selectors via Crossplane, eg: managedClassSelector.matchLabels.stack: gitlab. The postgresql.managed value should be true as well for this to be honoured. Crossplane Configuration {}
podDisruptionBudget.enabled false
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable 1
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable If present, this variable will configure minAvailable in the PodDisruptionBudget. ⚠️ if you have replicaCount: 1 and podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable: 1 kubectl drain will be blocked. nil
prometheus.metrics Annotates the service for prometheus auto-discovery. Also denies access to the /metrics endpoint from external addresses with Ingress. false