"filter"=>"Results are filtered by language: <strong>[:filter]</strong>. <a href=\":link\">Disable this filter.</a>",
"filter"=>"Results are filtered by language: <strong>[:filter]</strong>. <a href=\":link\">Disable this filter.</a>",
"filter.default"=>"The interface language is set to <strong>:langName</strong> but you will receive results in <strong>ALL</strong> languages. If you want to restrict the results to a specific language, please click <a href=\"/settings\" target=\"_blank\">customize</a> and choose your desired language there."
"filter.default"=>"The interface language is set to <strong>:langName</strong> but you will receive results in <strong>ALL</strong> languages. If you want to restrict the results to a specific language, please click <a href=\"/en/settings\" target=\"_blank\">customize</a> and choose your desired language there."