'sumaev.2'=>'SUMA-EV - Association for Free Access to Knowledge.',
'meta.Description'=>'Search safely while having your privacy respected. The digital knowledge of the world must be freely accessible without paternalism and abide by states or corporations.',
"opensearch"=>"MetaGer: search & find safely while protecting your privacy",
"nav7"=>"About us",
"nav16"=>"Support Us",
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"nav22"=>"Citation Search",
"nav24"=>"MetaGer source code",
"navigationToggle"=>"show navigation",
"sumaev.1"=>"MetaGer is developed and run by ",
"sumaev.2"=>"SUMA-EV - Association for Free Access to Knowledge.",
"meta.Description"=>"Search safely while having your privacy respected. The digital knowledge of the world must be freely accessible without paternalism and abide by states or corporations.",