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Commit df1ace8e authored by Dominik Hebeler's avatar Dominik Hebeler
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Switched almost everything to Redis humanverification.

Tests need to be done!
parent ff7cc64c
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3 merge requests!1393Development,!1390Development,!1387Resolve "Optimize Human Verification"
......@@ -31,13 +31,6 @@ class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
})->monthlyOn(1, '00:00');
// Delete all of the old humanverification entries
$schedule->call(function () {
DB::delete('DELETE FROM humanverification WHERE updated_at < (now() - interval 72 hour) AND whitelist = 0 ORDER BY updated_at DESC');
DB::delete('DELETE FROM humanverification WHERE updated_at < (now() - interval 2 week) AND whitelist = 1 ORDER BY updated_at DESC');
......@@ -4,15 +4,18 @@ namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Captcha;
use Carbon;
use DB;
use Illuminate\Hashing\BcryptHasher as Hasher;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis;
use Input;
class HumanVerification extends Controller
const PREFIX = "humanverification";
public static function captcha(Request $request, Hasher $hasher, $id, $url = null)
if ($url != null) {
$url = base64_decode(str_replace("<<SLASH>>", "/", $url));
} else {
......@@ -20,15 +23,23 @@ class HumanVerification extends Controller
if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST') {
$user = DB::table('humanverification')->where('uid', $id)->first();
$lockedKey = $user->lockedKey;
$user = Redis::hgetall(HumanVerification::PREFIX . "." . $id);
$user = ['uid' => $user["uid"],
'id' => $user["id"],
'unusedResultPages' => intval($user["unusedResultPages"]),
'whitelist' => filter_var($user["whitelist"], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN),
'locked' => filter_var($user["locked"], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN),
"lockedKey" => $user["lockedKey"],
$lockedKey = $user["lockedKey"];
$key = $request->input('captcha');
$key = strtolower($key);
if (!$hasher->check($key, $lockedKey)) {
$captcha = Captcha::create("default", true);
DB::table('humanverification')->where('uid', $id)->update(['lockedKey' => $captcha["key"]]);
Redis::hset(HumanVerification::PREFIX . "." . $id, 'lockedKey', $captcha["key"]);
return view('humanverification.captcha')->with('title', 'Bestätigung notwendig')
->with('id', $id)
->with('url', $url)
......@@ -36,9 +47,9 @@ class HumanVerification extends Controller
->with('errorMessage', 'Fehler: Falsches Captcha eingegeben!');
} else {
# If we can unlock the Account of this user we will redirect him to the result page
if ($user !== null && $user->locked === 1) {
if ($user !== null && $user["locked"]) {
# The Captcha was correct. We can remove the key from the user
DB::table('humanverification')->where('uid', $id)->update(['locked' => false, 'lockedKey' => "", 'whitelist' => 1]);
Redis::hmset(HumanVerification::PREFIX . "." . $id, ['locked' => "0", 'lockedKey' => ""]);
return redirect($url);
} else {
return redirect('/');
......@@ -46,7 +57,7 @@ class HumanVerification extends Controller
$captcha = Captcha::create("default", true);
DB::table('humanverification')->where('uid', $id)->update(['lockedKey' => $captcha["key"]]);
Redis::hset(HumanVerification::PREFIX . "." . $id, 'lockedKey', $captcha["key"]);
return view('humanverification.captcha')->with('title', 'Bestätigung notwendig')
->with('id', $id)
->with('url', $url)
......@@ -83,28 +94,58 @@ class HumanVerification extends Controller
$id = hash("sha512", $request->ip());
$sum = DB::table('humanverification')->where('id', $id)->where('whitelist', false)->sum('unusedResultPages');
$user = DB::table('humanverification')->where('uid', $uid)->first();
$userList = Redis::smembers(HumanVerification::PREFIX . "." . $id);
$pipe = Redis::pipeline();
foreach ($userList as $userid) {
$pipe->hgetall(HumanVerification::PREFIX . "." . $userid);
$usersData = $pipe->execute();
$user = [];
$users = [];
$sum = 0;
foreach ($usersData as $userTmp) {
if (empty($userTmp)) {
$userNew = ['uid' => $userTmp["uid"],
'id' => $userTmp["id"],
'unusedResultPages' => intval($userTmp["unusedResultPages"]),
'whitelist' => filter_var($userTmp["whitelist"], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN),
'locked' => filter_var($userTmp["locked"], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN),
"lockedKey" => $userTmp["lockedKey"],
if ($uid === $userTmp["uid"]) {
$user = $userNew;
} else {
$users[] = $userNew;
if ($userNew["whitelist"]) {
$sum += intval($userTmp["unusedResultPages"]);
if ($user === null) {
if (empty($user)) {
$pipeline = Redis::pipeline();
# Check if we have to whitelist the user or if we can simply delete the data
if ($user->unusedResultPages < $sum && $user->whitelist === 0) {
if ($user["unusedResultPages"] < $sum && !$user["whitelist"]) {
# Whitelist
DB::table('humanverification')->where('uid', $uid)->update(['whitelist' => true, 'whitelistCounter' => 0]);
$user->whitelist = 1;
$user->whitelistCounter = 0;
$pipeline->hset(HumanVerification::PREFIX . "." . $uid, 'whitelist', "1");
$user["whitelist"] = true;
if ($user->whitelist === 1) {
DB::table('humanverification')->where('uid', $uid)->update(['unusedResultPages' => 0]);
if ($user["whitelist"]) {
$pipeline->hset(HumanVerification::PREFIX . "." . $uid, 'unusedResultPages', "0");
} else {
DB::table('humanverification')->where('uid', $uid)->where('updated_at', '<', Carbon::NOW()->subSeconds(2))->delete();
$pipeline->hdel(HumanVerification::PREFIX . "." . $uid);
$pipeline->srem(HumanVerification::PREFIX . "." . $id, $uid);
private static function checkId($request, $id)
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ class MetaGerSearch extends Controller
public function search(Request $request, MetaGer $metager)
$focus = $request->input("focus", "web");
if ($focus === "maps") {
......@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Captcha;
use Carbon;
use Closure;
use DB;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis;
use URL;
class HumanVerification
......@@ -22,8 +21,8 @@ class HumanVerification
// The specific user
$user = null;
$newUser = true;
$update = true;
$prefix = "humanverification";
try {
$id = hash("sha512", $request->ip());
$uid = hash("sha512", $request->ip() . $_SERVER["AGENT"]);
......@@ -40,42 +39,54 @@ class HumanVerification
return $next($request);
$users = DB::select('select * from humanverification where id = ?', [$id]);
# Get all Users of this IP
$userList = Redis::smembers($prefix . "." . $id);
$pipe = Redis::pipeline();
foreach ($userList as $userid) {
$pipe->hgetall($prefix . "." . $userid);
$usersData = $pipe->execute();
$user = [];
$users = [];
# Lock out everyone in a Bot network
# Find out how many requests this IP has made
$sum = 0;
foreach ($users as $userTmp) {
if ($uid == $userTmp->uid) {
$user = ['uid' => $userTmp->uid,
'id' => $userTmp->id,
'unusedResultPages' => intval($userTmp->unusedResultPages),
'whitelist' => filter_var($userTmp->whitelist, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN),
'whitelistCounter' => $userTmp->whitelistCounter,
'locked' => filter_var($userTmp->locked, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN),
"lockedKey" => $userTmp->lockedKey,
'updated_at' => Carbon::now(),
$newUser = false;
foreach ($usersData as $userTmp) {
if (empty($userTmp)) {
if ($userTmp->whitelist === 0) {
$sum += $userTmp->unusedResultPages;
$userNew = ['uid' => $userTmp["uid"],
'id' => $userTmp["id"],
'unusedResultPages' => intval($userTmp["unusedResultPages"]),
'whitelist' => filter_var($userTmp["whitelist"], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN),
'locked' => filter_var($userTmp["locked"], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN),
"lockedKey" => $userTmp["lockedKey"],
if ($uid === $userTmp["uid"]) {
$user = $userNew;
} else {
$users[] = $userNew;
if ($userNew["whitelist"]) {
$sum += intval($userTmp["unusedResultPages"]);
# If this user doesn't have an entry we will create one
if ($user === null) {
# If this user doesn't have an entry we will create one
if (empty($user)) {
$user =
'uid' => $uid,
'id' => $id,
'unusedResultPages' => 0,
'whitelist' => false,
'whitelistCounter' => 0,
'locked' => false,
"lockedKey" => "",
'updated_at' => Carbon::now(),
......@@ -96,7 +107,7 @@ class HumanVerification
// Defines if this is the only user using that IP Adress
$alone = true;
foreach ($users as $userTmp) {
if ($userTmp->uid != $uid && !$userTmp->whitelist) {
if ($userTmp["uid"] != $uid && !$userTmp["whitelist"]) {
$alone = false;
......@@ -133,41 +144,33 @@ class HumanVerification
} catch (\Illuminate\Database\QueryException $e) {
// Failure in contacting
} catch (\Predis\Connection\ConnectionException $e) {
$update = false;
} finally {
if ($update) {
// Update the user in the database
if ($newUser) {
'uid' => $user["uid"],
'id' => $user["id"],
'unusedResultPages' => $user['unusedResultPages'],
'whitelist' => $user["whitelist"],
'whitelistCounter' => $user["whitelistCounter"],
'locked' => $user["locked"],
"lockedKey" => $user["lockedKey"],
'updated_at' => $user["updated_at"],
$pipeline = Redis::pipeline();
$pipeline->hmset($prefix . "." . $user['uid'], $user);
$pipeline->sadd($prefix . "." . $user["id"], $user["uid"]);
$expireDate = now();
$expireDateLong = date_add($expireDate, date_interval_create_from_date_string('2 weeks'))->timestamp;
$expireDateShort = date_add($expireDate, date_interval_create_from_date_string('2 weeks'))->timestamp;
if ($user["whitelist"]) {
$pipeline->expireat($prefix . "." . $user['uid'], $expireDateLong);
} else {
DB::table('humanverification')->where('uid', $uid)->update(
'uid' => $user["uid"],
'id' => $user["id"],
'unusedResultPages' => $user['unusedResultPages'],
'whitelist' => $user["whitelist"],
'whitelistCounter' => $user["whitelistCounter"],
'locked' => $user["locked"],
"lockedKey" => $user["lockedKey"],
'updated_at' => $user["updated_at"],
$pipeline->expireat($prefix . "." . $user['uid'], $expireDateShort);
$pipeline->expireat($prefix . "." . $user["id"], $expireDateLong);
$request->request->add(['verification_id' => $user["uid"], 'verification_count' => $user["unusedResultPages"]]);
return $next($request);
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