"blacklist.failed"=>"Attention: one or more blacklist files could not be opened",
"results.failed"=>"Unfortunately we have no results for your search",
"settings.noneSelected"=>"Attention: you did not choose any search engine",
"engines.noParser"=>"Could not query :engine because of missing parser",
"engines.cantQuery"=>"Could not query :engine :error",
"formdata.cantLoad"=>"Could not find suma-file",
"formdata.noSearch"=>"Attention: you did not type in any search word/s. Please type search words and try again",
"formdata.dartEurope"=>"Hint: you have activated Dart-Europe. Therefore the response time might be longer and is set to 10 sec",
"formdata.hostBlacklist"=>"Results of the following domains will not be shown: \":domain\"",
"formdata.stopwords"=>"You have excluded results with the follwing words: \":stopwords\"",
"formdata.phrase"=>"You are doing a string search: :phrase",
"sitesearch.failed"=>"You intend to do a site search on :site. Unfortunately the choosen search engines do not support that. You can do a site search <a href=\":searchLink\">here</a> within the Web focus",
"sitesearch.success"=>"You are doing a site search. Only resulte of the website <a href=\"http://:site\" target=\"_blank\">\":site\"</a> will be shown."