"stopworte.1"=>"If you want to exclude words within the search result, you have to put a \"-\" in front of that word",
"stopworte.1"=>"If you want to exclude words within the search result, you have to put a \"-\" in front of that word",
"stopworte.2"=>"Example: You are looking for a new car, but no BMW. Then your search should be <div class=\"well well-sm\">new car -bmw</div>",
"stopworte.2"=>"Example: You are looking for a new car, but no BMW. Then your search should be <div class=\"well well-sm\">new car -bmw</div>",
"stopworte.3"=>"car new -bmw",
"mehrwortsuche.title"=>"Searching for more than one word",
"mehrwortsuche.title"=>"Searching for more than one word",
"mehrwortsuche.1"=>"Without quotation you will get results containing one or some of the words of your search entry. Use quotes for the search for exact phrases, citations....",
"mehrwortsuche.1"=>"Without quotation you will get results containing one or some of the words of your search entry. Use quotes for the search for exact phrases, citations....",
"mehrwortsuche.2"=>"Example: search for Shakespears <div class=\"well well-sm\">to be or not to be</div> will deliver many results, but the exact phrase will only be found using <div class=\"well well-sm\">\"to be or nor to be\"</div>",
"mehrwortsuche.2"=>"Example: search for Shakespears <div class=\"well well-sm\">to be or not to be</div> will deliver many results, but the exact phrase will only be found using <div class=\"well well-sm\">\"to be or nor to be\"</div>",
"mehrwortsuche.3"=>"Please use quotes to make sure to get your search words in the results list.",
"mehrwortsuche.3"=>"Please use quotes to make sure to get your search words in the results list.",
"grossklein.1"=>"Upper case will not be distinguished from lower case",
"grossklein.1"=>"Upper case will not be distinguished from lower case",
"grossklein.2"=>"Searching for <div class=\"well well-sm\">Shakespeare</div> or <div class=\"well well-sm\">SHAKESPEARE</div> will deliver the same results as <div class=\"well well-sm\">shakespeare</div>",
"grossklein.2"=>"Searching for <div class=\"well well-sm\">Shakespeare</div> or <div class=\"well well-sm\">SHAKESPEARE</div> will deliver the same results as <div class=\"well well-sm\">shakespeare</div>",
"grossklein.3"=>"should give the same results as",
"domains.title"=>"Restrict to specific domain(s) / exclude domain(s)",
"domains.title"=>"Restrict to specific domain(s) / exclude domain(s)",
"domains.sitesearch.explanation"=>"Type site:<i>your-domain-here.uk</i> to restrict the search to that domain.",
"domains.sitesearch.explanation"=>"Type site:<i>your-domain-here.uk</i> to restrict the search to that domain.",
"domains.sitesearch.example.1"=>"Example: I want to restrict my search to en.wikipedia.org. Type:",
"domains.sitesearch.example.1"=>"Example: I want to restrict my search to en.wikipedia.org. Type:",
@@ -39,6 +45,13 @@ return [
@@ -39,6 +45,13 @@ return [
"domains.blacklist.example.4"=>"You get results from e.g. de.wikipedia.org further on.",
"domains.blacklist.example.4"=>"You get results from e.g. de.wikipedia.org further on.",
"domains.blacklist.example.5"=>"Exclude all results of all wikipedia domains:",
"domains.blacklist.example.5"=>"Exclude all results of all wikipedia domains:",