"head.2"=>"What are the advantages of using MetaGer?",
"list.1"=>"Privacy is quite natural for us: Completely built in and automatically applied to every search. <a href=\"/en/datenschutz/\">More about privacy...</a>",
"list.2"=>"We do not work profit-oriented, we are a <a href=\"/en/spende/\">charitable association</a>: Our goal is not to enrich ourselves with your clicks or even your data.",
"list.3"=>"<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MetaGer\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">MetaGer</a> is primarily a <a href=\"https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metasuchmaschine\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">meta search engine</a>: We query up to 50 search engines. Thus we can offer real variety in results.",
"list.4"=>"For our results, we do not prefer results <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filter_bubble\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">that are clicked more often</a>: This also gives you variety, instead of mainstream.",
"list.5"=>"MetaGer is online since about 20 years: Our experience is your advantage - we know what we do.",
"list.6"=>"We only use green electricity for our servers.",
"list.7"=>"But we are not perfect as well: If you encounter something weird: Please <a href=\"/en/kontakt/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">contact us</a>! We take your hints seriously: <em>You</em> are most important for us.",
"head.1"=>"About us",
"head.2"=>"What are the advantages of using MetaGer?",
"head.3"=>"MetaGer - Characteristic qualities",
"3.0"=>"implementation of free access to knowledge and digital democracy with:",
"3.1"=>"access to knowledge without control and dictation by states or trusts.",
"3.2"=>"no storage of private data, highest demand of privacy.",
"3.3"=>"and anonymous access also to the search results, therefore.",
"3.4"=>"realized through: anony,ous proxy an the Hidden-Tor-Branch, ",
"3.5"=>"as an Open-Source-Software which allows examining and checks.",
"3.6"=>"these features are realized not only for search and find of informations but also for route-planning and geographical search (<a href=\"https://maps.metager.de\" target=\"_blank\">maps.metager.de</a>), WITHOUT tracking any locations.",
"3.7"=>"embedded in a transparent organization (Nonprofit organization <a href=\"https://suma-ev.de\" target=\"_blank\">SUMA-EV</a>), each and every can become a member of it.",
"list.1"=>"Privacy is quite natural for us: Completely built in and automatically applied to every search. <a href=\"/en/datenschutz/\">More about privacy...</a>",
"list.2"=>"We do not work profit-oriented, we are a <a href=\"/en/spende/\">charitable association</a>: Our goal is not to enrich ourselves with your clicks or even your data.",
"list.3"=>"<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MetaGer\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">MetaGer</a> is primarily a <a href=\"https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metasuchmaschine\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">meta search engine</a>: We query up to 50 search engines. Thus we can offer real variety in results.",
"list.4"=>"For our results, we do not prefer results <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filter_bubble\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">that are clicked more often</a>: This also gives you variety, instead of mainstream.",
"list.5"=>"MetaGer is online since about 20 years: Our experience is your advantage - we know what we do.",
"list.6"=>"We only use green electricity for our servers.",
"list.7"=>"But we are not perfect as well: If you encounter something weird: Please <a href=\"/en/kontakt/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">contact us</a>! We take your hints seriously: <em>You</em> are most important for us."