"edge.10"=>"Type \"https://metager.org\" in field \"Webaddress\" and click on \"+\"",
"edge.10"=>"Type \"https://metager.org\" in field \"Webaddress\" and click on \"+\"",
"edge.11"=>"Delete all entries which should not be opened at start (for example \"about:start\") by click on \"x\"",
"edge.11"=>"Delete all entries which should not be opened at start (for example \"about:start\") by click on \"x\"",
'safari.1'=>'We are sorry. Safari doesn´t accept wether the "Glims plugin" nore the "OpenSearch for Safari plugin" furthermore. At this time there is no way to install alternative search engines for Safari webbrowser.',
'safari.1'=>'We are sorry. Safari doesn´t accept neither the "Glims plugin" nor the "OpenSearch for Safari plugin" anymore. At this time there is no way to install alternative search engines for Safari webbrowser.',
"vivaldi.1"=>"Click the red logo \"Vivaldi\" at the top left of your web browser. Then select \"Tools / Preferences\"",
"vivaldi.1"=>"Click the red logo \"Vivaldi\" at the top left of your web browser. Then select \"Tools / Preferences\"",
"vivaldi.2"=>"Within the new menu choose \"search\"",
"vivaldi.2"=>"Within the new menu choose \"search\"",