"grossklein.1"=>"Upper case will not be distinguished from lower case",
"grossklein.1"=>"Upper case will not be distinguished from lower case",
"grossklein.2"=>"Searching for <div class=\"well well-sm\">Shakespeare</div> or <div class=\"well well-sm\">SHAKESPEARE</div> will deliver the same results as <div class=\"well well-sm\">shakespeare</div>",
"grossklein.2"=>"Searching for <div class=\"well well-sm\">Shakespeare</div> or <div class=\"well well-sm\">SHAKESPEARE</div> will deliver the same results as <div class=\"well well-sm\">shakespeare</div>",
"infobutton.title"=>"I see a small \"I\" in some spots. What is it?",
"infobutton.1"=>"You gain more information on the specific theme by clicking it (i.g. weather data or something)."