"plugin.firefox.3"=>"Use MetaGer as start page in :browser",
"plugin.firefox.3"=>"Use MetaGer as start page in :browser",
"plugin.firefox.4"=>"Click top right in your browser on <span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span><span class=\"sr-only\">the three small horizontal lines</span> (menu) and open \"Preferences\"",
"plugin.firefox.4"=>"Click top right in your browser on <span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span><span class=\"sr-only\">the three small horizontal lines</span> (menu) and open \"Preferences\"",
"plugin.firefox.5"=>"Type in field \"Home Page\" => \"https://metager.de/en/\"",
"plugin.firefox.5"=>"Type in field \"Home Page\" => \"https://metager.de/en/\"",
"plugin.chrome.1"=>"Click in your Chrome browser on <span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-option-vertical\"><\/span> and in the next menu on \"Preferences\" to open the settings of your Chrome browser",
"plugin.chrome.1"=>"Click in your Chrome browser on <span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-option-vertical\"></span> and in the next menu on \"Preferences\" to open the settings of your Chrome browser",
"plugin.chrome.2"=>"Click in field \"Search\" on manage search engines",
"plugin.chrome.2"=>"Click in field \"Search\" on manage search engines",
"plugin.chrome.3"=>"Now you will find an entry \"MetaGer\". Move your mouse over that entry and click on \"Standard\",",
"plugin.chrome.3"=>"Now you will find an entry \"MetaGer\". Move your mouse over that entry and click on \"Standard\",",
"plugin.chrome.4"=>"Set up MetaGer as start page in your browser",
"plugin.chrome.4"=>"Set up MetaGer as start page in your browser",