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MetaGer.php 35.3 KiB
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  • <?php
    namespace App;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use Jenssegers\Agent\Agent;
    use App;
    use App\lib\TextLanguageDetect\TextLanguageDetect;
    use App\lib\TextLanguageDetect\LanguageDetect\TextLanguageDetectException;
    use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
    use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
    #use \Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator;
    class MetaGer
    	# Einstellungen für die Suche
    	protected $fokus;
    	protected $eingabe;
    	protected $q;
    	protected $category;
    	protected $time;
    	protected $page;
    	protected $lang;
    	protected $cache = "";
    	protected $site;
    	protected $hostBlacklist = [];
    	protected $domainBlacklist = [];
    	protected $stopWords = [];
        protected $phrases = [];
    	protected $engines = [];
    	protected $results = [];
        protected $ads = [];
        protected $addedHosts = [];
    	# Daten über die Abfrage
    	protected $ip;
    	protected $language;
    	protected $agent;
    	# Konfigurationseinstellungen:
    	protected $sumaFile;
    	protected $mobile;
    	protected $resultCount;
    	protected $sprueche;
        protected $domainsBlacklisted = [];
        protected $urlsBlacklisted = [];
        protected $url;
        protected $languageDetect;
            if( file_exists(config_path() . "/blacklistDomains.txt") && file_exists(config_path() . "/blacklistUrl.txt") )
                # Blacklists einlesen:
                $tmp = file_get_contents(config_path() . "/blacklistDomains.txt");
                $this->domainsBlacklisted = explode("\n", $tmp);
                $tmp = file_get_contents(config_path() . "/blacklistUrl.txt");
                $this->urlsBlacklisted = explode("\n", $tmp);
                Log::warning("Achtung: Eine, oder mehrere Blacklist Dateien, konnten nicht geöffnet werden");
            $this->languageDetect = new TextLanguageDetect();
        public function getHashCode ()
            $string = url()->full();
            return md5($string);
        public function rankAll ()
            foreach( $this->engines as $engine )
    	public function createView()
    		$viewResults = [];
            # Wir extrahieren alle notwendigen Variablen und geben Sie an unseren View:
            foreach($this->results as $result)
                $viewResults[] = get_object_vars($result);
            # Wir müssen natürlich noch den Log für die durchgeführte Suche schreiben:
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
            if( $this->fokus === "bilder" )
                switch ($this->out) 
                    case 'results':
                        return view('metager3bilderresults')
                            ->with('results', $viewResults)
                            ->with('eingabe', $this->eingabe)
                            ->with('mobile', $this->mobile)
                            ->with('warnings', $this->warnings)
                            ->with('errors', $this->errors)
                            ->with('metager', $this)
                            ->with('browser', (new Agent())->browser());
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
                        return view('metager3bilder')
                            ->with('results', $viewResults)
                            ->with('eingabe', $this->eingabe)
                            ->with('mobile', $this->mobile)
                            ->with('warnings', $this->warnings)
                            ->with('errors', $this->errors)
                            ->with('metager', $this)
                            ->with('browser', (new Agent())->browser());
            switch ($this->out) {
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
                case 'results':
                    return view('metager3results')
                        ->with('results', $viewResults)
                        ->with('eingabe', $this->eingabe)
                        ->with('mobile', $this->mobile)
                        ->with('warnings', $this->warnings)
                        ->with('errors', $this->errors)
                        ->with('metager', $this)
                        ->with('browser', (new Agent())->browser());
                case 'results-with-style':
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
                    return view('metager3')
                        ->with('results', $viewResults)
                        ->with('eingabe', $this->eingabe)
                        ->with('mobile', $this->mobile)
                        ->with('warnings', $this->warnings)
                        ->with('errors', $this->errors)
                        ->with('metager', $this)
                        ->with('suspendheader', "yes")
                        ->with('browser', (new Agent())->browser());
                    return view('metager3')
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
                        ->with('eingabe', $this->eingabe)
                        ->with('mobile', $this->mobile)
                        ->with('warnings', $this->warnings)
                        ->with('errors', $this->errors)
                        ->with('metager', $this)
                        ->with('browser', (new Agent())->browser());
        private function createLogs()
            $redis = Redis::connection('redisLogs');
                $logEntry = "";
                $logEntry .= "[" . date(DATE_RFC822, mktime(date("H"),date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))) . "]";
                $logEntry .= " From=" . $this->ip;
                $logEntry .= " pid=" . getmypid();
                $anonId= md5("MySeCrEtSeEdFoRmd5"
                .date("H")); # Wichtig!! Den Parameter um die aktuelle Stunde erweitern. Ansonsten wäre die anonId dauerhaft einem Nutzer zuzuordnen.
                $logEntry .= " anonId=$anonId";
                $logEntry .= " ref=" . $this->request->header('Referer');
                $useragent = $this->request->header('User-Agent');
                $useragent = str_replace("(", " ", $useragent);
                $useragent = str_replace(")", " ", $useragent);
                $useragent = str_replace(" ", "", $useragent);
                $logEntry .= " ua=" . $useragent;
                $logEntry .= " iter= mm= time=" . round((microtime(true)-$this->starttime), 2) . " serv=" . $this->fokus . " which= hits= stringSearch= QuickTips= SSS= check=";
                $logEntry .= " search=" . $this->eingabe;
                $redis->rpush('', $logEntry);
        public function removeInvalids ()
            $results = [];
            foreach($this->results as $result)
                    $results[] = $result;
            #$this->results = $results;
    	public function combineResults ()
    		foreach($this->engines as $engine)
                foreach($engine->results as $result)
                        $this->results[] = $result;
                foreach($engine->ads as $ad)
                    $this->ads[] = $ad;
            uasort($this->results, function($a, $b){
                if($a->getRank() == $b->getRank())
                    return 0;
                return ($a->getRank() < $b->getRank()) ? 1 : -1;
            # Validate Results
            $newResults = [];
            foreach($this->results as $result)
                    $newResults[] = $result;
            $this->results = $newResults;
            $counter = 0;
            $firstRank = 0;
            foreach($this->results as $result)
                if($counter === 0)
                    $firstRank = $result->rank;
                $result->number = $counter;
                $confidence = 0;
                if($firstRank > 0)
                    $confidence = $result->rank/$firstRank;
                    $confidence = 0;
                if($confidence > 0.65)
                    $result->color = "#FF4000";
                elseif($confidence > 0.4)
                    $result->color = "#FF0080";
                elseif($confidence > 0.2)
                    $result->color = "#C000C0";
                    $result->color = "#000000";
            //Get current page form url e.g. &page=6
            $currentPage = LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPage();
            $offset= $currentPage-1;
            //Create a new Laravel collection from the array data
            $collection = new Collection($this->results);
            //Define how many items we want to be visible in each page
            $perPage = $this->resultCount;
            //Slice the collection to get the items to display in current page
            $currentPageSearchResults = $collection->slice($offset * $perPage, $perPage)->all();
    Phil Höfer's avatar
    Phil Höfer committed
            # Für diese 20 Links folgt nun unsere Boost-Implementation.
            $currentPageSearchResults = $this->parseBoost($currentPageSearchResults);
            # Für diese 20 Links folgt nun unsere Adgoal- Implementation.
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
            $currentPageSearchResults = $this->parseAdgoal($currentPageSearchResults);
            //Create our paginator and pass it to the view
            $paginatedSearchResults= new LengthAwarePaginator($currentPageSearchResults, count($collection), $perPage);
            foreach($this->request->all() as $key => $value)
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
                if( $key === "out" )
                $paginatedSearchResults->addQuery($key, $value);
            $this->results = $paginatedSearchResults;
            $this->validated = false;
            if( isset($this->password) )
                # Wir bieten einen bezahlten API-Zugriff an, bei dem dementsprechend die Werbung ausgeblendet wurde:
                # Aktuell ist es nur die Uni-Mainz. Deshalb überprüfen wir auch nur diese.
                $password = getenv('mainz');
                $eingabe = $this->eingabe;
                $password = md5($eingabe . $password);
                if( $this->password === $password )
                    $this->ads = [];
                    $this->validated = true;
    Phil Höfer's avatar
    Phil Höfer committed
        public function parseBoost($results)
    	foreach($results as $result)
    				$result->link .= '&tag=boostmg01-21';
            	        } else
    				$result->link .= '?tag=boostmg01-21';
    			$result->partnershop = true;
    	return $results;
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
        public function parseAdgoal($results)
            $publicKey = getenv('adgoal_public');
            $privateKey = getenv('adgoal_private');
            if( $publicKey === FALSE )
                return $results;
            $tldList = "";
                foreach($results as $result)
                    $link = $result->anzeigeLink;
                    if(strpos($link, "http") !== 0)
                        $link = "http://" . $link;
                    $tldList .= parse_url($link, PHP_URL_HOST) . ",";
                    $result->tld = parse_url($link, PHP_URL_HOST);
                $tldList = rtrim($tldList, ",");
                # Hashwert
                $hash = md5("meta" . $publicKey . $tldList . "GER");
                # Query 
                $query = urlencode($this->q);
                $link = "" . $publicKey . "&k=" . $hash . "&tld=" . $tldList . "&q=" . $query; 
                $answer = json_decode(file_get_contents($link));
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
                # Nun müssen wir nur noch die Links für die Advertiser ändern:
                foreach($answer as $el)
                    $hoster = $el[0];
                    $hash = $el[1];
                    foreach($results as $result)
                        if( $hoster === $result->tld )
                            # Hier ist ein Advertiser:
                            # Das Logo hinzufügen:
                            $result->image = "" . $hash . ".gif";
                            # Den Link hinzufügen:
                            $publicKey = $publicKey;
                            $targetUrl = $result->anzeigeLink;
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
                            if(strpos($targetUrl, "http") !== 0)
                                $targetUrl = "http://" . $targetUrl;
                            $hash = md5($targetUrl . $privateKey);
                            $newLink = "" . $publicKey . "&k=" . $hash . "&url=" . urlencode($targetUrl) . "&q=" . $query;
                            $result->link = $newLink;
                            $result->partnershop = true;
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
            }catch(\ErrorException $e)
                return $results;
            return $results;
    	public function createSearchEngines (Request $request)
    		# Überprüfe, welche Sumas eingeschaltet sind
            $xml = simplexml_load_file($this->sumaFile);
            $enabledSearchengines = [];
            $overtureEnabled = FALSE;
            $sumas = $xml->xpath("suma");
            if($this->fokus === "angepasst")
                foreach($sumas as $suma)
                    	|| ( $this->fokus !== "bilder" 
                    		&& ($suma["name"]->__toString() === "qualigo" 
                    			|| $suma["name"]->__toString() === "similar_product_ads" 
                    			|| ( !$overtureEnabled && $suma["name"]->__toString() === "overtureAds" )
                    	if(!(isset($suma['disabled']) && $suma['disabled']->__toString() === "1"))
                            if($suma["name"]->__toString() === "overture" || $suma["name"]->__toString() === "overtureAds")
                            if( $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "qualigo" && $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "similar_product_ads" && $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "overtureAds" )
                                $countSumas += 1;
                foreach($sumas as $suma){
                    $types = explode(",",$suma["type"]);
                    if(in_array($this->fokus, $types) 
                    	|| ( $this->fokus !== "bilder" 
                    		&& ($suma["name"]->__toString() === "qualigo" 
                    			|| $suma["name"]->__toString() === "similar_product_ads" 
                    			|| ( !$overtureEnabled && $suma["name"]->__toString() === "overtureAds" )
                        if(!(isset($suma['disabled']) && $suma['disabled']->__toString() === "1"))
                            if($suma["name"]->__toString() === "overture" || $suma["name"]->__toString() === "overtureAds")
                            if( $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "qualigo" && $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "similar_product_ads" && $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "overtureAds" )
                                $countSumas += 1;
            # Sonderregelung für alle Suchmaschinen, die zu den Minisuchern gehören. Diese können alle gemeinsam über einen Link abgefragt werden
            $subcollections = [];
            $tmp = [];
            foreach($enabledSearchengines as $engine )
                if( isset($engine['minismCollection']) )
                    $subcollections[] = $engine['minismCollection']->__toString();
                    $tmp[] = $engine;
            $enabledSearchengines = $tmp;
            if( sizeof($subcollections) > 0)
                $count = sizeof($subcollections) * 10;
                $minisucherEngine = $xml->xpath('suma[@name="minism"]')[0];  
                $subcollections = urlencode("(" . implode(" OR ", $subcollections) . ")");
                $minisucherEngine["formData"] = str_replace("<<SUBCOLLECTIONS>>", $subcollections, $minisucherEngine["formData"]);
                $minisucherEngine["formData"] = str_replace("<<COUNT>>", $count, $minisucherEngine["formData"]);
                $enabledSearchengines[] = $minisucherEngine;
                $this->errors[] = "Achtung: Sie haben in ihren Einstellungen keine Suchmaschine ausgewählt.";
            $siteSearchFailed = false;
            if( strlen($this->site) > 0 )
                # Wenn eine Sitesearch durchgeführt werden soll, überprüfen wir ob eine der Suchmaschinen überhaupt eine Sitesearch unterstützt:
                $enginesWithSite = 0;
                foreach($enabledSearchengines as $engine)
                    if( isset($engine['hasSiteSearch']) && $engine['hasSiteSearch']->__toString() === "1" )
                if( $enginesWithSite === 0 )
                    $this->errors[] = "Sie wollten eine Sitesearch auf " . $this->site . " durchführen. Leider unterstützen die eingestellten Suchmaschinen diese nicht. Sie können <a href=\"" . $this->generateSearchLink("web", false) . "\">hier</a> die Sitesearch im Web-Fokus durchführen. Es werden ihnen Ergebnisse ohne Sitesearch angezeigt.";
                    $this->warnings[] = "Sie führen eine Sitesearch durch. Es werden nur Ergebnisse von der Seite: <a href=\"http://" . $this->site . "\" target=\"_blank\">\"" . $this->site . "\"</a> angezeigt.";
    		foreach($enabledSearchengines as $engine){
                if( !$siteSearchFailed && strlen($this->site) > 0 && ( !isset($engine['hasSiteSearch']) || $engine['hasSiteSearch']->__toString() === "0")  )
                # Wenn diese Suchmaschine gar nicht eingeschaltet sein soll
                $path = "App\Models\parserSkripte\\" . ucfirst($engine["package"]->__toString());
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
                if( !file_exists(app_path() . "/Models/parserSkripte/" . ucfirst($engine["package"]->__toString()) . ".php"))
                    Log::error("Konnte " . $engine["name"] . " nicht abfragen, da kein Parser existiert");
                $time = microtime();
                    $tmp = new $path($engine, $this);
                } catch( \ErrorException $e)
                    Log::error("Konnte " . $engine["name"] . " nicht abfragen." . var_dump($e));
                if($tmp->enabled && isset($this->debug))
                    $this->warnings[] = $tmp->service . "   Connection_Time: " . $tmp->connection_time . "    Write_Time: " . $tmp->write_time . " Insgesamt:" . ((microtime()-$time)/1000);
                    $this->sockets[$tmp->name] = $tmp->fp;
            # Jetzt werden noch alle Kategorien der Settings durchgegangen und die jeweils enthaltenen namen der Suchmaschinen gespeichert.
            $foki = [];
            foreach($sumas as $suma)
                if( (!isset($suma['disabled']) || $suma['disabled'] === "") && ( !isset($suma['userSelectable']) || $suma['userSelectable']->__toString() === "1") )
                    if( isset($suma['type']) )
                        $f = explode(",", $suma['type']->__toString());
                        foreach($f as $tmp)
                            $name = $suma['name']->__toString();
                            $foki[$tmp][$suma['name']->__toString()] = $name;
                        $name = $suma['name']->__toString();
                        $foki["andere"][$suma['name']->__toString()] = $name;
            # Es werden auch die Namen der aktuell aktiven Suchmaschinen abgespeichert.
            $realEngNames = [];
            foreach($enabledSearchengines as $realEng) {
                $nam = $realEng["name"]->__toString();
                if($nam !== "qualigo" && $nam !== "overtureAds") {
                    $realEngNames[] = $nam;
            # Anschließend werden diese beiden Listen verglichen (jeweils eine der Fokuslisten für jeden Fokus), um herauszufinden ob sie vielleicht identisch sind. Ist dies der Fall, so hat der Nutzer anscheinend Suchmaschinen eines kompletten Fokus eingestellt. Der Fokus wird dementsprechend angepasst.
            foreach($foki as $fok => $engs) {
                $isFokus = true;
                $fokiEngNames = [];
                foreach($engs as $eng) {
                    $fokiEngNames[] = $eng;
                foreach($fokiEngNames as $fen) {
                    if(!in_array($fen, $realEngNames)) {
                        $isFokus = false;
                foreach($realEngNames as $ren) {
                    if(!in_array($ren, $fokiEngNames)) {
                        $isFokus = false;
                if($isFokus) {
                    $this->fokus = $fok;
            # Nun passiert ein elementarer Schritt.
            # Wir warten auf die Antwort der Suchmaschinen, da wir vorher nicht weiter machen können.
            # aber natürlich nicht ewig.
            # Die Verbindung steht zu diesem Zeitpunkt und auch unsere Request wurde schon gesendet.
            # Wir geben der Suchmaschine nun bis zu 500ms Zeit zu antworten.
            $enginesToLoad = count($engines);
            $loadedEngines = 0;
                $time = (microtime(true) - $timeStart) * 1000;
                $loadedEngines = intval(Redis::hlen('search.' . $this->getHashCode()));
                $canBreak = true;
                if( $overtureEnabled && !Redis::hexists('search.' . $this->getHashCode(), 'overture') && !Redis::hexists('search.' . $this->getHashCode(), 'overtureAds'))
                    $canBreak = false;
                # Abbruchbedingung
                if($time < 500)
                    if(($enginesToLoad === 0 || $loadedEngines >= $enginesToLoad) && $canBreak)
                }elseif( $time >= 500 && $time < $this->time)
                    if( ($enginesToLoad === 0 || ($loadedEngines / ($enginesToLoad * 1.0)) >= 0.8) && $canBreak )
            foreach($engines as $engine)
                    } catch(\ErrorException $e)
            foreach( $engines as $engine )
                if( !$engine->loaded )
            $this->engines = $engines;
    	public function parseFormData (Request $request)
    		if($request->input('encoding', '') !== "utf8")
    			# In früheren Versionen, als es den Encoding Parameter noch nicht gab, wurden die Daten in ISO-8859-1 übertragen
    			$input = $request->all();
    			foreach($input as $key => $value)
    				$input[$key] = mb_convert_encoding("$value", "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1");
    		# Zunächst überprüfen wir die eingegebenen Einstellungen:
            # FOKUS
            $this->fokus = trans('fokiNames.'
            	. $request->input('focus', 'web'));
                $this->fokus = trans('fokiNames.web');
            # SUMA-FILE
                $this->sumaFile = config_path() . "/sumas.xml";
                $this->sumaFile = config_path() . "/sumas.xml";
                die("Suma-File konnte nicht gefunden werden");
            # Sucheingabe:
            $this->eingabe = trim($request->input('eingabe', ''));
            if(strlen($this->eingabe) === 0)
                $this->warnings[] = 'Achtung: Sie haben keinen Suchbegriff eingegeben. Sie können ihre Suchbegriffe oben eingeben und es erneut versuchen.';
            $this->q = $this->eingabe;
            # IP:
            # Language:
            if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_LANGUAGE']) )
                $this->language = $_SERVER['HTTP_LANGUAGE'];
                $this->language = "";
            # Category
            $this->category = $request->input('category', '');
            # Request Times:
            $this->time = $request->input('time', 1000);
            # Page
            $this->page = $request->input('page', 1);
            # Lang
            $this->lang = $request->input('lang', 'all');
            if ( $this->lang !== "de" && $this->lang !== "en" && $this->lang !== "all" )
            	$this->lang = "all";
            $this->agent = new Agent();
            $this->mobile = $this->agent->isMobile();
            $this->sprueche = $request->input('sprueche', 'off');
            if($this->sprueche === "off" )
                $this->sprueche = true;
                $this->sprueche = false;
            # Ergebnisse pro Seite:
            $this->resultCount = $request->input('resultCount', '20');
            # Manchmal müssen wir Parameter anpassen um den Sucheinstellungen gerecht zu werden:
            if( $request->has('dart') )
            	$this->warnings[] = "Hinweis: Sie haben Dart-Europe aktiviert. Die Suche kann deshalb länger dauern und die maximale Suchzeit wurde auf 10 Sekunden hochgesetzt.";
            if( $this->time <= 500 || $this->time > 20000 )
            if( $request->has('minism') && ( $request->has('fportal') || $request->has('harvest') ) )
            	$input = $request->all();
            	$newInput = [];
            	foreach($input as $key => $value)
            		if( $key !== "fportal" && $key !== "harvest" )
            			$newInput[$key] = $value;
            if( $request->has('ebay') )
            	$this->warnings[] = "Hinweis: Sie haben Ebay aktiviert. Die Suche kann deshalb länger dauern und die maximale Suchzeit wurde auf 2 Sekunden hochgesetzt.";
            if( App::isLocale("en") )
            	$this->sprueche = "off";
            if($this->resultCount <= 0 || $this->resultCount > 200 )
            	$this->resultCount = 1000;
            if( $request->has('onenewspageAll') || $request->has('onenewspageGermanyAll') )
            	$this->time = 5000;
            	$this->cache = "cache";
            if( $request->has('tab'))
                if($request->input('tab') === "off")
                    $this->tab = "_blank";
                    $this->tab = "_self";
                $this->tab = "_blank";
            if( $request->has('password') )
                $this->password = $request->input('password');
            if( $request->has('quicktips') )
                $this->quicktips = false;
                $this->quicktips = true;
            $this->out = $request->input('out', "html");
            if($this->out !== "html" && $this->out !== "json" && $this->out !== "results" && $this->out !== "results-with-style")
                $this->out = "html";
            $this->request = $request;
    	public function checkSpecialSearches (Request $request)
    		# Site Search:
    		if(preg_match("/(.*)\bsite:(\S+)(.*)/si", $this->q, $match))
    			$this->site = $match[2];
    			$this->q = $match[1] . $match[3];
            if( $request->has('site') )
                $this->site = $request->input('site');
    		# Wenn die Suchanfrage um das Schlüsselwort "-host:*" ergänzt ist, sollen bestimmte Hosts nicht eingeblendet werden
    		# Wir prüfen, ob das hier der Fall ist:
    		while(preg_match("/(.*)(^|\s)-host:(\S+)(.*)/si", $this->q, $match))
    			$this->hostBlacklist[] = $match[3];
    			$this->q = $match[1] . $match[4];
    		if( sizeof($this->hostBlacklist) > 0 )
    			$hostString = "";
    			foreach($this->hostBlacklist as $host)
    				$hostString .= $host . ", ";
    			$hostString = rtrim($hostString, ", ");
    			$this->warnings[] = "Ergebnisse von folgenden Hosts werden nicht angezeigt: \"" . $hostString . "\"";
    		# Wenn die Suchanfrage um das Schlüsselwort "-domain:*" ergänzt ist, sollen bestimmte Domains nicht eingeblendet werden
    		# Wir prüfen, ob das hier der Fall ist:
    		while(preg_match("/(.*)(^|\s)-domain:(\S+)(.*)/si", $this->q, $match))
    			$this->domainBlacklist[] = $match[3];
    			$this->q = $match[1] . $match[4];
    		if( sizeof($this->domainBlacklist) > 0 )
    			$domainString = "";
    			foreach($this->domainBlacklist as $domain)
    				$domainString .= $domain . ", ";
    			$domainString = rtrim($domainString, ", ");
    			$this->warnings[] = "Ergebnisse von folgenden Domains werden nicht angezeigt: \"" . $domainString . "\"";
    		# Alle mit "-" gepräfixten Worte sollen aus der Suche ausgeschlossen werden.
    		# Wir prüfen, ob das hier der Fall ist:
    		while(preg_match("/(.*)(^|\s)-(\S+)(.*)/si", $this->q, $match))
    			$this->stopWords[] = $match[3];
    			$this->q = $match[1] . $match[4];
    		if( sizeof($this->stopWords) > 0 )
    			$stopwordsString = "";
    			foreach($this->stopWords as $stopword)
    				$stopwordsString .= $stopword . ", ";
    			$stopwordsString = rtrim($stopwordsString, ", ");
    			$this->warnings[] = "Sie machen eine Ausschlusssuche. Ergebnisse mit folgenden Wörtern werden nicht angezeigt: \"" . $stopwordsString . "\"";
    		# Meldung über eine Phrasensuche
            $p = "";
            $tmp = $this->q;
    		while(preg_match("/(.*)\"(.+)\"(.*)/si", $tmp, $match)){
                $tmp = $match[1] . $match[3];
                $this->phrases[] = strtolower($match[2]);
            foreach($this->phrases as $phrase)
                $p .= "\"$phrase\", ";
            $p = rtrim($p, ", ");
            if(sizeof($this->phrases) > 0)
                $this->warnings[] = "Sie führen eine Phrasensuche durch: $p";
        public function getFokus ()
            return $this->fokus;
        public function getIp ()
            return $this->ip;
        public function getEingabe ()
            return $this->eingabe;
        public function getQ ()
                return $this->q;
        public function getUrl ()
            return $this->url;
        public function getTime ()
            return $this->time;
        public function getLanguage ()
            return $this->language;
        public function getLang ()
            return $this->lang;
        public function getSprueche ()
            return $this->sprueche;
        public function getPhrases ()
            return $this->phrases;
        public function getSumaFile ()
            return $this->sumaFile;
        public function getUserHostBlacklist ()
            return $this->hostBlacklist;
        public function getUserDomainBlacklist ()
            return $this->domainBlacklist;
        public function getDomainBlacklist ()
            return $this->domainsBlacklisted;
        public function getUrlBlacklist ()
            return $this->urlsBlacklisted;
        public function getLanguageDetect ()
            return $this->languageDetect;
        public function getStopWords ()
            return $this->stopWords;
                return $this->addedHosts[$host];
                return 0;
            $hash = md5($host);
                $this->addedHosts[$hash] += 1;
                $this->addedHosts[$hash] = 1;
        public function getSite()
            return $this->site;
            if(strpos($link, "http://") === 0)
                $link = substr($link, 7);
            if(strpos($link, "https://") === 0)
                $link = substr($link, 8);
            if(strpos($link, "www.") === 0)
                $link = substr($link, 4);
            $link = trim($link, "/");
            $hash = md5($link);