class DynamicEngineParameters {
// Returns a string notating the Date Range of the last year
// The value is used as Parameter for the Bing search engine
// freshness Parameter
public static function FreshnessYearBing() {
$now = \Carbon::now()->format("Y-m-d");
$lastYear = \Carbon::now()->subYear()->format("Y-m-d");
return $lastYear . ".." . $now;
public static function FreshnessCustomBing(){
// Bings custom date filter uses YYYY-mm-dd..YYYY-mm-dd
// From and two dates are supplied by parameters ff and ft
// They already have been checked if they match above pattern in parseFormData function
$from = \Request::input("ff");
$to = \Request::input("ft");
return $from . ".." . $to;