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Searchengine.php 13.5 KiB
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abstract class Searchengine
	protected $ch; 	# Curl Handle zum erhalten der Ergebnisse
	protected $getString = "";
	protected $engine;
    protected $counter = 0;
    protected $socketNumber = null;
    public $enabled = true;
	public $ads = [];
	public $write_time = 0;
	public $connection_time = 0;
	function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, MetaGer $metager)
		foreach($engine->attributes() as $key => $value){
			$this->$key = $value->__toString();
		$this->engine = $engine;

		# Wir registrieren die Benutzung dieser Suchmaschine
		$this->uses = intval(Redis::hget($this->name, "uses")) + 1;
		Redis::hset($this->name, "uses", $this->uses);
		# Eine Suchmaschine kann automatisch temporär deaktiviert werden, wenn es Verbindungsprobleme gab:
        if(isset($this->disabled) && strtotime($this->disabled) <= time() )
        	# In diesem Fall ist der Timeout der Suchmaschine abgelaufen.
        	$this->enable($metager->getSumaFile(), "Die Suchmaschine " . $this->name . " wurde wieder eingeschaltet.");
        }elseif (isset($this->disabled) && strtotime($this->disabled) > time()) 
        	$this->enabled = false;

		# User-Agent definieren:
		if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
			$this->useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
			$this->useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.1";
		$this->gefVon = "<a href=\"" . $this->homepage . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $this->displayName . "</a>";
		$this->startTime = microtime();
		$this->getString = $this->generateGetString($metager->getQ(), $metager->getUrl(), $metager->getLanguage(), $metager->getCategory());
		$counter = 0;
		# Wir benötigen einen verfügbaren Socket, über den wir kommunizieren können:
		$time = microtime(true);
		$this->fp = $this->getFreeSocket();
		$this->setStatistic("connection_time", ((microtime(true)-$time) / 1000000));
			$this->disable($metager->getSumaFile(), "Die Suchmaschine " . $this->name . " wurde für 1h deaktiviert, weil keine Verbindung aufgebaut werden konnte");
			$time = microtime(true);
			$this->setStatistic("write_time", ((microtime(true)-$time) / 1000000));


	private function writeRequest ()
		$out = "GET " . $this->getString . " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
		$out .= "Host: " . $this->host . "\r\n";
		$out .= "User-Agent: " . $this->useragent . "\r\n";
		$out .= "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n";
		$out .= "Accept-Language: de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3\r\n";
		$out .= "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br\r\n";
		$out .= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n";

		# Anfrage senden:
		$sent = 0; $string = $out; $time = microtime(true);
				$tmp = fwrite($this->fp, $string);
			}catch(\ErrorException $e)
				# Irgendwas ist mit unserem Socket passiert. Wir brauchen einen neuen:
				Redis::del($this->name . "." . $this->socketNumber);
				$this->fp = $this->getFreeSocket();
				$sent = 0;
				$string = $out;
				$sent += $tmp;
				$string = substr($string, $tmp);
				abort(500, "Fehler beim schreiben.");

			if(((microtime(true) - $time) / 1000000) >= 500)
				abort(500, "Konnte die Request Daten nicht an: " . $this->name . " senden");

			if($sent >= strlen($out))
	public function rank (\App\MetaGer $metager)
		foreach($this->results as $result)

	private function getFreeSocket()
		# Je nach Auslastung des Servers ( gleichzeitige Abfragen ), kann es sein, dass wir mehrere Sockets benötigen um die Abfragen ohne Wartezeit beantworten zu können.
		# pfsockopen öffnet dabei einen persistenten Socket, der also auch zwischen den verschiedenen php Prozessen geteilt werden kann. 
		# Wenn der Hostname mit einem bereits erstellten Socket übereinstimmt, wird die Verbindung also aufgegriffen und fortgeführt.
		# Allerdings dürfen wir diesen nur verwenden, wenn er nicht bereits von einem anderen Prozess zur Kommunikation verwendet wird.
		# Wenn dem so ist, probieren wir den nächsten Socket zu verwenden.
		# Dies festzustellen ist komplizierter, als man sich das vorstellt. Folgendes System sollte funktionieren:
		# 1. Stelle fest, ob dieser Socket neu erstellt wurde, oder ob ein existierender geöffnet wurde.
		$counter = 0; $fp = null;
			if( intval(Redis::exists($this->host . ".$counter")) === 0 )              
				Redis::set($this->host . ".$counter", 1);
				Redis::expire($this->host . ".$counter", 5);
				$this->socketNumber = $counter;

					$fp = pfsockopen($this->getHost() . ":" . $this->port . "/$counter", $this->port, $errstr, $errno, 1);
				}catch(\ErrorException $e)
				# Wir gucken, ob der Lesepuffer leer ist:
				stream_set_blocking($fp, 0);
				if(fgets($fp, BUFFER_LENGTH) !== false)
					Log::error("Der Lesepuffer von: " . $this->name . " war nach dem Erstellen nicht leer. Musste den Socket neu starten.");
					$fp = pfsockopen($this->getHost() . ":" . $this->port . "/$counter", $this->port, $errstr, $errno, 1);
				header($this->name . ": " . $counter . "_" . $this->getHost());

		return $fp;

	private function setStatistic($key, $val)
		$oldVal = floatval(Redis::hget($this->name, $key)) * $this->uses;
		$newVal = ($oldVal + max($val, 0)) / $this->uses;
		Redis::hset($this->name, $key, $newVal);
		$this->$key = $newVal;
		$xml = simplexml_load_file($sumaFile);
		$xml->xpath("//sumas/suma[@name='" . $this->name . "']")['0']['disabled'] = date(DATE_RFC822, mktime(date("H")+1,date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")));

		$xml = simplexml_load_file($sumaFile);
		unset($xml->xpath("//sumas/suma[@name='" . $this->name . "']")['0']['disabled']);

	public function closeFp()

	public function retrieveResults()
		$time = microtime(true);
		$headers = '';
		$body = '';
		$length = 0;
		// get headers FIRST
		$c = 0;
		stream_set_blocking($this->fp, 0);
    		// use fgets() not fread(), fgets stops reading at first newline
   			// or buffer which ever one is reached first
    		$data = fgets($this->fp, BUFFER_LENGTH);
    		// a sincle CRLF indicates end of headers
    		if ($data === false || $data == CRLF || feof($this->fp) || ((microtime()-$time)/1000000) > 100 ) {
        		// break BEFORE OUTPUT
    		if( sizeof(($tmp = explode(": ", $data))) === 2 )
    			$headers[trim($tmp[0])] = trim($tmp[1]);
		while (true);
		// end of headers
		if(sizeof($headers) > 1){
			$bodySize = 0;
			if( isset($headers["Transfer-Encoding"]) && $headers["Transfer-Encoding"] === "chunked" )
				$body = $this->readChunked();
			}elseif( isset($headers['Content-Length']) )
				$length = trim($headers['Content-Length']);
				if(is_numeric($length) && $length >= 1)
					$body = $this->readBody($length);
				$bodySize = strlen($body);
				die("Konnte nicht herausfinden, wie ich die Serverantwort von: " . $this->name . " auslesen soll. Header war: " . print_r($headers));
		Redis::del($this->host . "." . $this->socketNumber);
		$this->setStatistic("read_time", ((microtime(true)-$time) / 1000000));
		if( isset($headers["Content-Encoding"]) && $headers['Content-Encoding'] === "gzip")
			$body = $this->gunzip($body);
		#print("\r\n". $bodySize);
		// $body and $headers should contain your stream data
		#print(print_r($headers, TRUE) . $body);
	private function readBody($length)
		$theData = '';
        $done = false;
        stream_set_blocking($this->fp, 0);
        $startTime = time();
        $lastTime = $startTime;
        while (!feof($this->fp) && !$done && (($startTime + 1) > time()) && $length !== 0)
            $theNewData = fgets($this->fp, BUFFER_LENGTH);
            $theData .= $theNewData;
            $length -= strlen($theNewData);
            $done = (trim($theNewData) === '0');

        return $theData;

	private function readChunked()
		$body = '';
		// read from chunked stream
		// loop though the stream
	    	// NOTE: for chunked encoding to work properly make sure
	    	// there is NOTHING (besides newlines) before the first hexlength

	    	// get the line which has the length of this chunk (use fgets here)
	    	$line = fgets($this->fp, BUFFER_LENGTH);

	    	// if it's only a newline this normally means it's read
	    	// the total amount of data requested minus the newline
	    	// continue to next loop to make sure we're done
	    	if ($line == CRLF) {

	    	// the length of the block is sent in hex decode it then loop through
	    	// that much data get the length
	    	// NOTE: hexdec() ignores all non hexadecimal chars it finds
	    	$length = hexdec($line);

	    	if (!is_int($length)) {
	        	trigger_error('Most likely not chunked encoding', E_USER_ERROR);

		    // zero is sent when at the end of the chunks
		    // or the end of the stream or error
		    if ($line === false || $length < 1 || feof($this->fp)) {
		    	if($length <= 0)
		            	fgets($this->fp, BUFFER_LENGTH);
		        // break out of the streams loop

		    // loop though the chunk
		        // read $length amount of data
		        // (use fread here)
		        $data = fread($this->fp, $length);

		        // remove the amount received from the total length on the next loop
		        // it'll attempt to read that much less data
		        $length -= strlen($data);

		        // PRINT out directly
		        #print $data;
		        // you could also save it directly to a file here

		        // store in string for later use
		        $body .= $data;

		        // zero or less or end of connection break
		        if ($length <= 0 || feof($this->fp))
		            // break out of the chunk loop
		            if($length <= 0)
		            	fgets($this->fp, BUFFER_LENGTH);
		    while (true);
		    // end of chunk loop
		while (true);
		// end of stream loop
		return $body;

	private function gunzip($zipped) {
      $offset = 0;
      if (substr($zipped,0,2) == "\x1f\x8b")
         $offset = 2;
      if (substr($zipped,$offset,1) == "\x08")  
         return gzinflate(substr($zipped, $offset + 8));
      	} catch (\Exception $e)
      		abort(500, "Fehler beim unzip des Ergebnisses von folgendem Anbieter: " . $this->name);
      return "Unknown Format";

	protected function getHost()
		$return = "";
		if( $this->port === "443" )
			$return .= "tls://";
			$return .= "tcp://";
		$return .= $this->host;
		return $return;
	public function getCurlInfo()
		return curl_getinfo($this->ch);

	public function getCurlErrors()
		return curl_errno($this->ch);

	public function addCurlHandle ($mh)
		curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $this->ch);
	public function removeCurlHandle ($mh)
		curl_multi_remove_handle($mh, $this->ch);

	private function generateGetString($query, $url, $language, $category)
		if(strlen($this->skript) > 0)
			$getString .= $this->skript;
			$getString .= "/";
		if(strlen($this->formData) > 0)
			$getString .= "?" . $this->formData;

		# Wir müssen noch einige Platzhalter in dem GET-String ersetzen:
		if( strpos($getString, "<<USERAGENT>>") ){
			$getString = str_replace("<<USERAGENT>>", $this->urlEncode($this->useragent), $getString);

		if( strpos($getString, "<<QUERY>>") )
			$getString = str_replace("<<QUERY>>", $this->urlEncode($query), $getString);
			$getString = str_replace("<<IP>>", $this->urlEncode($this->ip), $getString);
			$getString = str_replace("<<LANGUAGE>>", $this->urlEncode($language), $getString);
			$getString = str_replace("<<CATEGORY>>", $this->urlEncode($category), $getString);

		if( strpos($getString, "<<AFFILDATA>>") )
			$getString = str_replace("<<AFFILDATA>>", $this->getOvertureAffilData($url), $getString);
			return urlencode(mb_convert_encoding($string, $this->inputEncoding));
			return urlencode($string);

	    $affil_data .= '&ua=' . $this->useragent;  
	    if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ) {
	       $affil_data .= '&xfip=' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
	    $affilDataValue = $this->urlEncode($affil_data);
		return "&affilData=" . $affilDataValue . "&serveUrl=" . $serveUrl;

	public function isEnabled ()
		return $this->enabled;