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  • Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
    | Application Routes
    | Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application.
    | It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to
    | and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested.
        Route::group(['prefix' => LaravelLocalization::setLocale()], function()
            Route::get('/', function()
                return view('index', [ 
                'title' => 'MetaGer: Sicher suchen & finden, Privatsphäre schützen', 
            Route::get('impressum', function()
                return view('impressum')
                    ->with('title', 'Impressum - MetaGer')
                    ->with('css', 'impressum.css');
            Route::get('about', function()
                return view('about')
                    ->with('title', 'Über Uns - MetaGer');
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
            Route::get('team', function()
                return view('')
                    ->with('title', 'Team - MetaGer')
                    ->with('css', 'team.css');
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
            Route::get('team/pubkey-wsb', function()
                return view('team.pubkey-wsb')
                    ->with('title', 'Team - MetaGer');
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
            Route::get('kontakt', function()
                return view('kontakt.kontakt')
                    ->with('title', 'Kontakt - MetaGer')
                    ->with('css', 'kontakt.css')
                    ->with('js', ['openpgp.min.js','kontakt.js']);
            Route::post('kontakt', 'MailController@contactMail');
            Route::get('meta/meta.ger3', 'MetaGerSearch@search');
            Route::get('spende', function()
                return view('spende')
                    ->with('title', 'Spenden - MetaGer')
                    ->with('css', 'donation.css');
            Route::post('spende', 'MailController@donation');
            Route::get('datenschutz', function()
                return view('datenschutz')
                    ->with('title', 'Datenschutz und Privatsphäre - MetaGer')
    Dominik Hebeler's avatar
    Dominik Hebeler committed
            Route::get('hilfe', function()
                return view('hilfe')
                    ->with('title', 'Hilfe - MetaGer')
            Route::get('meta/meta.ger3', 'MetaGerSearch@search');