diff --git a/docs/api.md b/docs/api.md
index dca8e56983c4d8e340746ab215d5fa2409ef4521..f6b2bff6fcac1365846e4d787081746d7a7921d9 100644
--- a/docs/api.md
+++ b/docs/api.md
@@ -171,6 +171,37 @@ If the key isn't charged enough for the amount of tokens or if the date supplied
+## `POST /api/json/token/check`
+Checks supplied tokens for validity
+You cannot submit more than 10 tokens to be used.
+### Parameters
+    "tokens": [
+        {
+            "token": <TOKEN>,
+            "signature": <SIGNATURE>,
+            "date": <DATE_AS_SUPPLIED_IN_TOKEN_PUBKEY>,
+        }
+        ...
+    ]
+### Example Response
+If all tokens were used successfully response code will be `201`.  
+If any validation errors (signature, token format, etc.) occured response code will be `422`
+    TODO
 ## `POST /api/json/token/use`
 Uses supplied Tokens to be consumed for MetaGer search. All supplied Tokens will be invalid after this action.
diff --git a/pass/routes/api.js b/pass/routes/api.js
index 2f5f1dca487d635722fde72d6a0fdf9901ccdf19..469599bfaf488654a6ce42b528558504f2b64efe 100644
--- a/pass/routes/api.js
+++ b/pass/routes/api.js
@@ -195,6 +195,11 @@ router.post(
     .custom((value) => {
       let checked_tokens = {};
       for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
+        if (!(typeof value[i] == "string") || value[i].legnth > 1024) {
+          return Promise.reject(
+            "The supplied tokens can't be more than 1024 characters long"
+          );
+        }
         if (value[i] in checked_tokens) {
           return Promise.reject("The supplied tokens need to be unique");
         } else {
@@ -219,27 +224,24 @@ router.post(
     let key = await Key.GET_KEY(req.body.key, true);
     if (key.get_charge() < blinded_tokens.length) {
+      await key.save();
         message: "Invalid Key",
+      return;
     } else {
       await key.save();
-    // Make signing requests always the same duration to prevent timing attacks on the private key
-    let duration_millis = 1000;
-    let start_time = dayjs();
     let crypto = new Crypto();
     await crypto
-      .then((private_key) => {
+      .then(async (private_key) => {
         for (let i = 0; i < blinded_tokens.length; i++) {
           let blinded_token = blinded_tokens[i];
-          signed_tokens[blinded_token] = crypto
-            .sign(blinded_token, private_key)
-            .toString();
+          let signature = await crypto.sign(blinded_token, private_key);
+          signed_tokens[blinded_token] = signature.toString();
       .catch((reason) => {
@@ -248,21 +250,40 @@ router.post(
           status: 500,
           message: "Couldn't load private key",
+        return;
-    let missing_millis = Math.max(
-      duration_millis - dayjs().diff(start_time, "millisecond"),
-      0
-    );
+    res.status(201).json({
+      key: key.get_key,
+      discharged: blinded_tokens.length,
+      date: date.format(config.get("crypto.private_key.date_format")),
+      signed_tokens: signed_tokens,
+    });
+  }
-    setTimeout(() => {
-      res.status(201).json({
-        key: key.get_key,
-        discharged: blinded_tokens.length,
-        date: date.format(config.get("crypto.private_key.date_format")),
-        signed_tokens: signed_tokens,
-      });
-    }, missing_millis);
+  "/token/check",
+  authorizedOnly,
+  body("tokens")
+    .notEmpty()
+    .withMessage("Tokens need to be defined")
+    .bail()
+    .isArray({ min: 1, max: 10 })
+    .withMessage("You can supply between 1 and 10 tokens")
+    .bail()
+    .custom((value) => validateTokenStructure(value))
+    .bail()
+    .custom(async (value) => validateTokenSignature(value)),
+  async (req, res) => {
+    const errors = validationResult(req);
+    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
+      res.status(422).json(errors);
+      return;
+    }
+    res.json({
+      status: "OK",
+    });
@@ -276,85 +297,16 @@ router.post(
     .isArray({ min: 1, max: 10 })
     .withMessage("You can supply between 1 and 10 tokens")
-    .custom((value) => {
-      // Validate Tokens are each unique and in expected format
-      let checked_tokens = {};
-      for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
-        let token = value[i];
-        if (
-          !("token" in token) ||
-          !("signature" in token) ||
-          !("date" in token)
-        ) {
-          return Promise.reject("Token structure is invalid");
-        }
-        if (
-          typeof token.token !== "string" ||
-          typeof token.signature !== "string" ||
-          typeof token.date !== "string"
-        ) {
-          return Promise.reject("Token structure is invalid");
-        }
-        if (
-          !token.token.match(
-            /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/
-          )
-        ) {
-          return Promise.reject("Token format is invalid");
-        }
-        // Validate supplied expiration date
-        let date = dayjs(
-          token.date,
-          config.get("crypto.private_key.date_format")
-        );
-        let min = dayjs()
-          .millisecond(0)
-          .second(0)
-          .minute(0)
-          .hour(0)
-          .date(1)
-          .subtract(1, "month");
-        let max = min.add(2, "month");
-        if (!date.isValid() || date.isBefore(min) || !date.isBefore(max)) {
-          return Promise.reject("Submitted Expiration format is invalid");
-        }
-        if (!token.signature.match(/^\d+$/)) {
-          return Promise.reject("Signature invalid");
-        }
-        if (token.token in checked_tokens) {
-          return Promise.reject("The supplied tokens need to be unique");
-        } else {
-          checked_tokens[token.token] = true;
-        }
-      }
-      return true;
-    })
+    .custom((value) => validateTokenStructure(value))
-    .custom(async (value) => {
-      // Now that we checked Format of tokens: Check the signature
-      let crypto = new Crypto();
-      for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
-        let token = value[i];
-        let verification_result = await crypto.validateToken(
-          token.token,
-          token.date
-        );
-        if (!verification_result) {
-          return Promise.reject("Invalid Signatures");
-        }
-      }
-      return true;
-    }),
+    .custom(async (value) => validateTokenSignature(value)),
   async (req, res) => {
     const errors = validationResult(req);
     if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
-    res.json({
+    res.status(201).json({
       status: "OK",
@@ -387,4 +339,96 @@ function authorizedOnly(req, res, next) {
+async function validateTokenStructure(value) {
+  // Validate Tokens are each unique and in expected format
+  let checked_tokens = {};
+  let error = false;
+  for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
+    let token = value[i];
+    if (!("token" in token || typeof token.token != "string")) {
+      error = true;
+      value[i]["status"] = "field_missing_token";
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!("signature" in token || typeof token.signature != "string")) {
+      error = true;
+      value[i]["status"] = "field_missing_signature";
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!("date" in token || typeof token.date != "string")) {
+      error = true;
+      value[i]["status"] = "field_missing_date";
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (
+      !token.token.match(
+        /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/
+      )
+    ) {
+      error = true;
+      value[i]["status"] = "format_invalid_token";
+      continue;
+    }
+    // Validate supplied expiration date
+    let date = dayjs(token.date, config.get("crypto.private_key.date_format"));
+    let min = dayjs()
+      .millisecond(0)
+      .second(0)
+      .minute(0)
+      .hour(0)
+      .date(1)
+      .subtract(1, "month");
+    let max = min.add(2, "month");
+    if (!date.isValid() || date.isBefore(min) || !date.isBefore(max)) {
+      error = true;
+      value[i]["status"] = "format_invalid_date";
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!token.signature.match(/^\d+$/) || token.signature.length > 1024) {
+      error = true;
+      value[i]["status"] = "format_invalid_signature";
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (token.token in checked_tokens) {
+      error = true;
+      value[i]["status"] = "token_not_unique";
+      continue;
+    } else {
+      checked_tokens[token.token] = true;
+    }
+  }
+  if (error) {
+    return Promise.reject("Token structure is invalid");
+  }
+  return true;
+async function validateTokenSignature(value) {
+  // Now that we checked Format of tokens: Check the signature
+  let crypto = new Crypto();
+  let error = false;
+  for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
+    let token = value[i];
+    let verification_result = await crypto.validateToken(
+      token.token,
+      token.signature,
+      token.date
+    );
+    if (!verification_result) {
+      value[i]["status"] = "invalid_signature";
+      error = true;
+    } else {
+      value[i]["status"] = "ok";
+    }
+  }
+  if (error) {
+    return Promise.reject("Invalid Signatures");
+  }
+  return true;
 module.exports = router;