variables: DOCKER_HOST: "tcp://docker-dind.gitlab-suma:2375" AUTO_DEVOPS_BUILD_IMAGE_EXTRA_ARGS: "--network host" POSTGRES_ENABLED: "false" CODE_QUALITY_DISABLED: "true" CONTAINER_SCANNING_DISABLED: "true" DAST_DISABLED: "true" DEPENDENCY_SCANNING_DISABLED: "true" LICENSE_MANAGEMENT_DISABLED: "true" PERFORMANCE_DISABLED: "true" SAST_DISABLED: "true" TEST_DISABLED: "true" include: - template: Jobs/Build.gitlab-ci.yml - template: Jobs/Deploy.gitlab-ci.yml .auto-deploy: image: "" stages: - prepare - build - test - deploy # dummy stage to follow the template guidelines - review - dast - staging - canary - production - incremental rollout 10% - incremental rollout 25% - incremental rollout 50% - incremental rollout 100% - performance - cleanup prepare_secrets: stage: prepare image: alpine:latest script: - cp $ENV_FILE .env # Also provide env file artifacts: paths: - .env only: - branches - tags prepare_node: stage: prepare image: node:10 variables: npm_config_cache: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.npm" before_script: - npm install -g npm-cache - npm-cache install --cacheDirectory "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.npm-package-cache" npm script: - npm run prod artifacts: paths: - node_modules - public/css/all.css - public/mix-manifest.json cache: # Cache per Branch key: "metager-${CI_JOB_NAME}" paths: - .npm - .npm-package-cache only: - branches - tags prepare_composer: stage: prepare image: variables: COMPOSER_HOME: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.composer" script: - composer install --no-dev artifacts: paths: - vendor cache: key: "metager-${CI_JOB_NAME}" paths: - .composer build: services: review: variables: HELM_UPGRADE_EXTRA_ARGS: --set service.externalPort=80 --set service.internalPort=80 --set service.commonName= --set ingress.tls.enabled=false --set ingress.annotations.kubernetes\.io/tls-acme="false" --set ingress.annotations.nginx\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/ssl-redirect="false" ROLLOUT_RESOURCE_TYPE: deployment production: variables: ROLLOUT_RESOURCE_TYPE: deployment environment: url: