diff --git a/resources/lang/en/spende.php b/resources/lang/en/spende.php
index 40348bcda4705588803764756d658081f0659846..e653d6914ba3b63e0f4d3492f49dc455dd8e432b 100644
--- a/resources/lang/en/spende.php
+++ b/resources/lang/en/spende.php
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ return [
     "lastschrift.6"	=>	"Your IBAN or bank account number:",
     "lastschrift.7"	=>	"Your BIC or bank code:",
     "lastschrift.8.value"       => "Here you can tell us, what amount you want to donate:", 
-    "lastschrift.8.value.placeholder"       => "donation amount", 
-    "lastschrift.8.message"	=>	"Here you can informally add a message to your donation",
+    "lastschrift.8.value.placeholder"       => "Donation amount", 
+    "lastschrift.8.message"	=>	"Here you can informally add a message to your donation:",
     "lastschrift.8.message.placeholder"	=>	"message",
     "lastschrift.9"	=>	"Donate",
     "lastschrift.10"	=>	"Your information is transmitted encrypted and is not read by a third party. The amount you enter will be debited from your account by us. SUMA-EV only uses your information for accounting; Your information is not passed on. Donations to the SUMA-EV are tax-deductible, because the association is recognized as charitable by the Finanzamt Hannover Nord (revenue board), listed in the register of associations, Amtsgericht Hannover under VR200033. A certificate for single donations above 200,-EUR is sent automatically (post address is required!). For donations below 200,-EUR an account current is enough for tax-deduction.",
diff --git a/resources/lang/es/spende.php b/resources/lang/es/spende.php
index fbc2c82107ee8ee4c9245f70b47cc9136ec02f89..753ea16e4fc10af139cf71ab11cb00011366e17a 100644
--- a/resources/lang/es/spende.php
+++ b/resources/lang/es/spende.php
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ return [
     "lastschrift.5"             => "Su numero de teléfono, para verificar su donación vía una llamada si fuese necesario:",
     "lastschrift.6"             => "Su IBAN o numero de cuenta:",
     "lastschrift.7"             => "Su BIC o \tcódigo de identificación bancaria:",
-    "lastschrift.8.value"       => "Aquí puede entrar su donación", 
-    "lastschrift.8.value.placeholder"       => "monto de donación", 
+    "lastschrift.8.value"       => "Aquí puede entrar su donación:", 
+    "lastschrift.8.value.placeholder"       => "Monto de donación", 
     "lastschrift.8.message"             => "Aquí puede enviarnos un mensaje adicional si quiere:",
     "lastschrift.8.message.placeholder" => "Mensaje",
     "lastschrift.9"             => "Donación",