diff --git a/resources/lang/de/faq.php b/resources/lang/de/faq.php index db07d89a63056c70f6588273bdf9f4efb98ba21e..dfb9cc8390eaa0bb7579a3fb5147b242943a9747 100644 --- a/resources/lang/de/faq.php +++ b/resources/lang/de/faq.php @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ return [ 'title' => 'MetaGer - FAQ', - 'faq.title' => 'FAQ', 'faq.1.h' => 'Was ist MetaGer?', 'faq.1.b' => 'MetaGer ist eine Suchmaschine, die Suchdienste parallel nach den von Ihnen eingegebenen Suchworten absucht und alle Ergebnisse zusammenfasst. MetaGer arbeitet die Ergebnisse sinnvoll auf. Dabei werden etwa (möglichst) alle doppelten Treffer (Doubletten) zu einem zusammengefasst. Eine vollständige Erkennung von Doubletten ist allerdings unmöglich. So etwas nennt man eine Meta-Suchmaschine. Wenn man also sinnvoll suchen will, dann muss man etliche Suchmaschinen nacheinander "von Hand" absuchen und alle Ergebnisse vergleichen und zusammenführen. Diese Arbeit kann einem ein Automat - die Metasuchmaschine – abnehmen. Dazu kommt der höhere Abdeckungsgrad, denn nicht jede Suchmaschine kennt das ganze Internet. Näheres zu Metasuchmaschinen finden Sie bei <a href="https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metasuchmaschine" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a>. Vielleicht genügen Ihnen die Ergebnisse, die Ihnen MetaGer präsentiert, vielleicht möchten Sie mit einer einzelnen Suchmaschine nochmals suchen. In der Ergebnisliste sehen Sie an jedem Ergebnis, woher es kam und können auch direkt klicken. Viele weitere Suchmaschinen finden Sie zum Beispiel hier: <a href="http://www.klug-suchen.de/" target="_blank">klug-suchen.de</a>.', 'faq.2.h' => 'Welche Suchdienste sucht MetaGer ab?', diff --git a/resources/lang/en/faq.php b/resources/lang/en/faq.php index ec9f8ae578d8d1366d340246ea64e40111dde760..f8a10ac9e20d33278138fc869b9a97a47dedf750 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en/faq.php +++ b/resources/lang/en/faq.php @@ -1,28 +1,29 @@ <?php return [ - "achtung" => "Warning! For our website is in constant development there are continuous changes to the structure and functionality of our website. We try to update our help pages as quickly as possible, but can not prevent temporary mistakes.", - "title" => "MetaGer - FAQ", - "faq.title" => "FAQ", - "faq.1.h" => "MetaGer – what is it?", - "faq.1.b" => "MetaGer is primarily a metasearch engine. The details are explained <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metasearch_engine\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>. Besides that MetaGer maintains a number of specialized crawlers and indexers of its own.", - "faq.2.h" => "Which search engines are meta-crawled by MetaGer?", - "faq.2.b" => "You might find a list at our menu \"customize\" on the MetaGer homepage", - "faq.3.h" => "Why does MetaGer has no button \"search over all search engines\"?", - "faq.3.b" => "The reason is, that the requirements of a search are are often not suitable for this. For a search for scientific results for example it makes no sense to search with a product search engine.", - "faq.4.h" => "Why don't you metacrawl search engine XY no longer?", - "faq.4.b" => "If we do not query a search engine which we did query before, then this has technical or \"political\" reasons.", - "faq.5.h" => "One search engine does not answer any more", - "faq.5.b" => "If you observe this it is probably a technical fault. Please email us in that case: office@suma-ev.de", - "faq.6.h" => "Unappropriate Content", - "faq.6.b.1" => "I found results with illegal content", - "faq.6.b.2" => "If you found content in the Internet, which you think is illegal, you might point your browser to http://www.jugendschutz.net/ and fill in the complaint form. Or you could email to us at <a href=\"mailto:jugendschutz@metager.de\" target=\"_blank\">jugendschutz@metager.de</a>", - "faq.7.h" => "Is it possible to integrate MetaGer in my own homepage?", - "faq.7.b" => "No problem! You might find detailed information if you click on our homepage on \"Tools\" and then \"Widget\"", - "faq.8.h" => "How can I register my homepage on MetaGer?", - "faq.8.b" => "You can't. MetaGer is a metasearch engine. It does not search itself, but lets search others. If you want to propagate your homepage, you have to visit all the other search engines for that purpose", - "faq.9.h" => "How does the MetaGer Ranking work?", - "faq.9.b" => "You would have to check our source code to find out.", - "faq.10.h" => "I can't use MetaGer with my browser xyz and operating system xyz. Need help!", - "faq.15.h" => "How was MetaGer started, what is the story behind MetaGer?" + "achtung" => "Warning! For our website is in constant development there are continuous changes to the structure and functionality of our website. We try to update our help pages as quickly as possible, but can not prevent temporary mistakes.", + + "title" => "MetaGer - FAQ", + + "faq.1.h" => "MetaGer – what is it?", + "faq.1.b" => "MetaGer is primarily a metasearch engine. The details are explained <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metasearch_engine\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>. Besides that MetaGer maintains a number of specialized crawlers and indexers of its own.", + "faq.2.h" => "Which search engines are meta-crawled by MetaGer?", + "faq.2.b" => "You might find a list at our menu \"customize\" on the MetaGer homepage", + "faq.3.h" => "Why does MetaGer has no button \"search over all search engines\"?", + "faq.3.b" => "The reason is, that the requirements of a search are are often not suitable for this. For a search for scientific results for example it makes no sense to search with a product search engine.", + "faq.4.h" => "Why don't you metacrawl search engine XY no longer?", + "faq.4.b" => "If we do not query a search engine which we did query before, then this has technical or \"political\" reasons.", + "faq.5.h" => "One search engine does not answer any more", + "faq.5.b" => "If you observe this it is probably a technical fault. Please email us in that case: office@suma-ev.de", + "faq.6.h" => "Unappropriate Content", + "faq.6.b.1" => "I found results with illegal content", + "faq.6.b.2" => "If you found content in the Internet, which you think is illegal, you might point your browser to http://www.jugendschutz.net/ and fill in the complaint form. Or you could email to us at <a href=\"mailto:jugendschutz@metager.de\" target=\"_blank\">jugendschutz@metager.de</a>", + "faq.7.h" => "Is it possible to integrate MetaGer in my own homepage?", + "faq.7.b" => "No problem! You might find detailed information if you click on our homepage on \"Tools\" and then \"Widget\"", + "faq.8.h" => "How can I register my homepage on MetaGer?", + "faq.8.b" => "You can't. MetaGer is a metasearch engine. It does not search itself, but lets search others. If you want to propagate your homepage, you have to visit all the other search engines for that purpose", + "faq.9.h" => "How does the MetaGer Ranking work?", + "faq.9.b" => "You would have to check our source code to find out.", + "faq.10.h" => "I can't use MetaGer with my browser xyz and operating system xyz. Need help!", + "faq.15.h" => "How was MetaGer started, what is the story behind MetaGer?", ]; diff --git a/resources/views/faq.blade.php b/resources/views/faq.blade.php index adb7e00a63e4fa6965433e4ac84794912721c2e1..4f7d76386e97336ba6319187ee8f4fc03d179eb2 100644 --- a/resources/views/faq.blade.php +++ b/resources/views/faq.blade.php @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ @section('content') <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">{!! trans('faq.achtung') !!}</div> <h1>{!! trans('faq.title') !!}</h1> - -<h2 id="faq">{!! trans('faq.faq.title') !!}</h2> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">{!! trans('faq.faq.1.h') !!}</h3>