diff --git a/app/MetaGer.php b/app/MetaGer.php
index 405ea65a7c95e21924909c8f7f63e80c86c6bc22..a10e355766515397205ac71f3ee2756e0cc458d8 100644
--- a/app/MetaGer.php
+++ b/app/MetaGer.php
@@ -1,105 +1,96 @@
 namespace App;
-use Illuminate\Http\Request;
-use Jenssegers\Agent\Agent;
 use App;
-use Storage;
-use Log;
-use Config;
-use Redis;
 use App\lib\TextLanguageDetect\TextLanguageDetect;
-use App\lib\TextLanguageDetect\LanguageDetect\TextLanguageDetectException;
+use Illuminate\Http\Request;
 use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
 use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
+use Jenssegers\Agent\Agent;
 use LaravelLocalization;
+use Log;
+use Redis;
 class MetaGer
-	# Einstellungen für die Suche
-	protected $fokus;
-	protected $eingabe;
-	protected $q;
-	protected $category;
-	protected $time;
-	protected $page;
-	protected $lang;
-	protected $cache = "";
-	protected $site;
-	protected $hostBlacklist = [];
-	protected $domainBlacklist = [];
-	protected $stopWords = [];
-    protected $phrases = [];
-	protected $engines = [];
-	protected $results = [];
-    protected $ads = [];
-	protected $warnings = [];
-    protected $errors = [];
-    protected $addedHosts = [];
-	# Daten über die Abfrage
-	protected $ip;
-	protected $language;
-	protected $agent;
-	# Konfigurationseinstellungen:
-	protected $sumaFile;
-	protected $mobile;
-	protected $resultCount;
-	protected $sprueche;
+    # Einstellungen für die Suche
+    protected $fokus;
+    protected $eingabe;
+    protected $q;
+    protected $category;
+    protected $time;
+    protected $page;
+    protected $lang;
+    protected $cache = "";
+    protected $site;
+    protected $hostBlacklist   = [];
+    protected $domainBlacklist = [];
+    protected $stopWords       = [];
+    protected $phrases         = [];
+    protected $engines         = [];
+    protected $results         = [];
+    protected $ads             = [];
+    protected $warnings        = [];
+    protected $errors          = [];
+    protected $addedHosts      = [];
+    # Daten über die Abfrage
+    protected $ip;
+    protected $language;
+    protected $agent;
+    # Konfigurationseinstellungen:
+    protected $sumaFile;
+    protected $mobile;
+    protected $resultCount;
+    protected $sprueche;
     protected $domainsBlacklisted = [];
-    protected $urlsBlacklisted = [];
+    protected $urlsBlacklisted    = [];
     protected $url;
     protected $languageDetect;
-	function __construct()
-	{
-        $this->starttime = microtime(true);   
-        if( file_exists(config_path() . "/blacklistDomains.txt") && file_exists(config_path() . "/blacklistUrl.txt") )
-        {
+    public function __construct()
+    {
+        $this->starttime = microtime(true);
+        if (file_exists(config_path() . "/blacklistDomains.txt") && file_exists(config_path() . "/blacklistUrl.txt")) {
             # Blacklists einlesen:
-            $tmp = file_get_contents(config_path() . "/blacklistDomains.txt");
+            $tmp                      = file_get_contents(config_path() . "/blacklistDomains.txt");
             $this->domainsBlacklisted = explode("\n", $tmp);
-            $tmp = file_get_contents(config_path() . "/blacklistUrl.txt");
-            $this->urlsBlacklisted = explode("\n", $tmp);
-        }else
-        {
+            $tmp                      = file_get_contents(config_path() . "/blacklistUrl.txt");
+            $this->urlsBlacklisted    = explode("\n", $tmp);
+        } else {
             Log::warning("Achtung: Eine, oder mehrere Blacklist Dateien, konnten nicht geöffnet werden");
         $this->languageDetect = new TextLanguageDetect();
-	}
+    }
-    public function getHashCode ()
+    public function getHashCode()
         $string = url()->full();
         return md5($string);
-    public function rankAll ()
+    public function rankAll()
-        foreach( $this->engines as $engine )
-        {
+        foreach ($this->engines as $engine) {
-	public function createView()
-	{
-		$viewResults = [];
+    public function createView()
+    {
+        $viewResults = [];
         # Wir extrahieren alle notwendigen Variablen und geben Sie an unseren View:
-        foreach($this->results as $result)
-        {
+        foreach ($this->results as $result) {
             $viewResults[] = get_object_vars($result);
         # Wir müssen natürlich noch den Log für die durchgeführte Suche schreiben:
-        if( $this->fokus === "bilder" )
-        {
-            switch ($this->out) 
-            {
+        if ($this->fokus === "bilder") {
+            switch ($this->out) {
                 case 'results':
                     return view('metager3bilderresults')
                         ->with('results', $viewResults)
@@ -153,7 +144,7 @@ class MetaGer
                     ->with('browser', (new Agent())->browser());
-	}
+    }
     private function createLogs()
@@ -161,87 +152,94 @@ class MetaGer
             $logEntry = "";
-            $logEntry .= "[" . date(DATE_RFC822, mktime(date("H"),date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))) . "]";
+            $logEntry .= "[" . date(DATE_RFC822, mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))) . "]";
             $logEntry .= " pid=" . getmypid();
             $logEntry .= " ref=" . $this->request->header('Referer');
             $useragent = $this->request->header('User-Agent');
             $useragent = str_replace("(", " ", $useragent);
             $useragent = str_replace(")", " ", $useragent);
             $useragent = str_replace(" ", "", $useragent);
-            $logEntry .= " time=" . round((microtime(true)-$this->starttime), 2) . " serv=" . $this->fokus;
+            $logEntry .= " time=" . round((microtime(true) - $this->starttime), 2) . " serv=" . $this->fokus;
             $logEntry .= " search=" . $this->eingabe;
             $redis->rpush('logs.search', $logEntry);
-        }catch( \Exception $e)
-        {
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
-    public function removeInvalids ()
+    public function removeInvalids()
         $results = [];
-        foreach($this->results as $result)
-        {
-            if($result->isValid($this))
+        foreach ($this->results as $result) {
+            if ($result->isValid($this)) {
                 $results[] = $result;
+            }
         #$this->results = $results;
-	public function combineResults ()
-	{
-		foreach($this->engines as $engine)
-		{
-            foreach($engine->results as $result)
-            {
-                if($result->valid)
+    public function combineResults()
+    {
+        foreach ($this->engines as $engine) {
+            foreach ($engine->results as $result) {
+                if ($result->valid) {
                     $this->results[] = $result;
+                }
-            foreach($engine->ads as $ad)
-            {
+            foreach ($engine->ads as $ad) {
                 $this->ads[] = $ad;
-		}
-        uasort($this->results, function($a, $b){
-            if($a->getRank() == $b->getRank())
+        }
+        uasort($this->results, function ($a, $b) {
+            if ($a->getRank() == $b->getRank()) {
                 return 0;
+            }
             return ($a->getRank() < $b->getRank()) ? 1 : -1;
         # Validate Results
         $newResults = [];
-        foreach($this->results as $result)
-        {
-            if($result->isValid($this))
+        foreach ($this->results as $result) {
+            if ($result->isValid($this)) {
                 $newResults[] = $result;
+            }
         $this->results = $newResults;
-        $counter = 0;
+        $counter   = 0;
         $firstRank = 0;
-        foreach($this->results as $result)
-        {
-            if($counter === 0)
+        foreach ($this->results as $result) {
+            if ($counter === 0) {
                 $firstRank = $result->rank;
+            }
             $result->number = $counter;
-            $confidence = 0;
-            if($firstRank > 0)
-                $confidence = $result->rank/$firstRank;
-            else
+            $confidence     = 0;
+            if ($firstRank > 0) {
+                $confidence = $result->rank / $firstRank;
+            } else {
                 $confidence = 0;
-            if($confidence > 0.65)
+            }
+            if ($confidence > 0.65) {
                 $result->color = "#FF4000";
-            elseif($confidence > 0.4)
+            } elseif ($confidence > 0.4) {
                 $result->color = "#FF0080";
-            elseif($confidence > 0.2)
+            } elseif ($confidence > 0.2) {
                 $result->color = "#C000C0";
-            else
+            } else {
                 $result->color = "#000000";
+            }
         //Get current page form url e.g. &page=6
         $currentPage = LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPage();
-        $offset= $currentPage-1;
+        $offset      = $currentPage - 1;
         //Create a new Laravel collection from the array data
         $collection = new Collection($this->results);
@@ -259,72 +257,63 @@ class MetaGer
         $currentPageSearchResults = $this->parseAdgoal($currentPageSearchResults);
         //Create our paginator and pass it to the view
-        $paginatedSearchResults= new LengthAwarePaginator($currentPageSearchResults, count($collection), $perPage);
+        $paginatedSearchResults = new LengthAwarePaginator($currentPageSearchResults, count($collection), $perPage);
-        foreach($this->request->all() as $key => $value)
-        {
-            if( $key === "out" )
+        foreach ($this->request->all() as $key => $value) {
+            if ($key === "out") {
+            }
             $paginatedSearchResults->addQuery($key, $value);
         $this->results = $paginatedSearchResults;
-        if( LaravelLocalization::getCurrentLocale() === "en" )
-        {
+        if (LaravelLocalization::getCurrentLocale() === "en") {
             $this->ads = [];
         $this->validated = false;
-        if( isset($this->password) )
-        {
+        if (isset($this->password)) {
             # Wir bieten einen bezahlten API-Zugriff an, bei dem dementsprechend die Werbung ausgeblendet wurde:
             # Aktuell ist es nur die Uni-Mainz. Deshalb überprüfen wir auch nur diese.
             $password = getenv('mainz');
-            $eingabe = $this->eingabe;
+            $eingabe  = $this->eingabe;
             $password = md5($eingabe . $password);
-            if( $this->password === $password )
-            {
-                $this->ads = [];
+            if ($this->password === $password) {
+                $this->ads       = [];
                 $this->validated = true;
-	}
+    }
     public function parseBoost($results)
-	foreach($results as $result)
-        {
-		if(preg_match('/^(http[s]?\:\/\/)?(www.)?amazon\.de/',$result->anzeigeLink))
-		{
-			if(preg_match('/\?/',$result->anzeigeLink))
-	                {
-				$result->link .= '&tag=boostmg01-21';
-        	        } else
-			{
-				$result->link .= '?tag=boostmg01-21';
-			}
-			$result->partnershop = true;
-		}
-	}	
-	return $results;
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            if (preg_match('/^(http[s]?\:\/\/)?(www.)?amazon\.de/', $result->anzeigeLink)) {
+                if (preg_match('/\?/', $result->anzeigeLink)) {
+                    $result->link .= '&tag=boostmg01-21';
+                } else {
+                    $result->link .= '?tag=boostmg01-21';
+                }
+                $result->partnershop = true;
+            }
+        }
+        return $results;
     public function parseAdgoal($results)
-        $publicKey = getenv('adgoal_public');
+        $publicKey  = getenv('adgoal_public');
         $privateKey = getenv('adgoal_private');
-        if( $publicKey === FALSE )
-        {
+        if ($publicKey === false) {
             return $results;
         $tldList = "";
-        try{
-            foreach($results as $result)
-            {
+        try {
+            foreach ($results as $result) {
                 $link = $result->anzeigeLink;
-                if(strpos($link, "http") !== 0)
-                {
+                if (strpos($link, "http") !== 0) {
                     $link = "http://" . $link;
                 $tldList .= parse_url($link, PHP_URL_HOST) . ",";
@@ -335,105 +324,103 @@ class MetaGer
             # Hashwert
             $hash = md5("meta" . $publicKey . $tldList . "GER");
-            # Query 
+            # Query
             $query = urlencode($this->q);
-            $link = "https://api.smartredirect.de/api_v2/CheckForAffiliateUniversalsearchMetager.php?p=" . $publicKey . "&k=" . $hash . "&tld=" . $tldList . "&q=" . $query; 
+            $link   = "https://api.smartredirect.de/api_v2/CheckForAffiliateUniversalsearchMetager.php?p=" . $publicKey . "&k=" . $hash . "&tld=" . $tldList . "&q=" . $query;
             $answer = json_decode(file_get_contents($link));
             # Nun müssen wir nur noch die Links für die Advertiser ändern:
-            foreach($answer as $el)
-            {
+            foreach ($answer as $el) {
                 $hoster = $el[0];
-                $hash = $el[1];
+                $hash   = $el[1];
-                foreach($results as $result)
-                {
-                    if( $hoster === $result->tld )
-                    {
+                foreach ($results as $result) {
+                    if ($hoster === $result->tld) {
                         # Hier ist ein Advertiser:
                         # Das Logo hinzufügen:
-                        if( $result->image !== "" )
+                        if ($result->image !== "") {
                             $result->logo = "https://img.smartredirect.de/logos_v2/60x30/" . $hash . ".gif";
-                        else
+                        } else {
                             $result->image = "https://img.smartredirect.de/logos_v2/120x60/" . $hash . ".gif";
+                        }
                         # Den Link hinzufügen:
                         $publicKey = $publicKey;
                         $targetUrl = $result->anzeigeLink;
-                        if(strpos($targetUrl, "http") !== 0)
+                        if (strpos($targetUrl, "http") !== 0) {
                             $targetUrl = "http://" . $targetUrl;
-                        $gateHash = md5($targetUrl . $privateKey);
-                        $newLink = "https://api.smartredirect.de/api_v2/ClickGate.php?p=" . $publicKey . "&k=" . $gateHash . "&url=" . urlencode($targetUrl) . "&q=" . $query;
-                        $result->link = $newLink;
+                        }
+                        $gateHash            = md5($targetUrl . $privateKey);
+                        $newLink             = "https://api.smartredirect.de/api_v2/ClickGate.php?p=" . $publicKey . "&k=" . $gateHash . "&url=" . urlencode($targetUrl) . "&q=" . $query;
+                        $result->link        = $newLink;
                         $result->partnershop = true;
-        }catch(\ErrorException $e)
-        {
+        } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
             return $results;
         return $results;
-	public function createSearchEngines (Request $request)
-	{
+    public function createSearchEngines(Request $request)
+    {
-        if( !$request->has("eingabe") )
+        if (!$request->has("eingabe")) {
+        }
-		# Überprüfe, welche Sumas eingeschaltet sind
-        $xml = simplexml_load_file($this->sumaFile);
+        # Überprüfe, welche Sumas eingeschaltet sind
+        $xml                  = simplexml_load_file($this->sumaFile);
         $enabledSearchengines = [];
-        $overtureEnabled = FALSE;
-        $countSumas = 0;
-        $sumas = $xml->xpath("suma");
-        if($this->fokus === "angepasst")
-        {
-            foreach($sumas as $suma)
-            {
-                if($request->has($suma["name"]) 
-                	|| ( $this->fokus !== "bilder" 
-                		&& ($suma["name"]->__toString() === "qualigo" 
-                			|| $suma["name"]->__toString() === "similar_product_ads" 
-                			|| ( !$overtureEnabled && $suma["name"]->__toString() === "overtureAds" )
-                			)
-                		)
-                	){
-                	if(!(isset($suma['disabled']) && $suma['disabled']->__toString() === "1"))
-                    {
-                        if($suma["name"]->__toString() === "overture" || $suma["name"]->__toString() === "overtureAds")
-                        {
-                            $overtureEnabled = TRUE;
+        $overtureEnabled      = false;
+        $countSumas           = 0;
+        $sumas                = $xml->xpath("suma");
+        if ($this->fokus === "angepasst") {
+            foreach ($sumas as $suma) {
+                if ($request->has($suma["name"])
+                    || ($this->fokus !== "bilder"
+                        && ($suma["name"]->__toString() === "qualigo"
+                            || $suma["name"]->__toString() === "similar_product_ads"
+                            || (!$overtureEnabled && $suma["name"]->__toString() === "overtureAds")
+                        )
+                    )
+                ) {
+                    if (!(isset($suma['disabled']) && $suma['disabled']->__toString() === "1")) {
+                        if ($suma["name"]->__toString() === "overture" || $suma["name"]->__toString() === "overtureAds") {
+                            $overtureEnabled = true;
-                        if( $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "qualigo" && $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "similar_product_ads" && $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "overtureAds" )
+                        if ($suma["name"]->__toString() !== "qualigo" && $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "similar_product_ads" && $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "overtureAds") {
                             $countSumas += 1;
+                        }
                         $enabledSearchengines[] = $suma;
-        }else{
-            foreach($sumas as $suma){
-                $types = explode(",",$suma["type"]);
-                if(in_array($this->fokus, $types) 
-                	|| ( $this->fokus !== "bilder" 
-                		&& ($suma["name"]->__toString() === "qualigo" 
-                			|| $suma["name"]->__toString() === "similar_product_ads" 
-                			|| ( !$overtureEnabled && $suma["name"]->__toString() === "overtureAds" )
-                			)
-                		)
-                	){
-                    if(!(isset($suma['disabled']) && $suma['disabled']->__toString() === "1"))
-                    {
-                        if($suma["name"]->__toString() === "overture" || $suma["name"]->__toString() === "overtureAds")
-                        {
-                            $overtureEnabled = TRUE;
+        } else {
+            foreach ($sumas as $suma) {
+                $types = explode(",", $suma["type"]);
+                if (in_array($this->fokus, $types)
+                    || ($this->fokus !== "bilder"
+                        && ($suma["name"]->__toString() === "qualigo"
+                            || $suma["name"]->__toString() === "similar_product_ads"
+                            || (!$overtureEnabled && $suma["name"]->__toString() === "overtureAds")
+                        )
+                    )
+                ) {
+                    if (!(isset($suma['disabled']) && $suma['disabled']->__toString() === "1")) {
+                        if ($suma["name"]->__toString() === "overture" || $suma["name"]->__toString() === "overtureAds") {
+                            $overtureEnabled = true;
-                        if( $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "qualigo" && $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "similar_product_ads" && $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "overtureAds" )
+                        if ($suma["name"]->__toString() !== "qualigo" && $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "similar_product_ads" && $suma["name"]->__toString() !== "overtureAds") {
                             $countSumas += 1;
+                        }
                         $enabledSearchengines[] = $suma;
@@ -442,71 +429,63 @@ class MetaGer
         # Sonderregelung für alle Suchmaschinen, die zu den Minisuchern gehören. Diese können alle gemeinsam über einen Link abgefragt werden
         $subcollections = [];
-        $tmp = [];
-        foreach($enabledSearchengines as $engine )
-        {
-            if( isset($engine['minismCollection']) )
+        $tmp            = [];
+        foreach ($enabledSearchengines as $engine) {
+            if (isset($engine['minismCollection'])) {
                 $subcollections[] = $engine['minismCollection']->__toString();
-            else
+            } else {
                 $tmp[] = $engine;
+            }
         $enabledSearchengines = $tmp;
-        if( sizeof($subcollections) > 0)
-        {
-            $count = sizeof($subcollections) * 10;
-            $minisucherEngine = $xml->xpath('suma[@name="minism"]')[0];  
-            $subcollections = urlencode("(" . implode(" OR ", $subcollections) . ")");
+        if (sizeof($subcollections) > 0) {
+            $count                        = sizeof($subcollections) * 10;
+            $minisucherEngine             = $xml->xpath('suma[@name="minism"]')[0];
+            $subcollections               = urlencode("(" . implode(" OR ", $subcollections) . ")");
             $minisucherEngine["formData"] = str_replace("<<SUBCOLLECTIONS>>", $subcollections, $minisucherEngine["formData"]);
             $minisucherEngine["formData"] = str_replace("<<COUNT>>", $count, $minisucherEngine["formData"]);
-            $enabledSearchengines[] = $minisucherEngine;
+            $enabledSearchengines[]       = $minisucherEngine;
-        if( $countSumas <= 0 )
-        {
+        if ($countSumas <= 0) {
             $this->errors[] = "Achtung: Sie haben in ihren Einstellungen keine Suchmaschine ausgewählt.";
-		$engines = [];
+        $engines = [];
         $siteSearchFailed = false;
-        if( strlen($this->site) > 0 )
-        {
+        if (strlen($this->site) > 0) {
             # Wenn eine Sitesearch durchgeführt werden soll, überprüfen wir ob eine der Suchmaschinen überhaupt eine Sitesearch unterstützt:
             $enginesWithSite = 0;
-            foreach($enabledSearchengines as $engine)
-            {
-                if( isset($engine['hasSiteSearch']) && $engine['hasSiteSearch']->__toString() === "1" )
-                {
+            foreach ($enabledSearchengines as $engine) {
+                if (isset($engine['hasSiteSearch']) && $engine['hasSiteSearch']->__toString() === "1") {
-            if( $enginesWithSite === 0 )
-            {
-                $this->errors[] = "Sie wollten eine Sitesearch auf " . $this->site . " durchführen. Leider unterstützen die eingestellten Suchmaschinen diese nicht. Sie können <a href=\"" . $this->generateSearchLink("web", false) . "\">hier</a> die Sitesearch im Web-Fokus durchführen. Es werden ihnen Ergebnisse ohne Sitesearch angezeigt.";
+            if ($enginesWithSite === 0) {
+                $this->errors[]   = "Sie wollten eine Sitesearch auf " . $this->site . " durchführen. Leider unterstützen die eingestellten Suchmaschinen diese nicht. Sie können <a href=\"" . $this->generateSearchLink("web", false) . "\">hier</a> die Sitesearch im Web-Fokus durchführen. Es werden ihnen Ergebnisse ohne Sitesearch angezeigt.";
                 $siteSearchFailed = true;
-            }else
-            {
+            } else {
                 $this->warnings[] = "Sie führen eine Sitesearch durch. Es werden nur Ergebnisse von der Seite: <a href=\"http://" . $this->site . "\" target=\"_blank\">\"" . $this->site . "\"</a> angezeigt.";
         $typeslist = [];
-        $counter = 0;
+        $counter   = 0;
-		foreach($enabledSearchengines as $engine){
+        foreach ($enabledSearchengines as $engine) {
+            if (!$siteSearchFailed && strlen($this->site) > 0 && (!isset($engine['hasSiteSearch']) || $engine['hasSiteSearch']->__toString() === "0")) {
-            if( !$siteSearchFailed && strlen($this->site) > 0 && ( !isset($engine['hasSiteSearch']) || $engine['hasSiteSearch']->__toString() === "0")  )
-            {
             # Wenn diese Suchmaschine gar nicht eingeschaltet sein soll
             $path = "App\Models\parserSkripte\\" . ucfirst($engine["package"]->__toString());
-            if( !file_exists(app_path() . "/Models/parserSkripte/" . ucfirst($engine["package"]->__toString()) . ".php"))
-            {
+            if (!file_exists(app_path() . "/Models/parserSkripte/" . ucfirst($engine["package"]->__toString()) . ".php")) {
                 Log::error("Konnte " . $engine["name"] . " nicht abfragen, da kein Parser existiert");
@@ -516,42 +495,34 @@ class MetaGer
                 $tmp = new $path($engine, $this);
-            } catch( \ErrorException $e)
-            {
+            } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
                 Log::error("Konnte " . $engine["name"] . " nicht abfragen." . var_dump($e));
-            if($tmp->enabled && isset($this->debug))
-            {
-                $this->warnings[] = $tmp->service . "   Connection_Time: " . $tmp->connection_time . "    Write_Time: " . $tmp->write_time . " Insgesamt:" . ((microtime()-$time)/1000);
+            if ($tmp->enabled && isset($this->debug)) {
+                $this->warnings[] = $tmp->service . "   Connection_Time: " . $tmp->connection_time . "    Write_Time: " . $tmp->write_time . " Insgesamt:" . ((microtime() - $time) / 1000);
-            if($tmp->isEnabled())
-            {
-                $engines[] = $tmp;
+            if ($tmp->isEnabled()) {
+                $engines[]                 = $tmp;
                 $this->sockets[$tmp->name] = $tmp->fp;
-		}
+        }
         # Jetzt werden noch alle Kategorien der Settings durchgegangen und die jeweils enthaltenen namen der Suchmaschinen gespeichert.
         $foki = [];
-        foreach($sumas as $suma)
-        {
-            if( (!isset($suma['disabled']) || $suma['disabled'] === "") && ( !isset($suma['userSelectable']) || $suma['userSelectable']->__toString() === "1") )
-            {
-                if( isset($suma['type']) )
-                {
+        foreach ($sumas as $suma) {
+            if ((!isset($suma['disabled']) || $suma['disabled'] === "") && (!isset($suma['userSelectable']) || $suma['userSelectable']->__toString() === "1")) {
+                if (isset($suma['type'])) {
                     $f = explode(",", $suma['type']->__toString());
-                    foreach($f as $tmp)
-                    {
-                        $name = $suma['name']->__toString();
+                    foreach ($f as $tmp) {
+                        $name                                    = $suma['name']->__toString();
                         $foki[$tmp][$suma['name']->__toString()] = $name;
-                }else
-                {
-                    $name = $suma['name']->__toString();
+                } else {
+                    $name                                        = $suma['name']->__toString();
                     $foki["andere"][$suma['name']->__toString()] = $name;
@@ -559,30 +530,30 @@ class MetaGer
         # Es werden auch die Namen der aktuell aktiven Suchmaschinen abgespeichert.
         $realEngNames = [];
-        foreach($enabledSearchengines as $realEng) {
+        foreach ($enabledSearchengines as $realEng) {
             $nam = $realEng["name"]->__toString();
-            if($nam !== "qualigo" && $nam !== "overtureAds") {
+            if ($nam !== "qualigo" && $nam !== "overtureAds") {
                 $realEngNames[] = $nam;
         # Anschließend werden diese beiden Listen verglichen (jeweils eine der Fokuslisten für jeden Fokus), um herauszufinden ob sie vielleicht identisch sind. Ist dies der Fall, so hat der Nutzer anscheinend Suchmaschinen eines kompletten Fokus eingestellt. Der Fokus wird dementsprechend angepasst.
-        foreach($foki as $fok => $engs) {
-            $isFokus = true;
+        foreach ($foki as $fok => $engs) {
+            $isFokus      = true;
             $fokiEngNames = [];
-            foreach($engs as $eng) {
+            foreach ($engs as $eng) {
                 $fokiEngNames[] = $eng;
-            foreach($fokiEngNames as $fen) {
-                if(!in_array($fen, $realEngNames)) {
+            foreach ($fokiEngNames as $fen) {
+                if (!in_array($fen, $realEngNames)) {
                     $isFokus = false;
-            foreach($realEngNames as $ren) {
-                if(!in_array($ren, $fokiEngNames)) {
+            foreach ($realEngNames as $ren) {
+                if (!in_array($ren, $fokiEngNames)) {
                     $isFokus = false;
-            if($isFokus) {
+            if ($isFokus) {
                 $this->fokus = $fok;
@@ -595,104 +566,98 @@ class MetaGer
         # Wir zählen die Suchmaschinen, die durch den Cache beantwortet wurden:
         $enginesToLoad = 0;
-        $canBreak = false;
-        foreach($engines as $engine)
-        {
-            if( $engine->cached )
-            {
+        $canBreak      = false;
+        foreach ($engines as $engine) {
+            if ($engine->cached) {
-                if( $overtureEnabled && ( $engine->name === "overture" || $engine->name === "overtureAds" ) )
+                if ($overtureEnabled && ($engine->name === "overture" || $engine->name === "overtureAds")) {
                     $canBreak = true;
+                }
         $enginesToLoad += count($engines);
         $loadedEngines = 0;
-        $timeStart = microtime(true);
-        while( true )
-        {
-            $time = (microtime(true) - $timeStart) * 1000;
+        $timeStart     = microtime(true);
+        while (true) {
+            $time          = (microtime(true) - $timeStart) * 1000;
             $loadedEngines = intval(Redis::hlen('search.' . $this->getHashCode()));
-            if( $overtureEnabled && (Redis::hexists('search.' . $this->getHashCode(), 'overture') || Redis::hexists('search.' . $this->getHashCode(), 'overtureAds')))
+            if ($overtureEnabled && (Redis::hexists('search.' . $this->getHashCode(), 'overture') || Redis::hexists('search.' . $this->getHashCode(), 'overtureAds'))) {
                 $canBreak = true;
+            }
             # Abbruchbedingung
-            if($time < 500)
-            {
-                if(($enginesToLoad === 0 || $loadedEngines >= $enginesToLoad) && $canBreak)
+            if ($time < 500) {
+                if (($enginesToLoad === 0 || $loadedEngines >= $enginesToLoad) && $canBreak) {
-            }elseif( $time >= 500 && $time < $this->time)
-            {
-                if( ($enginesToLoad === 0 || ($loadedEngines / ($enginesToLoad * 1.0)) >= 0.8) && $canBreak )
+                }
+            } elseif ($time >= 500 && $time < $this->time) {
+                if (($enginesToLoad === 0 || ($loadedEngines / ($enginesToLoad * 1.0)) >= 0.8) && $canBreak) {
-            }else
-            {
+                }
+            } else {
-        foreach($engines as $engine)
-        {
-            if(!$engine->loaded)
-            {
-                try{
+        foreach ($engines as $engine) {
+            if (!$engine->loaded) {
+                try {
-                } catch(\ErrorException $e)
-                {
+                } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
         # und verwerfen den Rest:
-        foreach( $engines as $engine )
-        {
-            if( !$engine->loaded )
+        foreach ($engines as $engine) {
+            if (!$engine->loaded) {
+            }
         $this->engines = $engines;
-	}
-	public function parseFormData (Request $request)
-	{
-		if($request->input('encoding', '') !== "utf8")
-		{
-			# In früheren Versionen, als es den Encoding Parameter noch nicht gab, wurden die Daten in ISO-8859-1 übertragen
-			$input = $request->all();
-			foreach($input as $key => $value)
-			{
-				$input[$key] = mb_convert_encoding("$value", "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1");
-			}
-			$request->replace($input);
-		}
+    }
+    public function parseFormData(Request $request)
+    {
+        if ($request->input('encoding', '') !== "utf8") {
+            # In früheren Versionen, als es den Encoding Parameter noch nicht gab, wurden die Daten in ISO-8859-1 übertragen
+            $input = $request->all();
+            foreach ($input as $key => $value) {
+                $input[$key] = mb_convert_encoding("$value", "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1");
+            }
+            $request->replace($input);
+        }
         $this->url = $request->url();
-		# Zunächst überprüfen wir die eingegebenen Einstellungen:
+        # Zunächst überprüfen wir die eingegebenen Einstellungen:
         # FOKUS
         $this->fokus = trans('fokiNames.'
-        	. $request->input('focus', 'web'));
-        if(strpos($this->fokus,"."))
-        {
+            . $request->input('focus', 'web'));
+        if (strpos($this->fokus, ".")) {
             $this->fokus = trans('fokiNames.web');
         # SUMA-FILE
-        if(App::isLocale("en")){
+        if (App::isLocale("en")) {
             $this->sumaFile = config_path() . "/sumas.xml";
-        }else{
+        } else {
             $this->sumaFile = config_path() . "/sumas.xml";
-        if(!file_exists($this->sumaFile))
-        {
+        if (!file_exists($this->sumaFile)) {
             die("Suma-File konnte nicht gefunden werden");
         # Sucheingabe:
         $this->eingabe = trim($request->input('eingabe', ''));
-        if(strlen($this->eingabe) === 0)
-        {
+        if (strlen($this->eingabe) === 0) {
             $this->warnings[] = 'Achtung: Sie haben keinen Suchbegriff eingegeben. Sie können ihre Suchbegriffe oben eingeben und es erneut versuchen.';
         $this->q = $this->eingabe;
@@ -701,285 +666,263 @@ class MetaGer
         $this->ip = $request->ip();
         # Language:
-        if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_LANGUAGE']) )
-        {
+        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_LANGUAGE'])) {
             $this->language = $_SERVER['HTTP_LANGUAGE'];
-        }else
-        {
+        } else {
             $this->language = "";
         # Category
         $this->category = $request->input('category', '');
         # Request Times:
         $this->time = $request->input('time', 1000);
         # Page
         $this->page = $request->input('page', 1);
         # Lang
         $this->lang = $request->input('lang', 'all');
-        if ( $this->lang !== "de" && $this->lang !== "en" && $this->lang !== "all" )
-        {
-        	$this->lang = "all";
+        if ($this->lang !== "de" && $this->lang !== "en" && $this->lang !== "all") {
+            $this->lang = "all";
-        $this->agent = new Agent();
+        $this->agent  = new Agent();
         $this->mobile = $this->agent->isMobile();
         $this->sprueche = $request->input('sprueche', 'off');
-        if($this->sprueche === "off" )
+        if ($this->sprueche === "off") {
             $this->sprueche = true;
-        else
+        } else {
             $this->sprueche = false;
+        }
         # Ergebnisse pro Seite:
         $this->resultCount = $request->input('resultCount', '20');
         # Manchmal müssen wir Parameter anpassen um den Sucheinstellungen gerecht zu werden:
-        if( $request->has('dart') )
-        {
-        	$this->time = 10000;
-        	$this->warnings[] = "Hinweis: Sie haben Dart-Europe aktiviert. Die Suche kann deshalb länger dauern und die maximale Suchzeit wurde auf 10 Sekunden hochgesetzt.";
+        if ($request->has('dart')) {
+            $this->time       = 10000;
+            $this->warnings[] = "Hinweis: Sie haben Dart-Europe aktiviert. Die Suche kann deshalb länger dauern und die maximale Suchzeit wurde auf 10 Sekunden hochgesetzt.";
-        if( $this->time <= 500 || $this->time > 20000 )
-        {
-        	$this->time = 1000;
+        if ($this->time <= 500 || $this->time > 20000) {
+            $this->time = 1000;
-        if( $request->has('minism') && ( $request->has('fportal') || $request->has('harvest') ) )
-        {
-        	$input = $request->all();
-        	$newInput = [];
-        	foreach($input as $key => $value)
-        	{
-        		if( $key !== "fportal" && $key !== "harvest" )
-        		{
-        			$newInput[$key] = $value;
-        		}
-        	}
-        	$request->replace($newInput);
-        }
-        if( App::isLocale("en") )
-        {
-        	$this->sprueche = "off";
+        if ($request->has('minism') && ($request->has('fportal') || $request->has('harvest'))) {
+            $input    = $request->all();
+            $newInput = [];
+            foreach ($input as $key => $value) {
+                if ($key !== "fportal" && $key !== "harvest") {
+                    $newInput[$key] = $value;
+                }
+            }
+            $request->replace($newInput);
-        if($this->resultCount <= 0 || $this->resultCount > 200 )
-        {
-        	$this->resultCount = 1000;
+        if (App::isLocale("en")) {
+            $this->sprueche = "off";
-        if( $request->has('onenewspageAll') || $request->has('onenewspageGermanyAll') )
-        {
-        	$this->time = 5000;
-        	$this->cache = "cache";
+        if ($this->resultCount <= 0 || $this->resultCount > 200) {
+            $this->resultCount = 1000;
-        if( $request->has('tab'))
-        {
-            if($request->input('tab') === "off")
-            {
+        if ($request->has('onenewspageAll') || $request->has('onenewspageGermanyAll')) {
+            $this->time  = 5000;
+            $this->cache = "cache";
+        }
+        if ($request->has('tab')) {
+            if ($request->input('tab') === "off") {
                 $this->tab = "_blank";
-            }else
-            {
+            } else {
                 $this->tab = "_self";
-        }else
-        {
+        } else {
             $this->tab = "_blank";
-        if( $request->has('password') )
+        if ($request->has('password')) {
             $this->password = $request->input('password');
-        if( $request->has('quicktips') )
+        }
+        if ($request->has('quicktips')) {
             $this->quicktips = false;
-        else
+        } else {
             $this->quicktips = true;
+        }
         $this->out = $request->input('out', "html");
-        if($this->out !== "html" && $this->out !== "json" && $this->out !== "results" && $this->out !== "results-with-style")
+        if ($this->out !== "html" && $this->out !== "json" && $this->out !== "results" && $this->out !== "results-with-style") {
             $this->out = "html";
+        }
         $this->request = $request;
-	}
-	public function checkSpecialSearches (Request $request)
-	{
-		# Site Search:
-		if(preg_match("/(.*)\bsite:(\S+)(.*)/si", $this->q, $match))
-		{
-			$this->site = $match[2];
-			$this->q = $match[1] . $match[3];
-		}
-        if( $request->has('site') )
-        {
+    }
+    public function checkSpecialSearches(Request $request)
+    {
+        # Site Search:
+        if (preg_match("/(.*)\bsite:(\S+)(.*)/si", $this->q, $match)) {
+            $this->site = $match[2];
+            $this->q    = $match[1] . $match[3];
+        }
+        if ($request->has('site')) {
             $this->site = $request->input('site');
-		# Wenn die Suchanfrage um das Schlüsselwort "-host:*" ergänzt ist, sollen bestimmte Hosts nicht eingeblendet werden
-		# Wir prüfen, ob das hier der Fall ist:
-		while(preg_match("/(.*)(^|\s)-host:(\S+)(.*)/si", $this->q, $match))
-		{
-			$this->hostBlacklist[] = $match[3];
-			$this->q = $match[1] . $match[4];
-		}
-		if( sizeof($this->hostBlacklist) > 0 )
-		{
-			$hostString = "";
-			foreach($this->hostBlacklist as $host)
-			{
-				$hostString .= $host . ", ";
-			}
-			$hostString = rtrim($hostString, ", ");
-			$this->warnings[] = "Ergebnisse von folgenden Hosts werden nicht angezeigt: \"" . $hostString . "\"";
-		}
-		# Wenn die Suchanfrage um das Schlüsselwort "-domain:*" ergänzt ist, sollen bestimmte Domains nicht eingeblendet werden
-		# Wir prüfen, ob das hier der Fall ist:
-		while(preg_match("/(.*)(^|\s)-domain:(\S+)(.*)/si", $this->q, $match))
-		{
-			$this->domainBlacklist[] = $match[3];
-			$this->q = $match[1] . $match[4];
-		}
-		if( sizeof($this->domainBlacklist) > 0 )
-		{
-			$domainString = "";
-			foreach($this->domainBlacklist as $domain)
-			{
-				$domainString .= $domain . ", ";
-			}
-			$domainString = rtrim($domainString, ", ");
-			$this->warnings[] = "Ergebnisse von folgenden Domains werden nicht angezeigt: \"" . $domainString . "\"";
-		}
-		# Alle mit "-" gepräfixten Worte sollen aus der Suche ausgeschlossen werden.
-		# Wir prüfen, ob das hier der Fall ist:
-		while(preg_match("/(.*)(^|\s)-(\S+)(.*)/si", $this->q, $match))
-		{
-			$this->stopWords[] = $match[3];
-			$this->q = $match[1] . $match[4];
-		}
-		if( sizeof($this->stopWords) > 0 )
-		{
-			$stopwordsString = "";
-			foreach($this->stopWords as $stopword)
-			{
-				$stopwordsString .= $stopword . ", ";
-			}
-			$stopwordsString = rtrim($stopwordsString, ", ");
-			$this->warnings[] = "Sie machen eine Ausschlusssuche. Ergebnisse mit folgenden Wörtern werden nicht angezeigt: \"" . $stopwordsString . "\"";
-		}
-		# Meldung über eine Phrasensuche
-        $p = "";
+        # Wenn die Suchanfrage um das Schlüsselwort "-host:*" ergänzt ist, sollen bestimmte Hosts nicht eingeblendet werden
+        # Wir prüfen, ob das hier der Fall ist:
+        while (preg_match("/(.*)(^|\s)-host:(\S+)(.*)/si", $this->q, $match)) {
+            $this->hostBlacklist[] = $match[3];
+            $this->q               = $match[1] . $match[4];
+        }
+        if (sizeof($this->hostBlacklist) > 0) {
+            $hostString = "";
+            foreach ($this->hostBlacklist as $host) {
+                $hostString .= $host . ", ";
+            }
+            $hostString       = rtrim($hostString, ", ");
+            $this->warnings[] = "Ergebnisse von folgenden Hosts werden nicht angezeigt: \"" . $hostString . "\"";
+        }
+        # Wenn die Suchanfrage um das Schlüsselwort "-domain:*" ergänzt ist, sollen bestimmte Domains nicht eingeblendet werden
+        # Wir prüfen, ob das hier der Fall ist:
+        while (preg_match("/(.*)(^|\s)-domain:(\S+)(.*)/si", $this->q, $match)) {
+            $this->domainBlacklist[] = $match[3];
+            $this->q                 = $match[1] . $match[4];
+        }
+        if (sizeof($this->domainBlacklist) > 0) {
+            $domainString = "";
+            foreach ($this->domainBlacklist as $domain) {
+                $domainString .= $domain . ", ";
+            }
+            $domainString     = rtrim($domainString, ", ");
+            $this->warnings[] = "Ergebnisse von folgenden Domains werden nicht angezeigt: \"" . $domainString . "\"";
+        }
+        # Alle mit "-" gepräfixten Worte sollen aus der Suche ausgeschlossen werden.
+        # Wir prüfen, ob das hier der Fall ist:
+        while (preg_match("/(.*)(^|\s)-(\S+)(.*)/si", $this->q, $match)) {
+            $this->stopWords[] = $match[3];
+            $this->q           = $match[1] . $match[4];
+        }
+        if (sizeof($this->stopWords) > 0) {
+            $stopwordsString = "";
+            foreach ($this->stopWords as $stopword) {
+                $stopwordsString .= $stopword . ", ";
+            }
+            $stopwordsString  = rtrim($stopwordsString, ", ");
+            $this->warnings[] = "Sie machen eine Ausschlusssuche. Ergebnisse mit folgenden Wörtern werden nicht angezeigt: \"" . $stopwordsString . "\"";
+        }
+        # Meldung über eine Phrasensuche
+        $p   = "";
         $tmp = $this->q;
-		while(preg_match("/(.*)\"(.+)\"(.*)/si", $tmp, $match)){
-            $tmp = $match[1] . $match[3];
+        while (preg_match("/(.*)\"(.+)\"(.*)/si", $tmp, $match)) {
+            $tmp             = $match[1] . $match[3];
             $this->phrases[] = strtolower($match[2]);
-		}
-        foreach($this->phrases as $phrase)
-        {
+        }
+        foreach ($this->phrases as $phrase) {
             $p .= "\"$phrase\", ";
         $p = rtrim($p, ", ");
-        if(sizeof($this->phrases) > 0)
+        if (sizeof($this->phrases) > 0) {
             $this->warnings[] = "Sie führen eine Phrasensuche durch: $p";
-	}
+        }
-    public function getFokus ()
+    }
+    public function getFokus()
         return $this->fokus;
-    public function getIp ()
+    public function getIp()
         return $this->ip;
-    public function getEingabe ()
+    public function getEingabe()
         return $this->eingabe;
-    public function getQ ()
+    public function getQ()
-            return $this->q;
+        return $this->q;
-    public function getUrl ()
+    public function getUrl()
         return $this->url;
-    public function getTime ()
+    public function getTime()
         return $this->time;
-    public function getLanguage ()
+    public function getLanguage()
         return $this->language;
-    public function getLang ()
+    public function getLang()
         return $this->lang;
-    public function getSprueche ()
+    public function getSprueche()
         return $this->sprueche;
-    public function getCategory ()
+    public function getCategory()
         return $this->category;
-    public function getPhrases ()
+    public function getPhrases()
         return $this->phrases;
-    public function getSumaFile ()
+    public function getSumaFile()
         return $this->sumaFile;
-    public function getUserHostBlacklist ()
+    public function getUserHostBlacklist()
         return $this->hostBlacklist;
-    public function getUserDomainBlacklist ()
+    public function getUserDomainBlacklist()
         return $this->domainBlacklist;
-    public function getDomainBlacklist ()
+    public function getDomainBlacklist()
         return $this->domainsBlacklisted;
-    public function getUrlBlacklist ()
+    public function getUrlBlacklist()
         return $this->urlsBlacklisted;
-    public function getLanguageDetect ()
+    public function getLanguageDetect()
         return $this->languageDetect;
-    public function getStopWords ()
+    public function getStopWords()
         return $this->stopWords;
     public function getHostCount($host)
-        if(isset($this->addedHosts[$host]))
-        {
+        if (isset($this->addedHosts[$host])) {
             return $this->addedHosts[$host];
-        }else
-        {
+        } else {
             return 0;
     public function addHostCount($host)
         $hash = md5($host);
-        if(isset($this->addedHosts[$hash]))
-        {
+        if (isset($this->addedHosts[$hash])) {
             $this->addedHosts[$hash] += 1;
-        }else
-        {
+        } else {
             $this->addedHosts[$hash] = 1;
@@ -989,19 +932,23 @@ class MetaGer
     public function addLink($link)
-        if(strpos($link, "http://") === 0)
+        if (strpos($link, "http://") === 0) {
             $link = substr($link, 7);
-        if(strpos($link, "https://") === 0)
+        }
+        if (strpos($link, "https://") === 0) {
             $link = substr($link, 8);
-        if(strpos($link, "www.") === 0)
+        }
+        if (strpos($link, "www.") === 0) {
             $link = substr($link, 4);
+        }
         $link = trim($link, "/");
         $hash = md5($link);
-        if(isset($this->addedLinks[$hash]))
-        {
+        if (isset($this->addedLinks[$hash])) {
             return false;
-        }else
-        {
+        } else {
             $this->addedLinks[$hash] = 1;
             return true;
@@ -1010,12 +957,14 @@ class MetaGer
     public function generateSearchLink($fokus, $results = true)
-        $requestData = $this->request->except('page');
+        $requestData          = $this->request->except('page');
         $requestData['focus'] = $fokus;
-        if($results)
+        if ($results) {
             $requestData['out'] = "results";
-        else
+        } else {
             $requestData['out'] = "";
+        }
         $link = action('MetaGerSearch@search', $requestData);
         return $link;
@@ -1029,55 +978,57 @@ class MetaGer
     public function generateSiteSearchLink($host)
-        $host = urlencode($host);
-        $requestData = $this->request->except(['page','out']);
+        $host        = urlencode($host);
+        $requestData = $this->request->except(['page', 'out']);
         $requestData['eingabe'] .= " site:$host";
         $requestData['focus'] = "web";
-        $link = action('MetaGerSearch@search', $requestData);
+        $link                 = action('MetaGerSearch@search', $requestData);
         return $link;
-    public function generateRemovedHostLink ($host)
+    public function generateRemovedHostLink($host)
-        $host = urlencode($host);
-        $requestData = $this->request->except(['page','out']);
+        $host        = urlencode($host);
+        $requestData = $this->request->except(['page', 'out']);
         $requestData['eingabe'] .= " -host:$host";
         $link = action('MetaGerSearch@search', $requestData);
         return $link;
-    public function generateRemovedDomainLink ($domain)
+    public function generateRemovedDomainLink($domain)
-        $domain = urlencode($domain);
-        $requestData = $this->request->except(['page','out']);
+        $domain      = urlencode($domain);
+        $requestData = $this->request->except(['page', 'out']);
         $requestData['eingabe'] .= " -domain:$domain";
         $link = action('MetaGerSearch@search', $requestData);
         return $link;
-    public function getTab ()
+    public function getTab()
         return $this->tab;
-    public function getResults ()
+    public function getResults()
         return $this->results;
     public function popAd()
-        if(count($this->ads) > 0)
+        if (count($this->ads) > 0) {
             return get_object_vars(array_shift($this->ads));
-        else
+        } else {
             return null;
+        }
     public function getImageProxyLink($link)
-        $requestData = [];
+        $requestData        = [];
         $requestData["url"] = $link;
-        $link = action('Pictureproxy@get', $requestData);
+        $link               = action('Pictureproxy@get', $requestData);
         return $link;
-    public function showQuicktips ()
+    public function showQuicktips()
         return $this->quicktips;
diff --git a/app/Models/Result.php b/app/Models/Result.php
index b8424d984eaaaa35da9e8ca16bcf58b5c16879e4..62bd865d094e1a6bb41b4900d08afb7f1b50ff2e 100644
--- a/app/Models/Result.php
+++ b/app/Models/Result.php
@@ -2,256 +2,244 @@
 namespace App\Models;
 class Result
-	function __construct ( \SimpleXMLElement $provider, $titel, $link, $anzeigeLink , $descr, $gefVon, $sourceRank, $partnershop = false, $image = "", $price = 0 )
-	{
-		$this->titel = strip_tags(trim($titel));
-		$this->link = trim($link);
-		$this->anzeigeLink = trim($anzeigeLink);
-		$this->descr = strip_tags(trim($descr), '<p>');
-		$this->descr = preg_replace("/\n+/si", " ", $this->descr);
-		if( strlen($this->descr) > 250 )
-		{
-			$this->descr = wordwrap($this->descr, 250);
-			$this->descr = substr($this->descr, 0, strpos($this->descr, "\n"));
-		}
-		$this->gefVon = trim($gefVon);
-		$this->proxyLink = $this->generateProxyLink($this->link);
-		$this->sourceRank = $sourceRank;
-		if($this->sourceRank <= 0 || $this->sourceRank > 20)
-			$this->sourceRank = 20;
-		$this->sourceRank = 20 - $this->sourceRank;
-		if(isset($provider["engineBoost"]))
-		{
-			$this->engineBoost = floatval($provider["engineBoost"]->__toString());
-		}else
-		{
-			$this->engineBoost = 1;
-		}
-		$this->valid = true;
-		$this->host = @parse_url($link, PHP_URL_HOST);
-		$this->strippedHost = $this->getStrippedHost($this->anzeigeLink);
-		$this->strippedDomain = $this->getStrippedDomain($this->strippedHost);
-		$this->strippedLink = $this->getStrippedLink($this->anzeigeLink);
-		$this->rank = 0;
-		$this->partnershop = $partnershop;
-		$this->image = $image;
-		#die($this->anzeigeLink . "\r\n" . $this->strippedHost);
-	}
-	public function rank (\App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		$rank = 0;
-		$rank += ($this->sourceRank * 0.02);
-		#URL-Boost
-		$link = $this->anzeigeLink;
-		if(strpos($link, "http") !== 0)
-		{
-			$link = "http://" . $link;
-		}
-		$link = @parse_url($link, PHP_URL_HOST) . @parse_url($link, PHP_URL_PATH);
-		$tmpLi = $link;
-		$tmpEingabe = $metager->getQ();
-		$count = 0;
-		$tmpLink = "";
-		$regex = [
-			"/\s+/si",
-			"/http:/si",
-			"/https:/si",
-			"/www\./si",
-			"/\//si",
-			"/\./si",
-			"/-/si"
-			];
-		foreach($regex as $reg)
-		{
-			$link = preg_replace($regex, "", $link);
-			$tmpEingabe = preg_replace($regex, "", $tmpEingabe);
-		}
-		#die($tmpLi . "<br>" . $link . "<br>" . $tmpEingabe . "<br><br>");
-		foreach(str_split($tmpEingabe) as $char)
-		{
-			if( !$char || !$tmpEingabe || strlen($tmpEingabe) === 0 || strlen($char) === 0 )
-				continue;
-			if(strpos(strtolower($tmpLink), strtolower($char)) >= 0)
-			{
-				$count++;
-				$tmpLink = str_replace(urlencode($char), "", $tmpLink);
-			}
-			if(strlen($this->descr) > 80 && strlen($link) > 0)
-			{
-				#$rank += $count /((strlen($link)) * 60);
-			}
-		}
-		# Boost für Vorkommen der Suchwörter:
-		$maxRank = 0.1;
-		$tmpTitle = $this->titel;
-		$tmpDescription = $this->descr;
-		$isWithin = false;
-		$tmpRank = 0;
-		$tmpEingabe = $metager->getQ();
-		$tmpEingabe = preg_replace("/\b\w{1,3}\b/si", "", $tmpEingabe);
-		$tmpEingabe = preg_replace("/\s+/si", " ", $tmpEingabe);
-		#die($tmpEingabe);
-		foreach(explode(" ", trim($tmpEingabe)) as $el)
-		{
-			if( strlen($tmpTitle) === 0 || strlen($el) === 0 || strlen($tmpDescription) === 0 )
-				continue;
-			$el = preg_quote($el, "/");
-			if(strlen($tmpTitle) > 0)
-			{
-				if(preg_match("/\b$el\b/si", $tmpTitle))
-				{
-					$tmpRank += .7 * .6 * $maxRank;
-				}elseif (strpos($tmpTitle, $el) !== false) {
-					$tmpRank += .3 * .6 * $maxRank;
-				}
-			}
-			if( strlen($tmpDescription) > 0 )
-			{
-				if(preg_match("/\b$el\b/si", $tmpDescription))
-				{
-					$tmpRank += .7 * .4 * $maxRank;
-				}elseif (strpos($tmpDescription, $el) !== false) {
-					$tmpRank += .3 * .4 * $maxRank;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$tmpRank /= sizeof(explode(" ", trim($tmpEingabe))) * 10;
-		$rank += $tmpRank;
-		if($this->engineBoost > 0)
-		{
-			$rank *= floatval($this->engineBoost);
-		}
-		$this->rank = $rank;
-	}
-	public function getRank ()
-	{
-		return $this->rank;
-	}
-	public function isValid (\App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		# Zunächst die persönlich ( über URL-Parameter ) definierten Blacklists:
-		if(in_array($this->strippedHost, $metager->getUserHostBlacklist())
-			|| in_array($this->strippedDomain, $metager->getUserDomainBlacklist()))
-			return false;
-		# Jetzt unsere URL und Domain Blacklist
-		if($this->strippedHost !== "" && (in_array($this->strippedHost, $metager->getDomainBlacklist()) || in_array($this->strippedLink, $metager->getUrlBlacklist())))
-		{
-			return false;
-		}
-		# Nun der Eventuelle Sprachfilter
-		if( $metager->getLang() !== "all" )
-		{
-			$text = $this->titel . " " . $this->descr;
-			$path = app_path() . "/Models/lang.pl";
-			$lang = exec("echo '$text' | $path");
-			if( $metager->getLang() !== $lang )
-				return false;
-		}
-		# Wir wenden die Stoppwortsuche an und schmeißen entsprechende Ergebnisse raus:
-		foreach($metager->getStopWords() as $stopWord)
-		{
-			$text = $this->titel . " " . $this->descr;
-			if(stripos($text, $stopWord) !== false)
-			{
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		# Die Strinsuche:
-		$text = strtolower($this->titel) . " " . strtolower($this->descr);
-		foreach($metager->getPhrases() as $phrase)
-		{
-			if(strpos($text, $phrase) === FALSE)
-				return false;
-		}
-		# Abschließend noch 2 Überprüfungen. Einmal den Host filter, der Sicherstellt, dass von jedem Host maximal 3 Links angezeigt werden
-		# und dann noch den Dublettefilter, der sicher stellt, dass wir nach Möglichkeit keinen Link doppelt in der Ergebnisliste haben
-		# Diese Überprüfung führen wir unter bestimmten Bedingungen nicht durch:
-		if($metager->getSite() === "" &&
-			strpos($this->strippedHost, "ncbi.nlm.nih.gov") === false &&
-			strpos($this->strippedHost, "twitter.com") === false &&
-			strpos($this->strippedHost, "www.ladenpreis.net") === false &&
-			strpos($this->strippedHost, "ncbi.nlm.nih.gov") === false &&
-			strpos($this->strippedHost, "www.onenewspage.com") === false)
-		{
-			$count = $metager->getHostCount($this->strippedHost);
-			if($count >= 3)
-			{
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		# Unabhängig davon unser Dublettenfilter:
-		if($metager->addLink($this->strippedLink))
-		{
-			$metager->addHostCount($this->strippedHost);
-			return true;
-		}else
-		{
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	private function getStrippedHost ($link)
-	{
-		if(strpos($link, "http") !== 0)
-			$link = "http://" . $link;
-		$link = @parse_url($link, PHP_URL_HOST);
-		$link = preg_replace("/^www\./si", "", $link);
-		return $link;
-	}
-	private function getStrippedLink ($link)
-	{
-		if(strpos($link, "http") !== 0)
-			$link = "http://" . $link;
-		$host = $this->strippedHost;
-		$path = @parse_url($link , PHP_URL_PATH);
-		return $host . $path;
-	}
-	private function getStrippedDomain ($link)
-	{
-		if(preg_match("/([^\.]*\.[^\.]*)$/si", $link, $match))
-		{
-			return $match[1];
-		}else
-		{
-			return $link;
-		}		
-	}
-	private function generateProxyLink ($link)
-	{
-		if(!$link)
-			return "";
-		$tmp = $link;
-		$tmp = preg_replace("/\r?\n$/s", "", $tmp);
-		$tmp = preg_replace("#^([\w+.-]+)://#s", "$1/", $tmp);
-		return "https://proxy.suma-ev.de/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/en/I0/" . $tmp;
-	}
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $provider, $titel, $link, $anzeigeLink, $descr, $gefVon, $sourceRank, $partnershop = false, $image = "", $price = 0)
+    {
+        $this->titel       = strip_tags(trim($titel));
+        $this->link        = trim($link);
+        $this->anzeigeLink = trim($anzeigeLink);
+        $this->descr       = strip_tags(trim($descr), '<p>');
+        $this->descr       = preg_replace("/\n+/si", " ", $this->descr);
+        if (strlen($this->descr) > 250) {
+            $this->descr = wordwrap($this->descr, 250);
+            $this->descr = substr($this->descr, 0, strpos($this->descr, "\n"));
+        }
+        $this->gefVon     = trim($gefVon);
+        $this->proxyLink  = $this->generateProxyLink($this->link);
+        $this->sourceRank = $sourceRank;
+        if ($this->sourceRank <= 0 || $this->sourceRank > 20) {
+            $this->sourceRank = 20;
+        }
+        $this->sourceRank = 20 - $this->sourceRank;
+        if (isset($provider["engineBoost"])) {
+            $this->engineBoost = floatval($provider["engineBoost"]->__toString());
+        } else {
+            $this->engineBoost = 1;
+        }
+        $this->valid          = true;
+        $this->host           = @parse_url($link, PHP_URL_HOST);
+        $this->strippedHost   = $this->getStrippedHost($this->anzeigeLink);
+        $this->strippedDomain = $this->getStrippedDomain($this->strippedHost);
+        $this->strippedLink   = $this->getStrippedLink($this->anzeigeLink);
+        $this->rank           = 0;
+        $this->partnershop    = $partnershop;
+        $this->image          = $image;
+        #die($this->anzeigeLink . "\r\n" . $this->strippedHost);
+    }
+    public function rank(\App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        $rank = 0;
+        $rank += ($this->sourceRank * 0.02);
+        #URL-Boost
+        $link = $this->anzeigeLink;
+        if (strpos($link, "http") !== 0) {
+            $link = "http://" . $link;
+        }
+        $link       = @parse_url($link, PHP_URL_HOST) . @parse_url($link, PHP_URL_PATH);
+        $tmpLi      = $link;
+        $tmpEingabe = $metager->getQ();
+        $count      = 0;
+        $tmpLink    = "";
+        $regex = [
+            "/\s+/si",
+            "/http:/si",
+            "/https:/si",
+            "/www\./si",
+            "/\//si",
+            "/\./si",
+            "/-/si",
+        ];
+        foreach ($regex as $reg) {
+            $link       = preg_replace($regex, "", $link);
+            $tmpEingabe = preg_replace($regex, "", $tmpEingabe);
+        }
+        #die($tmpLi . "<br>" . $link . "<br>" . $tmpEingabe . "<br><br>");
+        foreach (str_split($tmpEingabe) as $char) {
+            if (!$char || !$tmpEingabe || strlen($tmpEingabe) === 0 || strlen($char) === 0) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (strpos(strtolower($tmpLink), strtolower($char)) >= 0) {
+                $count++;
+                $tmpLink = str_replace(urlencode($char), "", $tmpLink);
+            }
+            if (strlen($this->descr) > 80 && strlen($link) > 0) {
+                #$rank += $count /((strlen($link)) * 60);
+            }
+        }
+        # Boost für Vorkommen der Suchwörter:
+        $maxRank        = 0.1;
+        $tmpTitle       = $this->titel;
+        $tmpDescription = $this->descr;
+        $isWithin       = false;
+        $tmpRank        = 0;
+        $tmpEingabe     = $metager->getQ();
+        $tmpEingabe     = preg_replace("/\b\w{1,3}\b/si", "", $tmpEingabe);
+        $tmpEingabe     = preg_replace("/\s+/si", " ", $tmpEingabe);
+        #die($tmpEingabe);
+        foreach (explode(" ", trim($tmpEingabe)) as $el) {
+            if (strlen($tmpTitle) === 0 || strlen($el) === 0 || strlen($tmpDescription) === 0) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            $el = preg_quote($el, "/");
+            if (strlen($tmpTitle) > 0) {
+                if (preg_match("/\b$el\b/si", $tmpTitle)) {
+                    $tmpRank += .7 * .6 * $maxRank;
+                } elseif (strpos($tmpTitle, $el) !== false) {
+                    $tmpRank += .3 * .6 * $maxRank;
+                }
+            }
+            if (strlen($tmpDescription) > 0) {
+                if (preg_match("/\b$el\b/si", $tmpDescription)) {
+                    $tmpRank += .7 * .4 * $maxRank;
+                } elseif (strpos($tmpDescription, $el) !== false) {
+                    $tmpRank += .3 * .4 * $maxRank;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $tmpRank /= sizeof(explode(" ", trim($tmpEingabe))) * 10;
+        $rank += $tmpRank;
+        if ($this->engineBoost > 0) {
+            $rank *= floatval($this->engineBoost);
+        }
+        $this->rank = $rank;
+    }
+    public function getRank()
+    {
+        return $this->rank;
+    }
+    public function isValid(\App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        # Zunächst die persönlich ( über URL-Parameter ) definierten Blacklists:
+        if (in_array($this->strippedHost, $metager->getUserHostBlacklist())
+            || in_array($this->strippedDomain, $metager->getUserDomainBlacklist())) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        # Jetzt unsere URL und Domain Blacklist
+        if ($this->strippedHost !== "" && (in_array($this->strippedHost, $metager->getDomainBlacklist()) || in_array($this->strippedLink, $metager->getUrlBlacklist()))) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        # Nun der Eventuelle Sprachfilter
+        if ($metager->getLang() !== "all") {
+            $text = $this->titel . " " . $this->descr;
+            $path = app_path() . "/Models/lang.pl";
+            $lang = exec("echo '$text' | $path");
+            if ($metager->getLang() !== $lang) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        # Wir wenden die Stoppwortsuche an und schmeißen entsprechende Ergebnisse raus:
+        foreach ($metager->getStopWords() as $stopWord) {
+            $text = $this->titel . " " . $this->descr;
+            if (stripos($text, $stopWord) !== false) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        # Die Strinsuche:
+        $text = strtolower($this->titel) . " " . strtolower($this->descr);
+        foreach ($metager->getPhrases() as $phrase) {
+            if (strpos($text, $phrase) === false) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        # Abschließend noch 2 Überprüfungen. Einmal den Host filter, der Sicherstellt, dass von jedem Host maximal 3 Links angezeigt werden
+        # und dann noch den Dublettefilter, der sicher stellt, dass wir nach Möglichkeit keinen Link doppelt in der Ergebnisliste haben
+        # Diese Überprüfung führen wir unter bestimmten Bedingungen nicht durch:
+        if ($metager->getSite() === "" &&
+            strpos($this->strippedHost, "ncbi.nlm.nih.gov") === false &&
+            strpos($this->strippedHost, "twitter.com") === false &&
+            strpos($this->strippedHost, "www.ladenpreis.net") === false &&
+            strpos($this->strippedHost, "ncbi.nlm.nih.gov") === false &&
+            strpos($this->strippedHost, "www.onenewspage.com") === false) {
+            $count = $metager->getHostCount($this->strippedHost);
+            if ($count >= 3) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        # Unabhängig davon unser Dublettenfilter:
+        if ($metager->addLink($this->strippedLink)) {
+            $metager->addHostCount($this->strippedHost);
+            return true;
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    private function getStrippedHost($link)
+    {
+        if (strpos($link, "http") !== 0) {
+            $link = "http://" . $link;
+        }
+        $link = @parse_url($link, PHP_URL_HOST);
+        $link = preg_replace("/^www\./si", "", $link);
+        return $link;
+    }
+    private function getStrippedLink($link)
+    {
+        if (strpos($link, "http") !== 0) {
+            $link = "http://" . $link;
+        }
+        $host = $this->strippedHost;
+        $path = @parse_url($link, PHP_URL_PATH);
+        return $host . $path;
+    }
+    private function getStrippedDomain($link)
+    {
+        if (preg_match("/([^\.]*\.[^\.]*)$/si", $link, $match)) {
+            return $match[1];
+        } else {
+            return $link;
+        }
+    }
+    private function generateProxyLink($link)
+    {
+        if (!$link) {
+            return "";
+        }
+        $tmp = $link;
+        $tmp = preg_replace("/\r?\n$/s", "", $tmp);
+        $tmp = preg_replace("#^([\w+.-]+)://#s", "$1/", $tmp);
+        return "https://proxy.suma-ev.de/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/en/I0/" . $tmp;
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/Searchengine.php b/app/Models/Searchengine.php
index 3cf770a1b5f3516cd5cbea8448fd88630f622b74..a9c2c3638b81ad9f34d4860b3606a9ae32bca335 100644
--- a/app/Models/Searchengine.php
+++ b/app/Models/Searchengine.php
@@ -1,282 +1,267 @@
 namespace App\Models;
+use App\Jobs\Search;
 use App\MetaGer;
+use Cache;
+use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesJobs;
 use Log;
 use Redis;
-use App\Jobs\Search;
-use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesJobs;
-use Cache;
-abstract class Searchengine 
+abstract class Searchengine
-	use DispatchesJobs;
+    use DispatchesJobs;
-	protected $ch; 	# Curl Handle zum erhalten der Ergebnisse
-	public $fp;
-	protected $getString = "";
-	protected $engine;
-    protected $counter = 0;
+    protected $ch; # Curl Handle zum erhalten der Ergebnisse
+    public $fp;
+    protected $getString = "";
+    protected $engine;
+    protected $counter      = 0;
     protected $socketNumber = null;
-    public $enabled = true;
-	public $results = [];
-	public $ads = [];
-	public $write_time = 0;
-	public $connection_time = 0;
-	public $loaded = false;
-	public $cached = false;
-	function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		foreach($engine->attributes() as $key => $value){
-			$this->$key = $value->__toString();
-		}
-		if( !isset($this->homepage) )
-			$this->homepage = "https://metager.de";
-		$this->engine = $engine;
-		if( !isset($this->cacheDuration) )
-			$this->cacheDuration = 60;
-		# Wir registrieren die Benutzung dieser Suchmaschine
-		$this->uses = intval(Redis::hget($this->name, "uses")) + 1;
-		Redis::hset($this->name, "uses", $this->uses);
-		# Eine Suchmaschine kann automatisch temporär deaktiviert werden, wenn es Verbindungsprobleme gab:
-        if(isset($this->disabled) && strtotime($this->disabled) <= time() )
-        {
-        	# In diesem Fall ist der Timeout der Suchmaschine abgelaufen.
-        	$this->enable($metager->getSumaFile(), "Die Suchmaschine " . $this->name . " wurde wieder eingeschaltet.");
-        }elseif (isset($this->disabled) && strtotime($this->disabled) > time()) 
-        {
-        	$this->enabled = false;
-        	return;
+    public $enabled         = true;
+    public $results         = [];
+    public $ads             = [];
+    public $write_time      = 0;
+    public $connection_time = 0;
+    public $loaded          = false;
+    public $cached          = false;
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        foreach ($engine->attributes() as $key => $value) {
+            $this->$key = $value->__toString();
+        }
+        if (!isset($this->homepage)) {
+            $this->homepage = "https://metager.de";
+        }
+        $this->engine = $engine;
+        if (!isset($this->cacheDuration)) {
+            $this->cacheDuration = 60;
+        }
+        # Wir registrieren die Benutzung dieser Suchmaschine
+        $this->uses = intval(Redis::hget($this->name, "uses")) + 1;
+        Redis::hset($this->name, "uses", $this->uses);
+        # Eine Suchmaschine kann automatisch temporär deaktiviert werden, wenn es Verbindungsprobleme gab:
+        if (isset($this->disabled) && strtotime($this->disabled) <= time()) {
+            # In diesem Fall ist der Timeout der Suchmaschine abgelaufen.
+            $this->enable($metager->getSumaFile(), "Die Suchmaschine " . $this->name . " wurde wieder eingeschaltet.");
+        } elseif (isset($this->disabled) && strtotime($this->disabled) > time()) {
+            $this->enabled = false;
+            return;
+        }
+        # User-Agent definieren:
+        $this->useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.1";
+        $this->ip        = $metager->getIp();
+        $this->gefVon    = "<a href=\"" . $this->homepage . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $this->displayName . "</a>";
+        $this->startTime = microtime();
+        $q = "";
+        if (isset($this->hasSiteSearch) && $this->hasSiteSearch === "1") {
+            if (strlen($metager->getSite()) === 0) {
+                $q = $metager->getQ();
+            } else {
+                $q = $metager->getQ() . " site:" . $metager->getSite();
+            }
+        } else {
+            $q = $metager->getQ();
+        }
+        $this->getString  = $this->generateGetString($q, $metager->getUrl(), $metager->getLanguage(), $metager->getCategory());
+        $this->hash       = md5($this->host . $this->getString . $this->port . $this->name);
+        $this->resultHash = $metager->getHashCode();
+        if (Cache::has($this->hash)) {
+            $this->cached = true;
+            $this->retrieveResults();
+        } else {
+            # Die Anfragen an die Suchmaschinen werden nun von der Laravel-Queue bearbeitet:
+            # Hinweis: solange in der .env der QUEUE_DRIVER auf "sync" gestellt ist, werden die Abfragen
+            # nacheinander abgeschickt.
+            # Sollen diese Parallel verarbeitet werden, muss ein anderer QUEUE_DRIVER verwendet werden.
+            # siehe auch: https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/queues
+            $this->dispatch(new Search($this->resultHash, $this->host, $this->port, $this->name, $this->getString, $this->useragent, $metager->getSumaFile()));
+        }
+    }
+    abstract public function loadResults($result);
+    public function rank(\App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        foreach ($this->results as $result) {
+            $result->rank($metager);
+        }
+    }
+    private function setStatistic($key, $val)
+    {
+        $oldVal = floatval(Redis::hget($this->name, $key)) * $this->uses;
+        $newVal = ($oldVal + max($val, 0)) / $this->uses;
+        Redis::hset($this->name, $key, $newVal);
+        $this->$key = $newVal;
+    }
+    public function enable($sumaFile, $message)
+    {
+        Log::info($message);
+        $xml = simplexml_load_file($sumaFile);
+        unset($xml->xpath("//sumas/suma[@name='" . $this->name . "']")['0']['disabled']);
+        $xml->saveXML($sumaFile);
+    }
+    public function closeFp()
+    {
+        fclose($this->fp);
+    }
+    public function getSocket()
+    {
+        $number = Redis::hget('search.' . $this->hash, $this->name);
+        if ($number === null) {
+            die("test");
+            return null;
+        } else {
+            return pfsockopen($this->getHost() . ":" . $this->port . "/$number", $this->port, $errstr, $errno, 1);
+        }
+    }
+    public function retrieveResults()
+    {
+        if ($this->loaded) {
+            return true;
-		# User-Agent definieren:
-		$this->useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.1";
-		$this->ip = $metager->getIp();
-		$this->gefVon = "<a href=\"" . $this->homepage . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $this->displayName . "</a>";
-		$this->startTime = microtime();
-		$q = "";
-		if( isset($this->hasSiteSearch) && $this->hasSiteSearch === "1")
-		{
-			if(strlen($metager->getSite()) === 0)
-				$q = $metager->getQ();
-			else
-				$q = $metager->getQ() . " site:" . $metager->getSite();
-		}else
-		{
-			$q = $metager->getQ();
-		}
-		$this->getString = $this->generateGetString($q, $metager->getUrl(), $metager->getLanguage(), $metager->getCategory());
-		$this->hash = md5($this->host . $this->getString . $this->port . $this->name);
-		$this->resultHash = $metager->getHashCode();
-		if( Cache::has($this->hash) )
-		{
-			$this->cached = true;
-			$this->retrieveResults();
-		}else
-		{
-			# Die Anfragen an die Suchmaschinen werden nun von der Laravel-Queue bearbeitet:
-			# Hinweis: solange in der .env der QUEUE_DRIVER auf "sync" gestellt ist, werden die Abfragen
-			# nacheinander abgeschickt.
-			# Sollen diese Parallel verarbeitet werden, muss ein anderer QUEUE_DRIVER verwendet werden.
-			# siehe auch: https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/queues
-			$this->dispatch(new Search($this->resultHash, $this->host, $this->port, $this->name, $this->getString, $this->useragent, $metager->getSumaFile()));
-		}
-	}
-	public abstract function loadResults($result);
-	public function rank (\App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		foreach($this->results as $result)
-		{
-			$result->rank($metager);
-		}
-	}
-	private function setStatistic($key, $val)
-	{
-		$oldVal = floatval(Redis::hget($this->name, $key)) * $this->uses;
-		$newVal = ($oldVal + max($val, 0)) / $this->uses;
-		Redis::hset($this->name, $key, $newVal);
-		$this->$key = $newVal;
-	}
-	public function enable($sumaFile, $message)
-	{
-		Log::info($message);
-		$xml = simplexml_load_file($sumaFile);
-		unset($xml->xpath("//sumas/suma[@name='" . $this->name . "']")['0']['disabled']);
-		$xml->saveXML($sumaFile);
-	}
-	public function closeFp()
-	{
-		fclose($this->fp);
-	}
-	public function getSocket()
-	{
-		$number = Redis::hget('search.' . $this->hash, $this->name);
-		if( $number === null )
-		{
-			die("test");
-			return null;
-		}else
-		{
-			return pfsockopen($this->getHost() . ":" . $this->port . "/$number", $this->port, $errstr, $errno, 1);
-		}
-	}
-	public function retrieveResults()
-	{
-		if( $this->loaded )
-			return true;
-		$body = "";
-		if( $this->cacheDuration > 0 && Cache::has($this->hash) )
-		{
-			$body = Cache::get($this->hash);
-		}elseif ( Redis::hexists('search.' . $this->resultHash, $this->name) ) {
-			$body = Redis::hget('search.' . $this->resultHash, $this->name);
-			if( $this->cacheDuration > 0 )
-				Cache::put($this->hash, $body, $this->cacheDuration);
-		}
-		if( $body !== "" )
-		{
-			$this->loadResults($body);
-			$this->loaded = true;
-			Redis::hdel('search.' . $this->hash, $this->name);
-			return true;
-		}else
-		{
-			return false;
-		}		
-	}
-	public function shutdown()
-	{
-		Redis::del($this->host . "." . $this->socketNumber);
-	}
-	protected function getHost()
-	{
-		$return = "";
-		if( $this->port === "443" )
-		{
-			$return .= "tls://";
-		}else
-		{
-			$return .= "tcp://";
-		}
-		$return .= $this->host;
-		return $return;
-	}
-	public function getCurlInfo()
-	{
-		return curl_getinfo($this->ch);
-	}
-	public function getCurlErrors()
-	{
-		return curl_errno($this->ch);
-	}
-	public function addCurlHandle ($mh)
-	{
-		curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $this->ch);
-	}
-	public function removeCurlHandle ($mh)
-	{
-		curl_multi_remove_handle($mh, $this->ch);
-	}
-	private function generateGetString($query, $url, $language, $category)
-	{
-		$getString = "";
-		# Skript:
-		if(strlen($this->skript) > 0)
-			$getString .= $this->skript;
-		else
-			$getString .= "/";
-		# FormData:
-		if(strlen($this->formData) > 0)
-			$getString .= "?" . $this->formData;
-		# Wir müssen noch einige Platzhalter in dem GET-String ersetzen:
-		if( strpos($getString, "<<USERAGENT>>") ){
-			$getString = str_replace("<<USERAGENT>>", $this->urlEncode($this->useragent), $getString);
-		}
-		if( strpos($getString, "<<QUERY>>") )
-		{
-			$getString = str_replace("<<QUERY>>", $this->urlEncode($query), $getString);
-		}
-		if( strpos($getString, "<<IP>>") )
-		{
-			$getString = str_replace("<<IP>>", $this->urlEncode($this->ip), $getString);
-		}
-		if( strpos($getString, "<<LANGUAGE>>") )
-		{
-			$getString = str_replace("<<LANGUAGE>>", $this->urlEncode($language), $getString);
-		}
-		if( strpos($getString, "<<CATEGORY>>") )
-		{
-			$getString = str_replace("<<CATEGORY>>", $this->urlEncode($category), $getString);
-		}
-		if( strpos($getString, "<<AFFILDATA>>") )
-		{
-			$getString = str_replace("<<AFFILDATA>>", $this->getOvertureAffilData($url), $getString);
-		}
-		return $getString;
-	}
-	protected function urlEncode($string)
-	{
-		if(isset($this->inputEncoding))
-		{
-			return urlencode(mb_convert_encoding($string, $this->inputEncoding));
-		}else
-		{
-			return urlencode($string);
-		}
-	}
-	private function getOvertureAffilData($url)
-	{
-	    $affil_data = 'ip=' . $this->ip;
-	    $affil_data .= '&ua=' . $this->useragent;  
-	    if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ) {
-	       $affil_data .= '&xfip=' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
-	    }
-	    $affilDataValue = $this->urlEncode($affil_data);
-		# Wir benötigen die ServeUrl:
-		$serveUrl = $this->urlEncode($url);
-		return "&affilData=" . $affilDataValue . "&serveUrl=" . $serveUrl;
-	}
-	public function isEnabled ()
-	{
-		return $this->enabled;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+        $body = "";
+        if ($this->cacheDuration > 0 && Cache::has($this->hash)) {
+            $body = Cache::get($this->hash);
+        } elseif (Redis::hexists('search.' . $this->resultHash, $this->name)) {
+            $body = Redis::hget('search.' . $this->resultHash, $this->name);
+            if ($this->cacheDuration > 0) {
+                Cache::put($this->hash, $body, $this->cacheDuration);
+            }
+        }
+        if ($body !== "") {
+            $this->loadResults($body);
+            $this->loaded = true;
+            Redis::hdel('search.' . $this->hash, $this->name);
+            return true;
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    public function shutdown()
+    {
+        Redis::del($this->host . "." . $this->socketNumber);
+    }
+    protected function getHost()
+    {
+        $return = "";
+        if ($this->port === "443") {
+            $return .= "tls://";
+        } else {
+            $return .= "tcp://";
+        }
+        $return .= $this->host;
+        return $return;
+    }
+    public function getCurlInfo()
+    {
+        return curl_getinfo($this->ch);
+    }
+    public function getCurlErrors()
+    {
+        return curl_errno($this->ch);
+    }
+    public function addCurlHandle($mh)
+    {
+        curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $this->ch);
+    }
+    public function removeCurlHandle($mh)
+    {
+        curl_multi_remove_handle($mh, $this->ch);
+    }
+    private function generateGetString($query, $url, $language, $category)
+    {
+        $getString = "";
+        # Skript:
+        if (strlen($this->skript) > 0) {
+            $getString .= $this->skript;
+        } else {
+            $getString .= "/";
+        }
+        # FormData:
+        if (strlen($this->formData) > 0) {
+            $getString .= "?" . $this->formData;
+        }
+        # Wir müssen noch einige Platzhalter in dem GET-String ersetzen:
+        if (strpos($getString, "<<USERAGENT>>")) {
+            $getString = str_replace("<<USERAGENT>>", $this->urlEncode($this->useragent), $getString);
+        }
+        if (strpos($getString, "<<QUERY>>")) {
+            $getString = str_replace("<<QUERY>>", $this->urlEncode($query), $getString);
+        }
+        if (strpos($getString, "<<IP>>")) {
+            $getString = str_replace("<<IP>>", $this->urlEncode($this->ip), $getString);
+        }
+        if (strpos($getString, "<<LANGUAGE>>")) {
+            $getString = str_replace("<<LANGUAGE>>", $this->urlEncode($language), $getString);
+        }
+        if (strpos($getString, "<<CATEGORY>>")) {
+            $getString = str_replace("<<CATEGORY>>", $this->urlEncode($category), $getString);
+        }
+        if (strpos($getString, "<<AFFILDATA>>")) {
+            $getString = str_replace("<<AFFILDATA>>", $this->getOvertureAffilData($url), $getString);
+        }
+        return $getString;
+    }
+    protected function urlEncode($string)
+    {
+        if (isset($this->inputEncoding)) {
+            return urlencode(mb_convert_encoding($string, $this->inputEncoding));
+        } else {
+            return urlencode($string);
+        }
+    }
+    private function getOvertureAffilData($url)
+    {
+        $affil_data = 'ip=' . $this->ip;
+        $affil_data .= '&ua=' . $this->useragent;
+        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
+            $affil_data .= '&xfip=' . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
+        }
+        $affilDataValue = $this->urlEncode($affil_data);
+        # Wir benötigen die ServeUrl:
+        $serveUrl = $this->urlEncode($url);
+        return "&affilData=" . $affilDataValue . "&serveUrl=" . $serveUrl;
+    }
+    public function isEnabled()
+    {
+        return $this->enabled;
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Allesklar.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Allesklar.php
index da5de26355927ad588b9bd39f2354fbfaa15c880..8e43b26ddb4e783a6d3f29646d394e636ee3d754 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Allesklar.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Allesklar.php
@@ -7,55 +7,50 @@ use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
 class Allesklar extends Searchengine
-	protected $tds = "";
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$crawler = new Crawler(utf8_decode($result));
-		$crawler = $crawler
-					->filter('table[width=585]')
-					->reduce(function(Crawler $node, $i) {
-						if($i < 5)
-						{
-							return false;
-						}
-					});
-		$this->counter = 0;
-		$crawler->filter('table')->each(function (Crawler $node, $i) 
-		{
-			try {
-			$this->string = "";
-				$titleTag = $node->filter('tr > td > a')->first();
-				$title = trim($titleTag->filter('a')->text());
-				$link = $titleTag->filter('a')->attr('href');
-				if($i === 0)
-				{
-					$descr = trim($node->filter('tr > td.bodytext')->eq(3)->text());
-				}else
-				{
-					$descr = trim($node->filter('tr > td.bodytext')->eq(2)->text());
-				}
-				$this->counter++;
-				$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-					$this->engine,
-					$title,
-					$link,
-					$link,
-					$descr,
-					$this->gefVon,
-					$this->counter
-					);
-			} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e)
-			{
-			}
-		});	
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    protected $tds = "";
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $crawler = new Crawler(utf8_decode($result));
+        $crawler = $crawler
+            ->filter('table[width=585]')
+            ->reduce(function (Crawler $node, $i) {
+                if ($i < 5) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            });
+        $this->counter = 0;
+        $crawler->filter('table')->each(function (Crawler $node, $i) {
+            try {
+                $this->string = "";
+                $titleTag     = $node->filter('tr > td > a')->first();
+                $title        = trim($titleTag->filter('a')->text());
+                $link         = $titleTag->filter('a')->attr('href');
+                if ($i === 0) {
+                    $descr = trim($node->filter('tr > td.bodytext')->eq(3)->text());
+                } else {
+                    $descr = trim($node->filter('tr > td.bodytext')->eq(2)->text());
+                }
+                $this->counter++;
+                $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                    $this->engine,
+                    $title,
+                    $link,
+                    $link,
+                    $descr,
+                    $this->gefVon,
+                    $this->counter
+                );
+            } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+            }
+        });
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/BASE.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/BASE.php
index 990fcce0755ac79d9159dce35a6e9b9ab3465549..dc9d75cbace71e4c7941ec3eb8c2e27d9120a97f 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/BASE.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/BASE.php
@@ -1,33 +1,34 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class BASE extends Searchengine 
+class BASE extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,\App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$title = "";
-		$link = "";
-		$anzeigeLink = $link;
-		$descr = "";
+        $title       = "";
+        $link        = "";
+        $anzeigeLink = $link;
+        $descr       = "";
-		/*$this->counter++;
-		$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-			$title,
-			$link,
-			$anzeigeLink,
-			$descr,
-			$this->gefVon,
-			$this->counter
-		);*/		
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+        /*$this->counter++;
+    $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+    $title,
+    $link,
+    $anzeigeLink,
+    $descr,
+    $this->gefVon,
+    $this->counter
+    );*/
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Beammachine.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Beammachine.php
index 102f080619a8c1717c0457d585b1fe5225f200ed..2dd2355b7849bafff06d5a685a1beb7308245249 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Beammachine.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Beammachine.php
@@ -1,45 +1,43 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Beammachine extends Searchengine 
+class Beammachine extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$results = trim($result);
-		foreach( explode("\n", $results) as $result )
-		{
-			$res = explode("|", $result);
-			if(sizeof($res) < 3)
-			{
-				continue;
-			}
-			$title = $res[0];
-			$link = $res[1];
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $res[2];
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);		
-		}
-	}
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $results = trim($result);
+        foreach (explode("\n", $results) as $result) {
+            $res = explode("|", $result);
+            if (sizeof($res) < 3) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            $title       = $res[0];
+            $link        = $res[1];
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $res[2];
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing.php
index aeccd486d04ac8c9d1a1ef45d580c4406a77dfef..8cf01e0e74855af821eb97b9dfbbe83035749e51 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing.php
@@ -1,48 +1,45 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
 use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
-class Bing extends Searchengine 
+class Bing extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		try
-		{
-			$crawler = new Crawler($result);
-			$crawler->filter('ol#b_results > li.b_algo')->each(function (Crawler $node, $i)
-			{
-				$title = $node->filter('li h2 > a')->text();
-				$link = $node->filter('li h2 > a')->attr('href');
-				$anzeigeLink = $link;
-				$descr = $node->filter('li div > p')->text();
-				$this->counter++;
-				$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-					$this->engine,
-					$title,
-					$link,
-					$anzeigeLink,
-					$descr,
-					$this->gefVon,
-					$this->counter
-				);
-			} );
-		} catch ( \ErrorException $e)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            $crawler = new Crawler($result);
+            $crawler->filter('ol#b_results > li.b_algo')->each(function (Crawler $node, $i) {
+                $title       = $node->filter('li h2 > a')->text();
+                $link        = $node->filter('li h2 > a')->attr('href');
+                $anzeigeLink = $link;
+                $descr       = $node->filter('li div > p')->text();
+                $this->counter++;
+                $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                    $this->engine,
+                    $title,
+                    $link,
+                    $anzeigeLink,
+                    $descr,
+                    $this->gefVon,
+                    $this->counter
+                );
+            });
+        } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
+            return;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing_bilder.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing_bilder.php
index b7af2d187e86945f037065336210f6a87ce19bfb..c3ca2691099e8b001f9580bb95a95ac5f7ca442e 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing_bilder.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing_bilder.php
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
 use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
-class Bing_bilder extends Searchengine 
+class Bing_bilder extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $crawler = new Crawler($result);
+        $crawler->filter('div#b_content div.item')->each(function (Crawler $node, $i) {
+            $title       = $node->filter('div.meta > a.tit')->text();
+            $link        = $node->filter('div.meta > a.tit')->attr("href");
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $node->filter('div.meta > div.des')->text();
+            $image       = $node->filter('a.thumb img')->attr("src");
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$crawler = new Crawler($result);
-		$crawler->filter('div#b_content div.item')->each(function (Crawler $node, $i)
-		{
-			$title = $node->filter('div.meta > a.tit')->text();
-			$link = $node->filter('div.meta > a.tit')->attr("href");
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $node->filter('div.meta > div.des')->text();
-			$image = $node->filter('a.thumb img')->attr("src");
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter,
+                false,
+                $image
+            );
+        });
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter,
-				false,
-				$image
-			);
-		} );
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Dart.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Dart.php
index 1d0674aa50df5018caacc292e097f21dab6ce8c7..86f601e7162a3f5755674ba8b123851d060b1678 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Dart.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Dart.php
@@ -1,63 +1,67 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
 use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
-class Dart extends Searchengine 
+class Dart extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$crawler = new Crawler($result);
-		$crawler->filter('table#search-results > tr > td')->each(function (Crawler $node, $i)
-		{
-			$i = $i - ( 6 * $this->counter);
-			if($i === 0)
-				return;
-			if($i === 1)
-			{
-				$this->description = $node->text();
-				$this->link = "http://www.dart-europe.eu/" . $node->filter('a')->attr('href');
-			}
-			if($i === 2)
-				$this->title = $node->text();
-			if($i === 3)
-				$this->title .= " (" . $node->text() . ")";
-			if($i === 4)
-				$this->title .= " " . $node->text();
-			if($i === 5)
-			{
-				$this->title .= "|" . $node->text();
-				$title = $this->title;
-	                        $this->title = "";
-        	                $link = $this->link; 
-                	        $this->link = "";
-                        	$anzeigeLink = $link;
-	                        $descr = $this->description;
-        	                $this->description = "";
-	                        $this->counter++;
-        	                $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-                	                $this->engine,
-                        	        $title,
-                                	$link,
-	                                $anzeigeLink,
-        	                        $descr,
-                	                $this->gefVon,
-                        	        $this->counter
-	                        );
-			}
-		} );
-	}
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $crawler = new Crawler($result);
+        $crawler->filter('table#search-results > tr > td')->each(function (Crawler $node, $i) {
+            $i = $i - (6 * $this->counter);
+            if ($i === 0) {
+                return;
+            }
+            if ($i === 1) {
+                $this->description = $node->text();
+                $this->link        = "http://www.dart-europe.eu/" . $node->filter('a')->attr('href');
+            }
+            if ($i === 2) {
+                $this->title = $node->text();
+            }
+            if ($i === 3) {
+                $this->title .= " (" . $node->text() . ")";
+            }
+            if ($i === 4) {
+                $this->title .= " " . $node->text();
+            }
+            if ($i === 5) {
+                $this->title .= "|" . $node->text();
+                $title             = $this->title;
+                $this->title       = "";
+                $link              = $this->link;
+                $this->link        = "";
+                $anzeigeLink       = $link;
+                $descr             = $this->description;
+                $this->description = "";
+                $this->counter++;
+                $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                    $this->engine,
+                    $title,
+                    $link,
+                    $anzeigeLink,
+                    $descr,
+                    $this->gefVon,
+                    $this->counter
+                );
+            }
+        });
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Dmoznebel.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Dmoznebel.php
index 961157bf78c778ce0623cc2fb620a81a457c7a96..09354fe7aa52da4884a9f9125a66605489c84c7a 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Dmoznebel.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Dmoznebel.php
@@ -1,46 +1,45 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Dmoznebel extends Searchengine 
+class Dmoznebel extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = mb_convert_encoding($result, "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1");
-		$results = trim($result);
-		foreach( explode("\n", $results) as $result )
-		{
-			$res = explode("|", $result);
-			if(sizeof($res) < 3)
-			{
-				continue;
-			}
-			$title = $res[1];
-			$link = $res[2];
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $res[3];
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);		
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result  = mb_convert_encoding($result, "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1");
+        $results = trim($result);
+        foreach (explode("\n", $results) as $result) {
+            $res = explode("|", $result);
+            if (sizeof($res) < 3) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            $title       = $res[1];
+            $link        = $res[2];
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $res[3];
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Dmoznebel_int.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Dmoznebel_int.php
index a9a893ff86ca2e0e8433c293d0e9990b075eb5cc..cf2702461d0ed6d206cbc43eeb2117ba4396eef2 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Dmoznebel_int.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Dmoznebel_int.php
@@ -1,34 +1,35 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Dmoznebel_int extends Searchengine 
+class Dmoznebel_int extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$title = "";
-		$link = "";
-		$anzeigeLink = $link;
-		$descr = "";
+        $title       = "";
+        $link        = "";
+        $anzeigeLink = $link;
+        $descr       = "";
-		$this->counter++;
-		$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-			$this->engine,
-			$title,
-			$link,
-			$anzeigeLink,
-			$descr,
-			$this->gefVon,
-			$this->counter
-		);
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+        $this->counter++;
+        $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+            $this->engine,
+            $title,
+            $link,
+            $anzeigeLink,
+            $descr,
+            $this->gefVon,
+            $this->counter
+        );
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Ebay.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Ebay.php
index 0494cc9a40acf38e68c556feefe73430479cfca9..f3c6de8768511dd7cbbc1ccd17f17867c299fe63 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Ebay.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Ebay.php
@@ -1,67 +1,68 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-use DateTimeZone;
-use DateTime;
-class Ebay extends Searchengine 
+class Ebay extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = $content;
+        $results = $results->{"searchResult"};
+        $count   = 0;
+        foreach ($results->{"item"} as $result) {
+            $title       = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
+            $link        = $result->{"viewItemURL"}->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $time        = $result->{"listingInfo"}->{"endTime"}->__toString();
+            $time        = date(DATE_RFC2822, strtotime($time));
+            $price       = intval($result->{"sellingStatus"}->{"convertedCurrentPrice"}->__toString()) * 100;
+            $descr       = "<p>Preis: " . $result->{"sellingStatus"}->{"convertedCurrentPrice"}->__toString() . " €</p>";
+            $descr .= "<p>Versandkosten: " . $result->{"shippingInfo"}->{"shippingServiceCost"}->__toString() . " €</p>";
+            if (isset($result->{"listingInfo"}->{"listingType"})) {
+                $descr .= "<p>Auktionsart: " . $result->{"listingInfo"}->{"listingType"}->__toString() . "</p>";
+            }
+            $descr .= "<p>Auktionsende: " . $time . "</p>";
+            if (isset($result->{"primaryCategory"}->{"categoryName"})) {
+                $descr .= "<p class=\"text-muted\">Kategorie: " . $result->{"primaryCategory"}->{"categoryName"}->__toString() . "</p>";
+            }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+            $image = $result->{"galleryURL"}->__toString();
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter,
+                false,
+                $image,
+                $price
+            );
+            $count++;
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content;
-		$results = $results->{"searchResult"};
-		$count = 0;
-		foreach($results->{"item"} as $result)
-		{
-			$title = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
-			$link = $result->{"viewItemURL"}->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$time = $result->{"listingInfo"}->{"endTime"}->__toString();
-			$time = date(DATE_RFC2822, strtotime($time));
-			$price = intval($result->{"sellingStatus"}->{"convertedCurrentPrice"}->__toString()) * 100;
-			$descr = "<p>Preis: " . $result->{"sellingStatus"}->{"convertedCurrentPrice"}->__toString() . " €</p>";
-			$descr .= "<p>Versandkosten: " . $result->{"shippingInfo"}->{"shippingServiceCost"}->__toString() . " €</p>";
-			if( isset($result->{"listingInfo"}->{"listingType"}))
-				$descr .= "<p>Auktionsart: " . $result->{"listingInfo"}->{"listingType"}->__toString() . "</p>";
-			$descr .= "<p>Auktionsende: " . $time . "</p>";
-			if( isset($result->{"primaryCategory"}->{"categoryName"}))
-				$descr .= "<p class=\"text-muted\">Kategorie: " . $result->{"primaryCategory"}->{"categoryName"}->__toString() . "</p>";
-			$image = $result->{"galleryURL"}->__toString();
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter,
-				false,
-				$image,
-				$price
-			);
-			$count++;
+        }
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Ecoshopper.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Ecoshopper.php
index c5e74c27b2ced9b435e853ace3103a6696f66cc1..3b013d142df9cde559f6114b2b23767871dcb7f4 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Ecoshopper.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Ecoshopper.php
@@ -1,63 +1,62 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
 use Log;
-class Ecoshopper extends Searchengine 
+class Ecoshopper extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            Log::error("Ergebnisse von Ecoshopper konnten nicht eingelesen werden");
+            return;
+        }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = $content->xpath('//response/result[@name="response"]/doc');
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            $result      = simplexml_load_string($result->saveXML());
+            $title       = $result->xpath('//doc/str[@name="artikelName"]')[0]->__toString();
+            $link        = $result->xpath('//doc/str[@name="artikelDeeplink"]')[0]->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = parse_url($link);
+            if (isset($anzeigeLink['query'])) {
+                parse_str($anzeigeLink['query'], $query);
+                if (isset($query['diurl'])) {
+                    $anzeigeLink = $query['diurl'];
+                } else {
+                    $anzeigeLink = $link;
+                }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			Log::error("Ergebnisse von Ecoshopper konnten nicht eingelesen werden");
-			return;
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content->xpath('//response/result[@name="response"]/doc');
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			$result = simplexml_load_string($result->saveXML());
-			$title = $result->xpath('//doc/str[@name="artikelName"]')[0]->__toString();
-			$link = $result->xpath('//doc/str[@name="artikelDeeplink"]')[0]->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = parse_url($link);
-			if( isset($anzeigeLink['query']) )
-			{
-	                        parse_str($anzeigeLink['query'], $query);
-				if( isset($query['diurl']) )
-		                        $anzeigeLink = $query['diurl'];
-				else
-					$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			}else
-			{
-				$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			}
-			$descr = $result->xpath('//doc/str[@name="artikelBeschreibung"]')[0]->__toString();
-			$image = $result->xpath('//doc/str[@name="artikelImageurl"]')[0]->__toString();
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter,
-				false,
-				$image
-			);
-		}
-	}
+            } else {
+                $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            }
+            $descr = $result->xpath('//doc/str[@name="artikelBeschreibung"]')[0]->__toString();
+            $image = $result->xpath('//doc/str[@name="artikelImageurl"]')[0]->__toString();
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter,
+                false,
+                $image
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Europeana.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Europeana.php
index 2da2db448e9aac4a4d10999eae634202f8222f77..9715b87904aafef1d1a97cb159cdc3ca9e00b3f3 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Europeana.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Europeana.php
@@ -1,68 +1,66 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
-class Europeana extends Searchengine 
+class Europeana extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
+        try {
+            $content = json_decode($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid json string");
+        }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
-		try {
-			$content = json_decode($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid json string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
-		$results = $content->items;
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			if(isset($result->edmPreview)) {
-				$title = $result->title[0];
+        $results = $content->items;
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            if (isset($result->edmPreview)) {
+                $title = $result->title[0];
-				if (preg_match("/(.+)\?.*/si", $result->guid, $match)){
-					$link = $match[1];
-				} else {
-					$link = "";
-				}
+                if (preg_match("/(.+)\?.*/si", $result->guid, $match)) {
+                    $link = $match[1];
+                } else {
+                    $link = "";
+                }
-				$anzeigeLink = $link;
-				$descr = "";
+                $anzeigeLink = $link;
+                $descr       = "";
-				/*if (preg_match("/(?:uri=)(.+)/si", urldecode($result->edmPreview[0]), $match)){
-					$image = $match[1];
-				} else {
-					$image = "";
-				}
-				echo $image . "
-				$image = urldecode($result->edmPreview[0]);
-				$this->counter++;
-				$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-					$this->engine,
-					$title,
-					$link,
-					$anzeigeLink,
-					$descr,
-					$this->gefVon,
-					$this->counter,
-					false,
-					$image
-				);
-			}
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+                /*if (preg_match("/(?:uri=)(.+)/si", urldecode($result->edmPreview[0]), $match)){
+                $image = $match[1];
+                } else {
+                $image = "";
+                }
+                echo $image . "
+                ";*/
+                $image = urldecode($result->edmPreview[0]);
+                $this->counter++;
+                $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                    $this->engine,
+                    $title,
+                    $link,
+                    $anzeigeLink,
+                    $descr,
+                    $this->gefVon,
+                    $this->counter,
+                    false,
+                    $image
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Exalead.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Exalead.php
index 9d2aed861b0cdbcab2657007707d202fe2cb8743..8f7d671f8b7b83b3c981f99c78f7e26066f9b0e7 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Exalead.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Exalead.php
@@ -1,79 +1,76 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-use Log;
-class Exalead extends Searchengine 
+class Exalead extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results   = $content;
+        $prefix    = "";
+        $namespace = "";
+        foreach ($results->getDocNamespaces() as $strPrefix => $strNamespace) {
+            if (strlen($strPrefix) == 0) {
+                $prefix = "a"; //Assign an arbitrary namespace prefix.
+            } else {
+                $prefix = "a";
+            }
+            $namespace = $strNamespace;
+        }
+        $results->registerXPathNamespace($prefix, $namespace);
+        try {
+            $results = $results->xpath("//a:searchResult/a:item");
+        } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
+            return;
+        }
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            try {
+                $result->registerXPathNamespace($prefix, $namespace);
+                $title       = $result->xpath("a:metas/a:Meta[@name='title']/a:MetaString[@name='value']")[0]->__toString();
+                $link        = $result->xpath("a:metas/a:Meta[@name='url']/a:MetaString[@name='value']")[0]->__toString();
+                $anzeigeLink = $link;
+                $descr       = "";
+                if (sizeOf($result->xpath("a:metas/a:Meta[@name='metadesc']/a:MetaString[@name='value']")) === 0 && sizeOf($result->xpath("a:metas/a:Meta[@name='summary']/a:MetaText[@name='value']")) !== 0) {
+                    $tmp = $result->xpath("a:metas/a:Meta[@name='summary']/a:MetaText[@name='value']");
+                    foreach ($tmp as $el) {
+                        $descr .= strip_tags($el->asXML());
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    $descr = $result->xpath("a:metas/a:Meta[@name='metadesc']/a:MetaString[@name='value']")[0]->__toString();
+                }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content;
-		$prefix = ""; $namespace = "";
-		foreach($results->getDocNamespaces() as $strPrefix => $strNamespace) {
-    			if(strlen($strPrefix)==0) {
-			        $prefix="a"; //Assign an arbitrary namespace prefix.
-			}else {
-				$prefix="a";
-			}
-			$namespace = $strNamespace;
-		}
-		$results->registerXPathNamespace($prefix,$namespace);
-		try{
-			$results = $results->xpath("//a:searchResult/a:item");
-		} catch(\ErrorException $e)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			try{
-				$result->registerXPathNamespace($prefix,$namespace);
-				$title = $result->xpath("a:metas/a:Meta[@name='title']/a:MetaString[@name='value']")[0]->__toString();
-				$link = $result->xpath("a:metas/a:Meta[@name='url']/a:MetaString[@name='value']")[0]->__toString();
-				$anzeigeLink = $link;
-				$descr = "";
-				if(sizeOf($result->xpath("a:metas/a:Meta[@name='metadesc']/a:MetaString[@name='value']")) === 0 && sizeOf($result->xpath("a:metas/a:Meta[@name='summary']/a:MetaText[@name='value']")) !== 0)
-				{
-					$tmp = $result->xpath("a:metas/a:Meta[@name='summary']/a:MetaText[@name='value']");
-					foreach($tmp as $el)
-					{
-						$descr .= strip_tags($el->asXML());
-					}
-				}else
-					$descr = $result->xpath("a:metas/a:Meta[@name='metadesc']/a:MetaString[@name='value']")[0]->__toString();
-				$this->counter++;
-				$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-					$this->engine,
-					$title,
-					$link,
-					$anzeigeLink,
-					$descr,
-					$this->gefVon,
-					$this->counter
-				);
-			}catch(\ErrorException $e)
-			{
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
-	}
+                $this->counter++;
+                $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                    $this->engine,
+                    $title,
+                    $link,
+                    $anzeigeLink,
+                    $descr,
+                    $this->gefVon,
+                    $this->counter
+                );
+            } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Fairmondo.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Fairmondo.php
index 270954a92d0bc1f1b92c0134f2f716f330c1fd92..b18cd1bb319187c6f867b3c673404f5664b7235a 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Fairmondo.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Fairmondo.php
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Fairmondo extends Searchengine 
+class Fairmondo extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $results = json_decode($result, true);
+        $results = $results["articles"];
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            if ($this->counter >= 10) {
+                break;
+            }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$results = json_decode($result, true);
-		$results = $results["articles"];
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			if( $this->counter >= 10 )
-				break;
-			$title = $result["title"];
-			$link = "https://www.fairmondo.de/articles/" . $result["id"];
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$price = 0;
-			$descr = "";
-			if( isset($result['price_cents']))
-			{
-				$price = intval($result['price_cents']);
-				$descr .= "<p>Preis: " . (intval($result['price_cents']) / 100.0) . " €</p>";
-			}
-			if( isset($result['title_image_url']) )
-			{
-				$image = $result['title_image_url'];
-			}
+            $title       = $result["title"];
+            $link        = "https://www.fairmondo.de/articles/" . $result["id"];
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $price       = 0;
+            $descr       = "";
+            if (isset($result['price_cents'])) {
+                $price = intval($result['price_cents']);
+                $descr .= "<p>Preis: " . (intval($result['price_cents']) / 100.0) . " €</p>";
+            }
+            if (isset($result['title_image_url'])) {
+                $image = $result['title_image_url'];
+            }
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter,
-				false,
-				$image,
-				$price
-			);		
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter,
+                false,
+                $image,
+                $price
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Fastbot.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Fastbot.php
index 8fd1c19b63b8578dcdf4e66f283b950800d933e9..208d953c4f2912c64d8a2ffbf6373385f368b717 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Fastbot.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Fastbot.php
@@ -1,49 +1,48 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Fastbot extends Searchengine 
+class Fastbot extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+        if (strpos($this->urlEncode($metager->getEingabe()), "%") !== false) {
+            $this->enabled = false;
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-		if ( strpos($this->urlEncode($metager->getEingabe()), "%") !== FALSE )
-		{
-			$this->enabled = false;
-			return null;
-		}
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result  = utf8_encode($result);
+        $counter = 0;
+        foreach (explode("\n", $result) as $line) {
+            $line = trim($line);
+            if (strlen($line) > 0) {
+                # Hier bekommen wir jedes einzelne Ergebnis
+                $result = explode("|:|", $line);
+                $link   = $result[1];
+                $link   = substr($link, strpos($link, "href=\"") + 6);
+                $link   = substr($link, 0, strpos($link, "\""));
+                $counter++;
+                $this->gefVon    = "<a href=\"" . $this->homepage . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $this->displayName . " " . trans('results.redirect') . "</a>";
+                $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                    $this->engine,
+                    trim(strip_tags($result[1])),
+                    $link,
+                    $result[3],
+                    $result[2],
+                    $this->gefVon,
+                    $counter
+                );
+            }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = utf8_encode($result);
-		$counter = 0;
-		foreach( explode("\n", $result) as $line )
-		{
-			$line = trim($line);
-			if( strlen($line) > 0 ){
-				# Hier bekommen wir jedes einzelne Ergebnis
-				$result = explode("|:|", $line);
-				$link = $result[1];
-				$link = substr($link, strpos($link, "href=\"") + 6);
-				$link = substr($link, 0, strpos($link, "\""));
-				$counter++; 
-				$this->gefVon = "<a href=\"" . $this->homepage . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $this->displayName . " " . trans('results.redirect') . "</a>";
-				$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-					$this->engine,
-					trim(strip_tags($result[1])),
-					$link,
-					$result[3],
-					$result[2],
-					$this->gefVon,
-					$counter
-					);
-			}
-		}
+        }
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Fernsehsuche.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Fernsehsuche.php
index d8058b2f764dcee618efdb6b8745d46547419e8f..f33ff8f3e6f719f8990987f9185e33aa67d7fb56 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Fernsehsuche.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Fernsehsuche.php
@@ -1,51 +1,50 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Fernsehsuche extends Searchengine 
+class Fernsehsuche extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
-		try {
-			$content = json_decode($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
+        try {
+            $content = json_decode($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
-		$results = $content->response->docs;
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			$title = $result->show . " : " . $result->title;
-			$link = urldecode($result->url);
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $result->description;
-			$image = "http://api-resources.fernsehsuche.de" . $result->thumbnail;
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter,
-				false,
-				$image
-			);
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+        $results = $content->response->docs;
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            $title       = $result->show . " : " . $result->title;
+            $link        = urldecode($result->url);
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $result->description;
+            $image       = "http://api-resources.fernsehsuche.de" . $result->thumbnail;
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter,
+                false,
+                $image
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Flickr.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Flickr.php
index 50be0cd4b686415e1f4387ce03ef92ca1458a2f5..f657714bda98d19c67c82225b4238061aa3faa8b 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Flickr.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Flickr.php
@@ -1,51 +1,49 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
-class Flickr extends Searchengine 
+class Flickr extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content->xpath('//photos/photo');
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			$title = $result["title"]->__toString();
-			$link = "https://www.flickr.com/photos/" . $result["owner"]->__toString() . "/" . $result["id"]->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = "";
-			$image = "http://farm" . $result["farm"]->__toString() . ".staticflickr.com/" . $result["server"]->__toString() . "/" . $result["id"]->__toString() . "_" . $result["secret"]->__toString() . "_t.jpg";
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter,
-				false,
-				$image
-			);
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = $content->xpath('//photos/photo');
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            $title       = $result["title"]->__toString();
+            $link        = "https://www.flickr.com/photos/" . $result["owner"]->__toString() . "/" . $result["id"]->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = "";
+            $image       = "http://farm" . $result["farm"]->__toString() . ".staticflickr.com/" . $result["server"]->__toString() . "/" . $result["id"]->__toString() . "_" . $result["secret"]->__toString() . "_t.jpg";
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter,
+                false,
+                $image
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Goyax.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Goyax.php
index ccade3a7e1298e8e85f30f3e065f5a0f7726560d..9c21a49525fc398f6395643ca8ec753ab77721b7 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Goyax.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Goyax.php
@@ -1,42 +1,40 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
 use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
-class Goyax extends Searchengine 
+class Goyax extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$crawler = new Crawler($result);
-		$crawler->filter('tr.treffer')->each(function (Crawler $node, $i)
-		{
-			$title = $node->filter('td.name')->text();
-			$link = "http://www.goyax.de" . $node->filter('td.name > a')->attr('href');
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = "Aktie: " . $node->filter('td.waehrung')->text() . " " . $node->filter('td.isin')->text();
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);
-		} );
-	}
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $crawler = new Crawler($result);
+        $crawler->filter('tr.treffer')->each(function (Crawler $node, $i) {
+            $title       = $node->filter('td.name')->text();
+            $link        = "http://www.goyax.de" . $node->filter('td.name > a')->attr('href');
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = "Aktie: " . $node->filter('td.waehrung')->text() . " " . $node->filter('td.isin')->text();
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        });
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Loklak.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Loklak.php
index b0aea9ac102b09ed431c343c873d51f1bfba92a3..04d005eafce7ff4572e2eb7e164aca6a7645f132 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Loklak.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Loklak.php
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-use Log;
-class Loklak extends Searchengine 
+class Loklak extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        if (!$result) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = json_decode($result, true);
+        if (!isset($results['statuses'])) {
+            return;
+        }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		if(!$result)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = json_decode($result, true);
-		if( !isset($results['statuses']) )
-			return;
-		foreach($results['statuses'] as $result)
-		{
-			$title = $result["screen_name"];
-			$link = $result['link'];
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $result["text"];
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);
-		}
-	}
+        foreach ($results['statuses'] as $result) {
+            $title       = $result["screen_name"];
+            $link        = $result['link'];
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $result["text"];
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Mg_hochsch_de.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Mg_hochsch_de.php
index 011642d250078bf088bb2d54f342f0fe43f0888a..6914c8100b5d464864975de4882c9b07f097184e 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Mg_hochsch_de.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Mg_hochsch_de.php
@@ -1,45 +1,43 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Mg_hochsch_de extends Searchengine 
+class Mg_hochsch_de extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$results = trim($result);
-		foreach( explode("\n", $results) as $result )
-		{
-			$res = explode("|", $result);
-			if(sizeof($res) < 3)
-			{
-				continue;
-			}
-			$title = $res[0];
-			$link = $res[2];
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $res[1];
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);		
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $results = trim($result);
+        foreach (explode("\n", $results) as $result) {
+            $res = explode("|", $result);
+            if (sizeof($res) < 3) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            $title       = $res[0];
+            $link        = $res[2];
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $res[1];
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Mg_produkt2.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Mg_produkt2.php
index 6aba1210bcf821c88c0437f1f928e322a74d3ba3..839a20025c228518ec9a29603241403c867117f6 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Mg_produkt2.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Mg_produkt2.php
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
 use Log;
-class Mg_produkt2 extends Searchengine 
+class Mg_produkt2 extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            Log::error("MG_Produkt konnte keine Ergebnisse bekommen");
+            return;
+        }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			Log::error("MG_Produkt konnte keine Ergebnisse bekommen");
-			return;
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content->xpath('//response/result[@name="response"]/doc');
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			$result = simplexml_load_string($result->saveXML());
-			$title = $result->xpath('/doc/arr[@name="artikelName"]')[0]->{"str"}->__toString();
-			$link = $result->xpath('/doc/arr[@name="artikelDeeplink"]')[0]->{"str"}->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = parse_url($link);
-			parse_str($anzeigeLink['query'], $query);
-			$anzeigeLink = $query['diurl'];
-			$descr = $result->xpath('/doc/arr[@name="artikelBeschreibung"]')[0]->{"str"}->__toString();
-			$image = $result->xpath('/doc/arr[@name="artikelImageurl"]')[0]->{"str"}->__toString();
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter,
-				false,
-				$image
-			);
-		}
-	}
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = $content->xpath('//response/result[@name="response"]/doc');
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            $result      = simplexml_load_string($result->saveXML());
+            $title       = $result->xpath('/doc/arr[@name="artikelName"]')[0]->{"str"}->__toString();
+            $link        = $result->xpath('/doc/arr[@name="artikelDeeplink"]')[0]->{"str"}->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = parse_url($link);
+            parse_str($anzeigeLink['query'], $query);
+            $anzeigeLink = $query['diurl'];
+            $descr       = $result->xpath('/doc/arr[@name="artikelBeschreibung"]')[0]->{"str"}->__toString();
+            $image       = $result->xpath('/doc/arr[@name="artikelImageurl"]')[0]->{"str"}->__toString();
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter,
+                false,
+                $image
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Minisucher.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Minisucher.php
index c214f3ea693c4a3ea6114f7a72a3131b2641aff0..36dc2c6ca459a707a1128ccb54ddc866001c4b85 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Minisucher.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Minisucher.php
@@ -7,79 +7,73 @@ use App\Models\Searchengine;
 class Minisucher extends Searchengine
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,\App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	public function loadResults ($content)
-	{
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($content);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			return;
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content->xpath('//response/result/doc');
+    public function loadResults($content)
+    {
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($content);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = $content->xpath('//response/result/doc');
-		$string = "";
-		$counter = 0;
-		$providerCounter = [];
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			try{
-				$counter++;
-				$result = simplexml_load_string($result->saveXML());
+        $string = "";
-				$title = $result->xpath('//doc/arr[@name="title"]/str')[0]->__toString();
-				$link = $result->xpath('//doc/str[@name="url"]')[0]->__toString();
-				$anzeigeLink = $link;
-				$descr = "";
-				$descriptions = $content->xpath("//response/lst[@name='highlighting']/lst[@name='$link']/arr[@name='content']/str");
-				foreach($descriptions as $description)
-				{
-					$descr .= $description->__toString();
-				}
-				$descr = strip_tags($descr);
-				$provider = $result->xpath('//doc/str[@name="subcollection"]')[0]->__toString();
+        $counter         = 0;
+        $providerCounter = [];
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            try {
+                $counter++;
+                $result = simplexml_load_string($result->saveXML());
-				if( isset($providerCounter[$provider]) && $providerCounter[$provider] > 10 )
-					continue;
-				else
-				{
-					if( !isset($providerCounter[$provider]) )
-						$providerCounter[$provider] = 0;
-					$providerCounter[$provider] += 1;
-				}
+                $title        = $result->xpath('//doc/arr[@name="title"]/str')[0]->__toString();
+                $link         = $result->xpath('//doc/str[@name="url"]')[0]->__toString();
+                $anzeigeLink  = $link;
+                $descr        = "";
+                $descriptions = $content->xpath("//response/lst[@name='highlighting']/lst[@name='$link']/arr[@name='content']/str");
+                foreach ($descriptions as $description) {
+                    $descr .= $description->__toString();
+                }
+                $descr    = strip_tags($descr);
+                $provider = $result->xpath('//doc/str[@name="subcollection"]')[0]->__toString();
-				if( isset($provider) )
-				{
-					$gefVon = "<a href=\"https://metager.de\" target=\"_blank\">Minisucher: $provider</a>";
-				}else
-				{
-					$gefVon = $this->gefVon;
-				}
+                if (isset($providerCounter[$provider]) && $providerCounter[$provider] > 10) {
+                    continue;
+                } else {
+                    if (!isset($providerCounter[$provider])) {
+                        $providerCounter[$provider] = 0;
+                    }
-				$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-						$this->engine,
-						$title,
-						$link,
-						$link,
-						$descr,
-						$gefVon,
-						$counter
-						);
-			}catch(\ErrorException $e)
-			{
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
-	}
+                    $providerCounter[$provider] += 1;
+                }
\ No newline at end of file
+                if (isset($provider)) {
+                    $gefVon = "<a href=\"https://metager.de\" target=\"_blank\">Minisucher: $provider</a>";
+                } else {
+                    $gefVon = $this->gefVon;
+                }
+                $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                    $this->engine,
+                    $title,
+                    $link,
+                    $link,
+                    $descr,
+                    $gefVon,
+                    $counter
+                );
+            } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Mnogosearch.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Mnogosearch.php
index cd78a95a378905daa7b60de8b90e091cacc5443b..43f2ed81aac47f09d892fb47cbabc5f39465ec7e 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Mnogosearch.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Mnogosearch.php
@@ -1,51 +1,48 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
 use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
-class Mnogosearch extends Searchengine 
+class Mnogosearch extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$counter = 0;
-		$crawler = new Crawler($result);
-		$crawler->filter('table[width=600]')
-			->reduce(function (Crawler $node, $i) 
-			{
-				if(strpos($node->text(), "Result pages:") !== FALSE)
-				{
-					return false;
-				}
-			})
-			->each(function(Crawler $node, $i) 
-			{
-				$title = $node->filter('table > tr > td ')->eq(1)->filter('td > div')->text();
-				$title = preg_replace("/\s+/si", " ", $title);
-				$link = $node->filter('table > tr > td ')->eq(1)->filter('td > div > a')->attr('href');
-				$anzeigeLink = $link;
-				$descr = $node->filter('table > tr > td ')->eq(1)->filter('td > div')->eq(1)->text();
-				$this->counter++;
-				$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-					$this->engine,
-					$title,
-					$link,
-					$anzeigeLink,
-					$descr,
-					$this->gefVon,
-					$this->counter
-				);
-			});
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $counter = 0;
+        $crawler = new Crawler($result);
+        $crawler->filter('table[width=600]')
+            ->reduce(function (Crawler $node, $i) {
+                if (strpos($node->text(), "Result pages:") !== false) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            })
+            ->each(function (Crawler $node, $i) {
+                $title = $node->filter('table > tr > td ')->eq(1)->filter('td > div')->text();
+                $title = preg_replace("/\s+/si", " ", $title);
+                $link        = $node->filter('table > tr > td ')->eq(1)->filter('td > div > a')->attr('href');
+                $anzeigeLink = $link;
+                $descr       = $node->filter('table > tr > td ')->eq(1)->filter('td > div')->eq(1)->text();
+                $this->counter++;
+                $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                    $this->engine,
+                    $title,
+                    $link,
+                    $anzeigeLink,
+                    $descr,
+                    $this->gefVon,
+                    $this->counter
+                );
+            });
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Nebel.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Nebel.php
index a0335650405f362939c4d045d3f4bb1a22ef03ed..3dca04d3c5b6ecddeb4ebd19aa80908899da4ad9 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Nebel.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Nebel.php
@@ -1,42 +1,43 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Nebel extends Searchengine 
+class Nebel extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,\App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$results = trim($result);
-		foreach( explode("\n", $results) as $result )
-		{
-			$res = explode("|", $result);
-			if(sizeof($res) < 3)
-				continue;
-			$title = $res[2];
-			$link = $res[0];
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $res[1];
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);		
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $results = trim($result);
+        foreach (explode("\n", $results) as $result) {
+            $res = explode("|", $result);
+            if (sizeof($res) < 3) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            $title       = $res[2];
+            $link        = $res[0];
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $res[1];
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Onenewspage.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Onenewspage.php
index 24e9e1da2b93a4eebdc9dfcc7b1fcdfe402d6bc3..127378be689cfc9fa501bc445bff92b9fcf0cb5d 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Onenewspage.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Onenewspage.php
@@ -1,45 +1,43 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Onenewspage extends Searchengine 
+class Onenewspage extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$results = trim($result);
-		foreach( explode("\n", $results) as $result )
-		{
-			$res = explode("|", $result);
-			if(sizeof($res) < 3)
-			{
-				continue;
-			}
-			$title = $res[0];
-			$link = $res[2];
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $res[1];
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);		
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $results = trim($result);
+        foreach (explode("\n", $results) as $result) {
+            $res = explode("|", $result);
+            if (sizeof($res) < 3) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            $title       = $res[0];
+            $link        = $res[2];
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $res[1];
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Onenewspagegermany.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Onenewspagegermany.php
index 5783538d668252798de5f63f924910fcb7e02982..14585dd8f7a5971c4116f636ab242ce77bf809d6 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Onenewspagegermany.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Onenewspagegermany.php
@@ -1,44 +1,43 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
-use App\Models\Searchengine;
 use App\Models\Result;
+use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Onenewspagegermany extends Searchengine 
+class Onenewspagegermany extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $counter = 0;
+        foreach (explode("\n", $result) as $line) {
+            $line = trim($line);
+            if (strlen($line) > 0) {
+                # Hier bekommen wir jedes einzelne Ergebnis
+                $result = explode("|", $line);
+                if (sizeof($result) < 3) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                $counter++;
+                $this->results[] = new Result(
+                    $this->engine,
+                    trim(strip_tags($result[0])),
+                    $result[2],
+                    $result[2],
+                    $result[1],
+                    $this->gefVon,
+                    $counter
+                );
+            }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$counter = 0;
-		foreach( explode("\n", $result) as $line )
-		{
-			$line = trim($line);
-			if( strlen($line) > 0 ){
-				# Hier bekommen wir jedes einzelne Ergebnis
-				$result = explode("|", $line);
-				if(sizeof($result) < 3)
-				{
-					continue;
-				}
-				$counter++;
-				$this->results[] = new Result(
-					$this->engine,
-					trim(strip_tags($result[0])),
-					$result[2],
-					$result[2],
-					$result[1],
-					$this->gefVon,
-					$counter
-					);
-			}
-		}
+        }
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Onenewspagevideo.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Onenewspagevideo.php
index b7e33ad31d5efb0c666c90f7de6780555d7b4714..52414dade6f5e4b1cf42275fe89f7f59cdc6ffd8 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Onenewspagevideo.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Onenewspagevideo.php
@@ -1,44 +1,42 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Onenewspagevideo extends Searchengine 
+class Onenewspagevideo extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$results = trim($result);
-		foreach( explode("\n", $results) as $result )
-		{
-			$res = explode("|", $result);
-			if(sizeof($res) < 3)
-			{
-				continue;
-			}
-			$title = $res[0];
-			$link = $res[2];
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $res[1];
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $results = trim($result);
+        foreach (explode("\n", $results) as $result) {
+            $res = explode("|", $result);
+            if (sizeof($res) < 3) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            $title       = $res[0];
+            $link        = $res[2];
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $res[1];
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);		
-		}
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Openclipart.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Openclipart.php
index 73da73f023f34c8f4726f6de793856cf1f41a138..d6674bc71a5d6c78e44225f372a146a3e6c99db9 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Openclipart.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Openclipart.php
@@ -1,52 +1,50 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
-class Openclipart extends Searchengine 
+class Openclipart extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
+        try {
+            $content = json_decode($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid json string");
+        }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
-		try {
-			$content = json_decode($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid json string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
-		$results = $content->payload;
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			$title = $result->title;
-			$link = $result->detail_link;
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $result->description;
-			$image = $result->svg->url;
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter,
-				false,
-				$image
-			);
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+        $results = $content->payload;
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            $title       = $result->title;
+            $link        = $result->detail_link;
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $result->description;
+            $image       = $result->svg->url;
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter,
+                false,
+                $image
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Opencrawlastronomie.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Opencrawlastronomie.php
index 5d886cf602ca3b370156947587d271e70a076187..2cb36444db0e1cecf02136ad640e15d052fcecf3 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Opencrawlastronomie.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Opencrawlastronomie.php
@@ -1,52 +1,53 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Opencrawlastronomie extends Searchengine 
+class Opencrawlastronomie extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content->xpath('//rss/channel/item');
-		$count = 0;
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			if($count > 10)
-				break;
-			$title = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
-			$link = $result->{"link"}->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = strip_tags($result->{"description"}->__toString());
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);
-			$count++;
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = $content->xpath('//rss/channel/item');
+        $count   = 0;
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            if ($count > 10) {
+                break;
+            }
+            $title       = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
+            $link        = $result->{"link"}->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = strip_tags($result->{"description"}->__toString());
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+            $count++;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Opencrawlregengergie.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Opencrawlregengergie.php
index 156c7a92f485791b5162462f851f051dacde92e0..e601ce52b99892794d0f03454d987444d562e5c9 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Opencrawlregengergie.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Opencrawlregengergie.php
@@ -1,52 +1,53 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Opencrawlregengergie extends Searchengine 
+class Opencrawlregengergie extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content->xpath('//rss/channel/item');
-		$count = 0;
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			if($count > 10)
-				break;
-			$title = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
-			$link = $result->{"link"}->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = strip_tags($result->{"description"}->__toString());
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);
-			$count++;
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = $content->xpath('//rss/channel/item');
+        $count   = 0;
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            if ($count > 10) {
+                break;
+            }
+            $title       = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
+            $link        = $result->{"link"}->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = strip_tags($result->{"description"}->__toString());
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+            $count++;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Opencrawltauchen.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Opencrawltauchen.php
index 0237f60ebcda41cbb13ee232983aae195d06d1d1..db07e29d1772cc5c72564ca02dd97a2a7cfd8998 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Opencrawltauchen.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Opencrawltauchen.php
@@ -1,51 +1,52 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Opencrawltauchen extends Searchengine 
+class Opencrawltauchen extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content->xpath('//rss/channel/item');
-		$count = 0;
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			if($count > 10)
-				break;
-			$title = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
-			$link = $result->{"link"}->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = strip_tags($result->{"description"}->__toString());
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);
-			$count++;
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = $content->xpath('//rss/channel/item');
+        $count   = 0;
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            if ($count > 10) {
+                break;
+            }
+            $title       = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
+            $link        = $result->{"link"}->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = strip_tags($result->{"description"}->__toString());
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+            $count++;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Overture.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Overture.php
index 2aa36de78a9ee3c834999e2d505ed2cc68a6df19..f806c083212a6f36e5f15e6ea7711be739d1c3f2 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Overture.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Overture.php
@@ -1,68 +1,65 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-use Log;
-class Overture extends Searchengine 
+class Overture extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content->xpath('//Results/ResultSet[@id="inktomi"]/Listing');
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			$title = $result["title"];
-			$link = $result->{"ClickUrl"}->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = $result["siteHost"];
-			$descr = $result["description"];
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);
-		}
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = $content->xpath('//Results/ResultSet[@id="inktomi"]/Listing');
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            $title       = $result["title"];
+            $link        = $result->{"ClickUrl"}->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = $result["siteHost"];
+            $descr       = $result["description"];
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
-		# Nun noch die Werbeergebnisse:
-		$ads = $content->xpath('//Results/ResultSet[@id="searchResults"]/Listing');
-		foreach($ads as $ad)
-		{
-			$title = $ad["title"];
-			$link = $ad->{"ClickUrl"}->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = $ad["siteHost"];
-			$descr = $ad["description"];
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->ads[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+        # Nun noch die Werbeergebnisse:
+        $ads = $content->xpath('//Results/ResultSet[@id="searchResults"]/Listing');
+        foreach ($ads as $ad) {
+            $title       = $ad["title"];
+            $link        = $ad->{"ClickUrl"}->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = $ad["siteHost"];
+            $descr       = $ad["description"];
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->ads[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/OvertureAds.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/OvertureAds.php
index f28f74dde44896167fbc811b9b9471cdf04a7f6c..e48bc7ed6732c3fdbbd4bd9e85b46da268dbadb8 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/OvertureAds.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/OvertureAds.php
@@ -7,43 +7,41 @@ use App\Models\Searchengine;
 class OvertureAds extends Searchengine
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$ads = $content->xpath('//Results/ResultSet[@id="searchResults"]/Listing');
-		foreach($ads as $ad)
-		{
-			$title = $ad["title"];
-			$link = $ad->{"ClickUrl"}->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = $ad["siteHost"];
-			$descr = $ad["description"];
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->ads[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $ads = $content->xpath('//Results/ResultSet[@id="searchResults"]/Listing');
+        foreach ($ads as $ad) {
+            $title       = $ad["title"];
+            $link        = $ad->{"ClickUrl"}->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = $ad["siteHost"];
+            $descr       = $ad["description"];
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->ads[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Pixabay.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Pixabay.php
index 7753204e8a33f5ac381d34a4ac4e9e7f7774d537..31f07dc463faeb169530dcaa885f316cbd0b76f9 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Pixabay.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Pixabay.php
@@ -1,52 +1,50 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
-class Pixabay extends Searchengine 
+class Pixabay extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
+        try {
+            $content = json_decode($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid json string");
+        }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
-		try {
-			$content = json_decode($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid json string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
-		$results = $content->hits;
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			$title = $result->tags;
-			$link = $result->pageURL;
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = "";
-			$image = $result->previewURL;
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter,
-				false,
-				$image
-			);
-		}
-	}
+        $results = $content->hits;
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            $title       = $result->tags;
+            $link        = $result->pageURL;
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = "";
+            $image       = $result->previewURL;
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter,
+                false,
+                $image
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Qip.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Qip.php
index 79466600f63d44dd6d51bf9c2ef403ec5ef500bb..c043b7f27482f2ee193b74bdf6a104bd4ab0756f 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Qip.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Qip.php
@@ -1,48 +1,46 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-use Log;
-class Qip extends Searchengine 
+class Qip extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content->xpath('//channel/item');
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			$title = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
-			$link = $result->{"link"}->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $result->{"description"}->__toString();
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);
-		}
-	}
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = $content->xpath('//channel/item');
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            $title       = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
+            $link        = $result->{"link"}->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $result->{"description"}->__toString();
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Qualigo.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Qualigo.php
index 597f6ec8002356fbf5bd7ea328a7540ad01bb9f5..ff240f80268227b8e3fa3a0521ede039f0c4d786 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Qualigo.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Qualigo.php
@@ -7,41 +7,39 @@ use App\Models\Searchengine;
 class Qualigo extends Searchengine
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	public function loadResults ($results)
-	{
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($results);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content->xpath('//RL/RANK');
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			$title = $result->{"TITLE"}->__toString();
-			$link = $result->{"URL"}->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = $result->{"ORIGURL"}->__toString();
-			$descr = $result->{"ABSTRACT"}->__toString();
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->ads[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);
-		}
-	}
+    public function loadResults($results)
+    {
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($results);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
\ No newline at end of file
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = $content->xpath('//RL/RANK');
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            $title       = $result->{"TITLE"}->__toString();
+            $link        = $result->{"URL"}->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = $result->{"ORIGURL"}->__toString();
+            $descr       = $result->{"ABSTRACT"}->__toString();
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->ads[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Similar_product.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Similar_product.php
index afd4cf04282c5cbea0508b8b388cde17fc512f39..4a583402912ab85169b93ae7146c04561ead915f 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Similar_product.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Similar_product.php
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Similar_product extends Searchengine 
+class Similar_product extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$results = json_decode($result);
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $results = json_decode($result);
-		foreach($results->{"products"} as $result)
-		{
-			$title = $result->{"title"};
-			$link = $result->{"product_url"};
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $result->{"description"};
+        foreach ($results->{"products"} as $result) {
+            $title       = $result->{"title"};
+            $link        = $result->{"product_url"};
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $result->{"description"};
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);		
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Similar_product_ads.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Similar_product_ads.php
index 8db3b48824d0fa6be2f5ac00ac463e84e232740f..a8d1f42c28192a014bf69aae5128394bbff6a888 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Similar_product_ads.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Similar_product_ads.php
@@ -7,39 +7,37 @@ use App\Models\Searchengine;
 class Similar_product_ads extends Searchengine
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-		$tmp = $metager->getEingabe();
-		$tmp = preg_replace("/\W/si", "", $tmp);
-		if(strlen($tmp) < 3)
-		{
-			$this->removeCurlHandle($mh);
-		}
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($results)
-	{
-		$results = json_decode($result);
-		foreach($results->{"products"} as $result)
-		{
-			$title = $result->{"title"};
-			$link = $result->{"product_url"};
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $result->{"description"};
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->ads[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);		
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+        $tmp = $metager->getEingabe();
+        $tmp = preg_replace("/\W/si", "", $tmp);
+        if (strlen($tmp) < 3) {
+            $this->removeCurlHandle($mh);
+        }
+    }
+    public function loadResults($results)
+    {
+        $results = json_decode($result);
+        foreach ($results->{"products"} as $result) {
+            $title       = $result->{"title"};
+            $link        = $result->{"product_url"};
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $result->{"description"};
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->ads[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Suchticker.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Suchticker.php
index 8d9b66ed6c4a4ad180ed08ff5622eb4c05ff6bbc..14b004deeec2158836bd53c3770d10f63f32716b 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Suchticker.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Suchticker.php
@@ -1,45 +1,43 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Suchticker extends Searchengine 
+class Suchticker extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$results = trim($result);
-		foreach( explode("\n", $results) as $result )
-		{
-			$res = explode("';'", $result);
-			if(sizeof($res) < 3)
-			{
-				continue;
-			}
-			$title = trim($res[0], "'");
-			$link = trim($res[1], "'");
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = trim($res[2], "'");
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);		
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $results = trim($result);
+        foreach (explode("\n", $results) as $result) {
+            $res = explode("';'", $result);
+            if (sizeof($res) < 3) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            $title       = trim($res[0], "'");
+            $link        = trim($res[1], "'");
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = trim($res[2], "'");
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Tuhh.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Tuhh.php
index e5614fb73eac86fb29718797eac4ede444a94607..6c91509100ea021a535147406dce9927cd9f0e9d 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Tuhh.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Tuhh.php
@@ -1,50 +1,51 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Tuhh extends Searchengine 
+class Tuhh extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$count = 0;
-		foreach($content->{"entry"} as $result)
-		{
-			if($count > 10)
-				break;
-			$title = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
-			$link = $result->{"link"}["href"]->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = strip_tags($result->{"summary"}->__toString());
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);
-			$count++;
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $count = 0;
+        foreach ($content->{"entry"} as $result) {
+            if ($count > 10) {
+                break;
+            }
+            $title       = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
+            $link        = $result->{"link"}["href"]->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = strip_tags($result->{"summary"}->__toString());
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+            $count++;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Wikipedia.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Wikipedia.php
index c52723d71e8a37db7458515175c16e3a33635bf4..f1fdd6ecf7fd6e70e1d97b138445a677b31aa78d 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Wikipedia.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Wikipedia.php
@@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Wikipedia extends Searchengine 
+class Wikipedia extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,\App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result  = utf8_decode($result);
+        $counter = 0;
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = utf8_decode($result);
-		$counter = 0;
-		$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-			$this->engine,
-			trim(strip_tags($result[1])),
-			$link,
-			$result[3],
-			$result[2],
-			$this->gefVon,
-			$counter
-		);
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+        $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+            $this->engine,
+            trim(strip_tags($result[1])),
+            $link,
+            $result[3],
+            $result[2],
+            $this->gefVon,
+            $counter
+        );
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Witch.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Witch.php
index d87851c7f1252ec26b8ec91a50f83db20b1549bd..27d76a69be0d319daa02c3220a87bb3cdcfcb699 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Witch.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Witch.php
@@ -1,36 +1,34 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Witch extends Searchengine 
+class Witch extends Searchengine
     public $results = [];
-    function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
         parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-    public function loadResults ($result)
+    public function loadResults($result)
         $result = html_entity_decode(trim(utf8_encode($result)));
         $results = explode("\n", $result);
-        foreach($results as $res)
-        {
+        foreach ($results as $res) {
             $res = explode(";", $res);
-            if(sizeof($res) !== 4 || $res[3] === "'Kein Ergebnis'")
-            {
+            if (sizeof($res) !== 4 || $res[3] === "'Kein Ergebnis'") {
-            $title = trim($res[0], "'");
-            $link = trim($res[2], "'");
+            $title       = trim($res[0], "'");
+            $link        = trim($res[2], "'");
             $anzeigeLink = $link;
-            $descr = trim($res[1], "'");
+            $descr       = trim($res[1], "'");
             $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
@@ -45,4 +43,4 @@ class Witch extends Searchengine
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Yacy.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Yacy.php
index 3fc550a84291cb52a97ccd203841397bba06f3fe..05ac7e562c393b72c415abd3013ac22c538ae70a 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Yacy.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Yacy.php
@@ -1,37 +1,41 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Yacy extends Searchengine 
+class Yacy extends Searchengine
     public $results = [];
-    function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
         parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-    public function loadResults ($result)
+    public function loadResults($result)
         try {
             $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-        if(!$content)
+        if (!$content) {
+        }
         $results = $content->xpath("//rss/channel/item");
-        if(!$results)
+        if (!$results) {
-        foreach($results as $res)
-        {
-            $title = $res->{"title"};
-            $link = $res->{"link"};
+        }
+        foreach ($results as $res) {
+            $title       = $res->{"title"};
+            $link        = $res->{"link"};
             $anzeigeLink = $link;
-            $descr = $res->{"description"};
+            $descr       = $res->{"description"};
             $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
@@ -43,6 +47,6 @@ class Yacy extends Searchengine
-        }       
+        }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Yacyunih.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Yacyunih.php
index e9532d8f775a1eedaadf4af06afb78fe5fc2635b..beefd276e7c3e705d27ebf5696311f7e03b3aafc 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Yacyunih.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Yacyunih.php
@@ -1,54 +1,57 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Yacyunih extends Searchengine 
+class Yacyunih extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine,  \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content->xpath('//rss/channel/item');
-		if(!$results)
-			return;
-		$count = 0;
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			if($count > 10)
-				break;
-			$title = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
-			$link = $result->{"link"}->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = strip_tags($result->{"description"}->__toString());
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);
-			$count++;
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = $content->xpath('//rss/channel/item');
+        if (!$results) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $count = 0;
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            if ($count > 10) {
+                break;
+            }
+            $title       = $result->{"title"}->__toString();
+            $link        = $result->{"link"}->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = strip_tags($result->{"description"}->__toString());
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+            $count++;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Yandex.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Yandex.php
index c3cb2d013031a0f7dc00084d3bdf90adf72ab123..2de70900a280932cd772222baffdbfbbd5ae22f9 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Yandex.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Yandex.php
@@ -1,58 +1,54 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-use Log;
-class Yandex extends Searchengine 
+class Yandex extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
+        try {
+            $content = simplexml_load_string($result);
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
+        }
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$result = preg_replace("/\r\n/si", "", $result);
-		try {
-			$content = simplexml_load_string($result);
-		} catch (\Exception $e) {
-			abort(500, "$result is not a valid xml string");
-		}
-		if(!$content)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		$results = $content;
-		try{
-			$results = $results->xpath("//yandexsearch/response/results/grouping/group");
-		} catch(\ErrorException $e)
-		{
-			return;
-		}
-		foreach($results as $result)
-		{
-			$title = strip_tags($result->{"doc"}->{"title"}->asXML());
-			$link = $result->{"doc"}->{"url"}->__toString();
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = strip_tags($result->{"doc"}->{"headline"}->asXML());
-			if( !$descr )
-			{
-				$descr = strip_tags($result->{"doc"}->{"passages"}->asXML());
-			}
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);
-		}
-	}
+        if (!$content) {
+            return;
+        }
+        $results = $content;
+        try {
+            $results = $results->xpath("//yandexsearch/response/results/grouping/group");
+        } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
+            return;
+        }
+        foreach ($results as $result) {
+            $title       = strip_tags($result->{"doc"}->{"title"}->asXML());
+            $link        = $result->{"doc"}->{"url"}->__toString();
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = strip_tags($result->{"doc"}->{"headline"}->asXML());
+            if (!$descr) {
+                $descr = strip_tags($result->{"doc"}->{"passages"}->asXML());
+            }
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Zeitde.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Zeitde.php
index 99014cc0bb611ac8284e171cc91d0e42bcf9fa9d..2a2f51619f89a1b09733812a99a6f357661f8830 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Zeitde.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Zeitde.php
@@ -1,45 +1,47 @@
 namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
 use App\Models\Searchengine;
-class Zeitde extends Searchengine 
+class Zeitde extends Searchengine
-	public $results = [];
-	function __construct (\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-	{
-		parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-	}
-	public function loadResults ($result)
-	{
-		$results = json_decode($result);
-		if(!$results)
-			return;
-		foreach( $results->{"matches"} as $result )
-		{
-			if( !isset($result->{"title"}) || !isset($result->{"href"}) || !isset($result->{"snippet"}))
-				continue;
-			$title = $result->{"title"};
-			$link = $result->{"href"};
-			$anzeigeLink = $link;
-			$descr = $result->{"snippet"};
-			$this->counter++;
-			$this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-				$this->engine,
-				$title,
-				$link,
-				$anzeigeLink,
-				$descr,
-				$this->gefVon,
-				$this->counter
-			);		
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
+    public $results = [];
+    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+    }
+    public function loadResults($result)
+    {
+        $results = json_decode($result);
+        if (!$results) {
+            return;
+        }
+        foreach ($results->{"matches"} as $result) {
+            if (!isset($result->{"title"}) || !isset($result->{"href"}) || !isset($result->{"snippet"})) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            $title       = $result->{"title"};
+            $link        = $result->{"href"};
+            $anzeigeLink = $link;
+            $descr       = $result->{"snippet"};
+            $this->counter++;
+            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
+                $this->engine,
+                $title,
+                $link,
+                $anzeigeLink,
+                $descr,
+                $this->gefVon,
+                $this->counter
+            );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/resources/lang/de/datenschutz.php b/resources/lang/de/datenschutz.php
index 25a4c18f971c9b11e5a82d3f305e4926947eff6b..dccba9da7b81553b3700055b354c9a3e76bc3f7d 100644
--- a/resources/lang/de/datenschutz.php
+++ b/resources/lang/de/datenschutz.php
@@ -1,33 +1,43 @@
 return [
-	'head' => 'Datenschutz und Privatsph&auml;re',
+    'head'      => 'Datenschutz und Privatsph&auml;re',
-	'general.1' => 'Datenschutz und Privatsph&auml;re geh&ouml;ren f&uuml;r uns zu den wichtigsten G&uuml;tern im Internet. Sie sind absolut sch&uuml;tzenswert und d&uuml;rfen keinesfalls kommerziell genutzt werden. Im Folgenden eine kurze Auflistung unserer Vorgehensweise. Eine ausf&uuml;hrliche Darstellung mit Hintergrund-Informationen, warum wir die einzige wirklich sichere Suchmaschine betreiben, finden Sie',
-	'general.2' => 'hier',
+    'general.1' => 'Datenschutz und Privatsph&auml;re geh&ouml;ren f&uuml;r uns zu den wichtigsten G&uuml;tern im Internet. Sie sind absolut sch&uuml;tzenswert und d&uuml;rfen keinesfalls kommerziell genutzt werden. Im Folgenden eine kurze Auflistung unserer Vorgehensweise. Eine ausf&uuml;hrliche Darstellung mit Hintergrund-Informationen, warum wir die einzige wirklich sichere Suchmaschine betreiben, finden Sie',
+    'general.2' => 'hier',
+    'general.3' => 'Nur Software, die frei und quellcode-offen ist, kann von jedem überprüft
+werden.  In allen anderen Fällen müssen User GLAUBEN, was Betreiber oder
+"Gütesiegel"-Verkäufer behaupten.  MetaGer ist Freie Software unter
+unter GNU-AGPLv3 Lizenz (siehe dazu Nachricht im Heise-Ticker:
+<a href="http://heise.de/-3295586" target="_blank">http://heise.de/-3295586</a>).<br />
-	'policy.1' => 'Unsere Vorgehensweise/Policy:',
-	'policy.2' => 'Wir speichern weder Ihre IP-Adresse, noch den',
-	'policy.3' => '"Fingerabdruck" Ihres Browsers',
-	'policy.4' => '(der Sie mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit ebenfalls eindeutig identifizieren k&ouml;nnte).',
-	'policy.5' => 'Wir setzen keine Cookies oder benutzen Tracking-Pixel oder &auml;hnliche Technologien, um unsere Nutzer zu "tracken" (tracken = Verfolgen der Bewegungen im Internet).',
-	'policy.6' => 'Die Daten&uuml;bertragung von MetaGer erfolgt ausschlie&szlig;lich automatisch verschl&uuml;sselt &uuml;ber das https-Protokoll.',
-	'policy.7' => 'Wir bieten einen Zugang &uuml;ber das anonyme TOR-Netzwerk, den',
-	'policy.8' => 'MetaGer-TOR-hidden Service.',
-	'policy.9' => 'Da der Zugang &uuml;ber das TOR-Netzwerk vielen Nutzern kompliziert erscheint, manchmal auch langsam ist, haben wir einen weiteren Weg implementiert, auch die Ergebnis-Webseiten ebenfalls anonym erreichen zu k&ouml;nnen: durch Anklicken des Links "anonym &ouml;ffnen". Dadurch sind Ihre pers&ouml;nlichen Daten beim Klick auf MetaGer-Ergebnisse und sogar bei allen Folge-Klicks danach gesch&uuml;tzt.',
-	'policy.10' => 'Wir machen m&ouml;glichst wenig Werbung, kennzeichnen diese klar und eindeutig, und vertrauen f&uuml;r unsere Finanzierung auf unsere Nutzer, Ihre',
-	'policy.11' => 'Spenden',
-	'policy.12' => 'und Mitgliedsbetr&auml;ge zum',
-	'policy.13' => 'MetaGer wird von der deutschen gemeinn&uuml;tzigen Organisation',
-	'policy.14' => 'in Zusammenarbeit mit der',
-	'policy.15' => 'Leibniz Universit&auml;t Hannover',
-	'policy.16' => 'betrieben und weiterentwickelt.',
-	'policy.17' => 'Unsere Server stehen ausschlie&szlig;lich in Deutschland. Sie unterliegen damit vollst&auml;ndig deutschem Datenschutzrecht, welches als das h&auml;rteste der Welt gilt.',
-	'policy.18' => 'Nach den',
-	'policy.19' => 'Enth&uuml;llungen von Edward Snowden im Juni 2013',
-	'policy.20' => 'positionierten sich etliche Suchmaschinen mit der Selbstbeschreibung, dass Suchen bei ihnen sicher sei, weil die IP-Adressen der Nutzer nicht gespeichert w&uuml;rden. So ehrenwert und auch ehrlich gemeint diese Selbstbeschreibungen sein m&ouml;gen - Fakt ist, dass viele dieser Suchmaschinen zumindest einen Teil ihrer Server in den USA hosten. Das gilt auch f&uuml;r diejenigen, die von manchen Datensch&uuml;tzern immer noch als "besonders empfehlenswert" gelobt und als Empfehlung verbreitet werden. Denn diese Suchmaschinen',
-	'policy.21' => 'unterliegen nach dem Patriot Act und US-Recht dem vollen Zugriff der dortigen Beh&ouml;rden.',
-	'policy.22' => 'Sie k&ouml;nnen also gar keine gesch&uuml;tzte Privatsph&auml;re bieten (selbst dann nicht, wenn sie selber sich noch so sehr darum bem&uuml;hen).',
+Der MetaGer-Quellcode steht Ihnen unter folgendem Link zur Verfügung:
+<a href="https://gitlab.metager3.de/open-source/MetaGer" target="_blank">https://gitlab.metager3.de/open-source/MetaGer</a><br />
-	'twitter' => 'Was andere &uuml;ber unser Privacy-Konzept auf Twitter sagen:',
\ No newline at end of file
+Sie müssen uns nichts glauben: SIE können es selber kontrollieren!',
+    'policy.1'  => 'Unsere Vorgehensweise/Policy:',
+    'policy.2'  => 'Wir speichern weder Ihre IP-Adresse, noch den',
+    'policy.3'  => '"Fingerabdruck" Ihres Browsers',
+    'policy.4'  => '(der Sie mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit ebenfalls eindeutig identifizieren k&ouml;nnte).',
+    'policy.5'  => 'Wir setzen keine Cookies oder benutzen Tracking-Pixel oder &auml;hnliche Technologien, um unsere Nutzer zu "tracken" (tracken = Verfolgen der Bewegungen im Internet).',
+    'policy.6'  => 'Die Daten&uuml;bertragung von MetaGer erfolgt ausschlie&szlig;lich automatisch verschl&uuml;sselt &uuml;ber das https-Protokoll.',
+    'policy.7'  => 'Wir bieten einen Zugang &uuml;ber das anonyme TOR-Netzwerk, den',
+    'policy.8'  => 'MetaGer-TOR-hidden Service.',
+    'policy.9'  => 'Da der Zugang &uuml;ber das TOR-Netzwerk vielen Nutzern kompliziert erscheint, manchmal auch langsam ist, haben wir einen weiteren Weg implementiert, auch die Ergebnis-Webseiten ebenfalls anonym erreichen zu k&ouml;nnen: durch Anklicken des Links "anonym &ouml;ffnen". Dadurch sind Ihre pers&ouml;nlichen Daten beim Klick auf MetaGer-Ergebnisse und sogar bei allen Folge-Klicks danach gesch&uuml;tzt.',
+    'policy.10' => 'Wir machen m&ouml;glichst wenig Werbung, kennzeichnen diese klar und eindeutig, und vertrauen f&uuml;r unsere Finanzierung auf unsere Nutzer, Ihre',
+    'policy.11' => 'Spenden',
+    'policy.12' => 'und Mitgliedsbetr&auml;ge zum',
+    'policy.13' => 'MetaGer wird von der deutschen gemeinn&uuml;tzigen Organisation',
+    'policy.14' => 'in Zusammenarbeit mit der',
+    'policy.15' => 'Leibniz Universit&auml;t Hannover',
+    'policy.16' => 'betrieben und weiterentwickelt.',
+    'policy.17' => 'Unsere Server stehen ausschlie&szlig;lich in Deutschland. Sie unterliegen damit vollst&auml;ndig deutschem Datenschutzrecht, welches als das h&auml;rteste der Welt gilt.',
+    'policy.18' => 'Nach den',
+    'policy.19' => 'Enth&uuml;llungen von Edward Snowden im Juni 2013',
+    'policy.20' => 'positionierten sich etliche Suchmaschinen mit der Selbstbeschreibung, dass Suchen bei ihnen sicher sei, weil die IP-Adressen der Nutzer nicht gespeichert w&uuml;rden. So ehrenwert und auch ehrlich gemeint diese Selbstbeschreibungen sein m&ouml;gen - Fakt ist, dass viele dieser Suchmaschinen zumindest einen Teil ihrer Server in den USA hosten. Das gilt auch f&uuml;r diejenigen, die von manchen Datensch&uuml;tzern immer noch als "besonders empfehlenswert" gelobt und als Empfehlung verbreitet werden. Denn diese Suchmaschinen',
+    'policy.21' => 'unterliegen nach dem Patriot Act und US-Recht dem vollen Zugriff der dortigen Beh&ouml;rden.',
+    'policy.22' => 'Sie k&ouml;nnen also gar keine gesch&uuml;tzte Privatsph&auml;re bieten (selbst dann nicht, wenn sie selber sich noch so sehr darum bem&uuml;hen).',
+    'twitter'   => 'Was andere &uuml;ber unser Privacy-Konzept auf Twitter sagen:',
diff --git a/resources/views/datenschutz.blade.php b/resources/views/datenschutz.blade.php
index 80e12b17d824a10e8f49896a050ac6c74e70eebe..a31638df1f35871cf4c5f0bf64c273fcf3533f44 100644
--- a/resources/views/datenschutz.blade.php
+++ b/resources/views/datenschutz.blade.php
@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
 <h1>{{ trans('datenschutz.head') }}</h1>
 <p>{{ trans('datenschutz.general.1') }} <a href="https://suma-ev.de/presse/Sicher-suchen-UND-finden-mit-MetaGer.html">{{ trans('datenschutz.general.2') }}</a></p>
+<p>{!! trans('datenschutz.general.3') !!}</p>
 <h2>{{ trans('datenschutz.policy.1') }}</h2>
 <ul id="privacyList">
-	<li>{{ trans('datenschutz.policy.2') }} 
+	<li>{{ trans('datenschutz.policy.2') }}
 		<a href="http://www.heise.de/security/meldung/Fingerprinting-Viele-Browser-sind-ohne-Cookies-identifizierbar-1982976.html" target="_blank">{{ trans('datenschutz.policy.3') }}</a> {{ trans('datenschutz.policy.4') }}
 	<li >
@@ -38,4 +39,4 @@
 <p>&gt; 8.4.2014 stupidit&eacute; pue @dummheitstinkt
 &gt; wow, is this the MetaGer I used in the end 90s in internet cafes???
 &gt; "Anonymes Suchen und Finden mit MetaGer | heise"</p></pre>
\ No newline at end of file