From c965e1b777c32ba560a33f446bf456c882ee0ee9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dominik Pfennig <> Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 14:53:09 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?Texte=20erg=C3=A4nzt?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- app/MetaGer.php | 11 +++ resources/lang/de/faq.php | 2 +- resources/lang/de/hilfe.php | 2 +- resources/lang/en/faq.php | 2 +- resources/lang/en/hilfe.php | 146 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ 5 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/MetaGer.php b/app/MetaGer.php index 9f3d897c2..b694f6fdc 100644 --- a/app/MetaGer.php +++ b/app/MetaGer.php @@ -1157,6 +1157,17 @@ class MetaGer { $logEntry = ""; $logEntry .= "[" . date("D M d H:i:s") . "]"; + /* + Someone might wonder now why we are saving the IP-Adress to the log file here: + It's because we were targets of heavy Bot attacks which created so many Search-Request to our Servers that + not only our servers but the ones from some of our search engines too collapsed. + At that point we could'nt prevent the Bot from accessing our server because we would need it's IP-Adress to do so. + + That's why we need to save the IP-Adress to our Log-Files temporarily. The logrotate process that shifts our Log-Files will then + automatically remove the IP-Adresses from the Log-File after a few hours. + This method gives us just enough time to prevent malicious Software from bringing our servers down and at the same time having not a single + IP-Adress older than one day stored on our servers. (Except the ones who got banned in that short period of course) ;-) + */ $logEntry .= " ip=" . $this->request->ip(); $logEntry .= " pid=" . getmypid(); $logEntry .= " ref=" . $this->request->header('Referer'); diff --git a/resources/lang/de/faq.php b/resources/lang/de/faq.php index 8811ca712..ce6973fdb 100644 --- a/resources/lang/de/faq.php +++ b/resources/lang/de/faq.php @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ return [ 'faq.12.b' => 'Die Suchvorschläge liefert Ihnen Ihr Webbrowser und dort können Sie sie auch ausschalten. Meist geht das über die Chronik.', 'faq.13.h' => 'Wie haltet ihr es eigentlich mit dem Datenschutz, wie lange wird bei euch was gespeichert?', 'faq.13.b.1' => 'Der Schutz persönlicher Daten ist uns so wichtig, dass wir alles, was dem zuwiderlaufen könnte, gar nicht erst machen: es gibt bei uns keine Cookies oder Session-IDs oder irgendetwas, was so etwas ermöglichen würde. Siehe auch: <a href="/datenschutz/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>', - 'faq.13.b.2' => 'Was es bei jeder Suchmaschine gibt (und wogegen auch wir nichts tun können), das sind die bei den Abfragen mitgesendeten IP-Adressen. Auch dies können personenbezogene Daten sein. Darum speichern wir auch diese Adressen NICHT - und zwar überhaupt nicht, auch nicht tageweise, und schon gar nicht für Jahre. Die IP-Adressen werden bereits während Ihre Suche noch läuft, anonymisiert und in dieser anonymen Form an die von MetaGer abgefragten Suchdienste weitergegeben. Nach unseren Erfahrungen kommt der Betrieb von Suchmaschinen sehr gut OHNE Speicherung von IP-Adressen aus. Was tun wir zusätzlich?', + 'faq.13.b.2' => 'Was es bei jeder Suchmaschine gibt (und wogegen auch wir nichts tun können), das sind die bei den Abfragen mitgesendeten IP-Adressen. Auch dies können personenbezogene Daten sein. Darum speichern wir auch diese Adressen NICHT (Ausnahme: Kurzfristige Speicherung gegen Hacking- und Bot-Attacken) - und zwar überhaupt nicht, auch nicht tageweise, und schon gar nicht für Jahre. Die IP-Adressen werden bereits während Ihre Suche noch läuft, anonymisiert und in dieser anonymen Form an die von MetaGer abgefragten Suchdienste weitergegeben. Nach unseren Erfahrungen kommt der Betrieb von Suchmaschinen sehr gut OHNE Speicherung von IP-Adressen aus. Was tun wir zusätzlich?', 'faq.13.b.3' => 'Wenn Sie generell (unabhängig von MetaGer) ohne Speicherung Ihrer IP-Adresse im Internet surfen wollen, dann können Sie am einfachsten einen der freien und werbefinanzierten Proxies benutzen, einen kommerziellen anmieten, oder den für Sie kostenlosen MetaGer-Proxy verwenden. Genauere Informationen dazu finden Sie unter der Überschrift "Dienste".', 'faq.13.b.4' => 'Wenn Sie Ihre Anonymität noch weiter absichern wollen, dann können Sie Teilnehmer am Tor-Netzwerk werden. Genauere Informationen dazu finden Sie unter der Überschrift "Dienste".', 'faq.13.b.5' => 'Selbstverständlich erfolgt der Zugang zu MetaGer immer automatisch nur über das verschlüsselnde https-Protokoll. Damit sind Ihre Suchabfragen auch auf dem Übertragungsweg von Ihrem PC zum MetaGer-Server sicher.', diff --git a/resources/lang/de/hilfe.php b/resources/lang/de/hilfe.php index 5ebee6400..dda527d15 100644 --- a/resources/lang/de/hilfe.php +++ b/resources/lang/de/hilfe.php @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ return [ "dienste.kostenlos" => "Selbstverständlich sind all unsere Dienste kostenlos", "datenschutz.title" => "Anonymität und Datensicherheit", "datenschutz.1" => "Cookies, Session-IDs und IP-Adressen", - "datenschutz.2" => "Nichts von alldem wird hier bei MetaGer verwendet, gespeichert, aufgehoben oder sonst irgendwie verarbeitet. Weil wir diese Thematik für extrem wichtig halten, haben wir auch Möglichkeiten geschaffen, die Ihnen helfen können, hier ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit zu erreichen: den MetaGer-TOR-Hidden-Service und unseren anonymisierenden Proxyserver.", + "datenschutz.2" => "Nichts von alldem wird hier bei MetaGer verwendet, gespeichert, aufgehoben oder sonst irgendwie verarbeitet (Ausnahme: Kurzfristige Speicherung gegen Hacking- und Bot-Attacken). Weil wir diese Thematik für extrem wichtig halten, haben wir auch Möglichkeiten geschaffen, die Ihnen helfen können, hier ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit zu erreichen: den MetaGer-TOR-Hidden-Service und unseren anonymisierenden Proxyserver.", "datenschutz.3" => "Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter \"Dienste\" in der Navigationsleiste.", "tor.title" => "Tor-Hidden-Service", "tor.1" => "Bei MetaGer werden schon seit vielen Jahren die IP-Adressen ausgeblendet und nicht gespeichert. Nichtsdestotrotz sind diese Adressen auf dem MetaGer-Server zeitweise, während eine Suche läuft, sichtbar: wenn MetaGer also einmal kompromittiert sein sollte, dann könnte dieser Angreifer Ihre Adressen mitlesen und speichern. Um dem höchsten Sicherheitsbedürfnis entgegenzukommen, unterhalten wir eine MetaGer-Instanz im Tor-Netzwerk: den MetaGer-TOR-hidden-Service - erreichbar über: <a href=\"/tor/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"></a>. Für die Benutzung benötigen Sie einen speziellen Browser, den Sie auf <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"></a> herunter laden können (Details siehe: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"></a>).", diff --git a/resources/lang/en/faq.php b/resources/lang/en/faq.php index b4e44eec0..d8b5f9da5 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en/faq.php +++ b/resources/lang/en/faq.php @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ return [ "faq.12.b" => "This is provided by your webbrowser. Try to customize the history settings.", "faq.13.h" => "What is about the privacy and how long / what do you store?", "faq.13.b.1" => "The protection of private data is our general principle. Everything we do is subordinated to this principle. Therefore we do not work with Cookies, Session IDs or anything else. More exact information: <a href=\"/datenschutz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"></a>", - "faq.13.b.2" => "Besides: we do not store and we do not even know your IP-address. We use serversided anonymization for the communication with the prompted search services. We think that searchengines work well without storing IP-addresses. What do we do additionally?", + "faq.13.b.2" => "Besides: we do not store and we do not even know your IP-address (For the purpose of securing our servers against Hacking- and Bot-Attacks, we need to store these information for a short period of time. It will be then automatically deleted afterwards). We use serversided anonymization for the communication with the prompted search services. We think that searchengines work well without storing IP-addresses. What do we do additionally?", "faq.13.b.3" => "You may wish to hide your IP-address generally. We provide a free proxyservice. Click \"Tools\" for more exact information: ", "faq.13.b.4" => "Please use the Tor-network or the MetaGer Tor-branch for advanced anonymization. Please click \"Tools\" for further information.", "faq.13.b.5" => "Needless to say: we use the https protocoll at any time. All your queries are safe between your personal computer and the MetaGer servers.", diff --git a/resources/lang/en/hilfe.php b/resources/lang/en/hilfe.php index 656992028..662efa40e 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en/hilfe.php +++ b/resources/lang/en/hilfe.php @@ -1,76 +1,76 @@ <?php return [ - "achtung" => "Warning! Structure and functionality of our website are subject to constant development and changes. We try to update our help pages as quickly as possible, but can not prevent temporary mistakes.", - "title" => "MetaGer Help", - "einstellungen" => "Preferences", - "allgemein.title" => "Common settings", - "allgemein.1" => "You may change general settings by choosing \"customize\".", - "allgemein.2" => "The colour drop on the left side of the search field allows you to apply your favourite colour to MetaGer.", - "allgemein.3" => "Add MetaGer to your browsers search engines by clicking the \"Add the MetaGer Plugin\" button just below the search field.", - "suchfokus.title" => "Select a search focus / using the \"customize\" button", - "suchfokus.1" => "Just pick one of the foci ( \"web\", \"pictures\", \"news\", \"science\" or \"shopping\" ) to start a search with general settings made by us. These should fit most of your needs. You may set exact personal adjustments to the foci (some other settings are available too) by clicking \"customize\". At last, make a decision whether your settings should be used once ( it is possible to set a bookmark ) or permanent by clicking either \"one time use\" or \"permanent use\". Your settings are stored in the so called \"local storage\" of your webbrowser (JavaScript is needed for this).", - "sucheingabe.title" => "Search field", - "sucheingabe.hint" => "The following <i>searches and web pages</i> are just examples. Replace them by your own in practice.", - "stopworte.title" => "Stopwords", - "stopworte.1" => "If you want to exclude words within the search result, you have to put a \"-\" in front of that word", - "stopworte.2" => "Example: You are looking for a new car, but no BMW. Then your search should be <div class=\"well well-sm\">new car -bmw</div>", - "mehrwortsuche.title" => "Searching for more than one word", - "mehrwortsuche.1" => "Without quotation you will get results containing one or some of the words of your search entry. Use quotes for the search for exact phrases, citations....", - "mehrwortsuche.2" => "Example: search for Shakespears <div class=\"well well-sm\">to be or not to be</div> will deliver many results, but the exact phrase will only be found using <div class=\"well well-sm\">\"to be or nor to be\"</div>", - "mehrwortsuche.3" => "Please use quotes to make sure to get your search words in the results list.", - "mehrwortsuche.4" => "Put words or phrases in quotation marks to search for exact combinations.", - "grossklein.title" => "Upper case vs. lower case", - "grossklein.1" => "Upper case will not be distinguished from lower case", - "grossklein.2" => "Searching for <div class=\"well well-sm\">Shakespeare</div> or <div class=\"well well-sm\">SHAKESPEARE</div> will deliver the same results as <div class=\"well well-sm\">shakespeare</div>", - "domains.title" => "Restrict to specific domain(s) / exclude domain(s)", - "domains.sitesearch.explanation" => "Type site:<i></i> to restrict the search to that domain.", - "domains.sitesearch.example.1" => "Example: I want to restrict my search to Type:", - "domains.sitesearch.example.2" => "<i>my search words</i>", - "domains.sitesearch.example.3" => "Example: Restriction to wikipedia but all languages:", - "domains.sitesearch.example.4" => "Type: <i>my search words</i>", - "domains.blacklist.explanation" => "Exclude a specific domain: Either the exclusion of a subdomain or of a top level domain. Type <i>my search words</i> -site:<i></i> or <i>my search words</i> -site:*.<i></i>", - "domains.blacklist.example.1" => "Example: You do not want to get results from Wikipedia. There are two possibilities:", - "domains.blacklist.example.2" => "Exclude results from the english Wikipedia (domain) so <i></i>", - "domains.blacklist.example.3" => "<i>my search words</i> -site:<i></i>", - "domains.blacklist.example.4" => "You get results from e.g. further on.", - "domains.blacklist.example.5" => "Exclude all results of all wikipedia domains:", - "domains.blacklist.example.6" => "<i>my search words</i> -site:*.<i></i>", - "domains.showcase.explanation.1" => "Additionally there is the option to exclude hosts or domains on the result page: All of the results have the small triangle sign:", - "domains.showcase.explanation.2" => "Click for the menu shown below:", - "" => "Decide here:", - "" => "To start a new search with just the domain of the result (", - "" => "To start a search without the results of that subdomain (", - "" => "To start a search without results of the top level domain (", - "" => "Click \"Options\" to try it now.", - "dienste" => "Tools-free of charge", - "app.title" => "Android-App", - "app.1" => "You can use MetaGer within an app, too. To do so just download the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">MetaGer App</a> on your Android smartphone.", - "plugin.title" => "Browser-Plugin", - "plugin.1" => "There is a MetaGer Plugin for most of the common web browsers. The plugin provides easy search from the web browsers search field. Find out more: <a href=\"/#plugin-modal\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">MetaGer Plugin</a>.", - "suchwortassoziator.title" => "Finding connotations to searchwords", - "suchwortassoziator.1" => "Ask the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">MetaGer-Web-Assoziator</a> (Tools / Associator) to find connotations in a subject area. The service doesn't append upon any language because it uses webdocuments as a source. Therefore, you find any connotations to your used language and vice-versa.", - "suchwortassoziator.2" => "Example: you want to know more about \"tick bites\" and its dangers but you forgot the technical terms around this issue. The \"Assoziator\" presents \"Borreliose\" and \"fsme\" among others.", - "suchwortassoziator.3" => "Please let us know if something unsuitable appears. Please use our <a href=\"/en/kontakt/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">contact form</a>.", - "widget.title" => "MetaGer widget", - "widget.1" => "Provide full MetaGer functionality to your own website! Just select Tools / widget on our startpage, decide whether you want a powerful websearch or a sitesearch -which may be useful on your own pages. Enter the domainname and let the script do the rest. Questions to: <a href=\"/en/kontakt/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">contact form</a>", - "urlshort.title" => "URL-shortener", - "urlshort.1" => "Click: \"Tools / URL-shortener\": Imagine your nice website \"\". Just shorten it to \"\" or anything you like. MetaGer and Yourls then provide the redirection.", - "dienste.kostenlos" => "All our services are cost free. You do not pay with your data.", - "datenschutz.title" => "Privacy", - "datenschutz.1" => "Cookies, Session-IDs, IP addresses", - "datenschutz.2" => "We don't store or work with any personal information. We provide further privacy security services as follows:", - "datenschutz.3" => "For more details see \"Tools\" above.", - "tor.title" => "Tor Hidden Service", - "tor.1" => "MetaGer provides the highest reachable security level for your privacy (anonymised IP addresses, servers under german privacy protection law). For further security needs or fear of compromised servers you may use the MetaGer-Tor branch. Please download the specialized webbrowser from <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"></a>. You will find help there, too.", - "tor.2" => "MetaGer Tor address: http://b7cxf4dkdsko6ah2.onion/tor/", - "proxy.title" => "MetaGer proxy server", - "proxy.1" => "Looking at the MetaGer result page, you will find a link \"open anonymously\" marked by a small lock at the right of every single result. Use this link to hide behind the MetaGer proxy server. The provided protection is limited to the website you reached from our result page. Protection persists while you see your webbrowser‘s address field.", - "infobutton.title" => "I see a <span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign info-details-available\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span> in some spots. What is it?", - "infobutton.1" => "You gain more information on the specific theme by clicking it (e.g. weather data or something).", - "maps.title" => "MetaGer maps", - "maps.1" => "MetaGer provides a map function: On a result page you see a new focus on the upper right, called \"\". You receive a map according to your search by click (only Germany for the moment). Use the \"customize\" page for toggling maps function \"show/hide\", you will get a durably embedded small map on the result page, then.", - "maps.2" => "After loading the map shows POIs according to the MetaGer results. You see them in the right column too. Mouseover a POI highlights its counterpart. Click \"Details\" to get further information (Nominatim data base) to this POI.", - "maps.3" => "The maps are rendered before (except for the last three ones) and fast available. Affect the zoom level by mouse-wheel or the \"+ / -\" buttons in the upper left corner of the map.", - "sucheingabe" => "Enter search words" -]; \ No newline at end of file + "achtung" => "Warning! Structure and functionality of our website are subject to constant development and changes. We try to update our help pages as quickly as possible, but can not prevent temporary mistakes.", + "title" => "MetaGer Help", + "einstellungen" => "Preferences", + "allgemein.title" => "Common settings", + "allgemein.1" => "You may change general settings by choosing \"customize\".", + "allgemein.2" => "The colour drop on the left side of the search field allows you to apply your favourite colour to MetaGer.", + "allgemein.3" => "Add MetaGer to your browsers search engines by clicking the \"Add the MetaGer Plugin\" button just below the search field.", + "suchfokus.title" => "Select a search focus / using the \"customize\" button", + "suchfokus.1" => "Just pick one of the foci ( \"web\", \"pictures\", \"news\", \"science\" or \"shopping\" ) to start a search with general settings made by us. These should fit most of your needs. You may set exact personal adjustments to the foci (some other settings are available too) by clicking \"customize\". At last, make a decision whether your settings should be used once ( it is possible to set a bookmark ) or permanent by clicking either \"one time use\" or \"permanent use\". Your settings are stored in the so called \"local storage\" of your webbrowser (JavaScript is needed for this).", + "sucheingabe.title" => "Search field", + "sucheingabe.hint" => "The following <i>searches and web pages</i> are just examples. Replace them by your own in practice.", + "stopworte.title" => "Stopwords", + "stopworte.1" => "If you want to exclude words within the search result, you have to put a \"-\" in front of that word", + "stopworte.2" => "Example: You are looking for a new car, but no BMW. Then your search should be <div class=\"well well-sm\">new car -bmw</div>", + "mehrwortsuche.title" => "Searching for more than one word", + "mehrwortsuche.1" => "Without quotation you will get results containing one or some of the words of your search entry. Use quotes for the search for exact phrases, citations....", + "mehrwortsuche.2" => "Example: search for Shakespears <div class=\"well well-sm\">to be or not to be</div> will deliver many results, but the exact phrase will only be found using <div class=\"well well-sm\">\"to be or nor to be\"</div>", + "mehrwortsuche.3" => "Please use quotes to make sure to get your search words in the results list.", + "mehrwortsuche.4" => "Put words or phrases in quotation marks to search for exact combinations.", + "grossklein.title" => "Upper case vs. lower case", + "grossklein.1" => "Upper case will not be distinguished from lower case", + "grossklein.2" => "Searching for <div class=\"well well-sm\">Shakespeare</div> or <div class=\"well well-sm\">SHAKESPEARE</div> will deliver the same results as <div class=\"well well-sm\">shakespeare</div>", + "domains.title" => "Restrict to specific domain(s) / exclude domain(s)", + "domains.sitesearch.explanation" => "Type site:<i></i> to restrict the search to that domain.", + "domains.sitesearch.example.1" => "Example: I want to restrict my search to Type:", + "domains.sitesearch.example.2" => "<i>my search words</i>", + "domains.sitesearch.example.3" => "Example: Restriction to wikipedia but all languages:", + "domains.sitesearch.example.4" => "Type: <i>my search words</i>", + "domains.blacklist.explanation" => "Exclude a specific domain: Either the exclusion of a subdomain or of a top level domain. Type <i>my search words</i> -site:<i></i> or <i>my search words</i> -site:*.<i></i>", + "domains.blacklist.example.1" => "Example: You do not want to get results from Wikipedia. There are two possibilities:", + "domains.blacklist.example.2" => "Exclude results from the english Wikipedia (domain) so <i></i>", + "domains.blacklist.example.3" => "<i>my search words</i> -site:<i></i>", + "domains.blacklist.example.4" => "You get results from e.g. further on.", + "domains.blacklist.example.5" => "Exclude all results of all wikipedia domains:", + "domains.blacklist.example.6" => "<i>my search words</i> -site:*.<i></i>", + "domains.showcase.explanation.1" => "Additionally there is the option to exclude hosts or domains on the result page: All of the results have the small triangle sign:", + "domains.showcase.explanation.2" => "Click for the menu shown below:", + "" => "Decide here:", + "" => "To start a new search with just the domain of the result (", + "" => "To start a search without the results of that subdomain (", + "" => "To start a search without results of the top level domain (", + "" => "Click \"Options\" to try it now.", + "dienste" => "Tools-free of charge", + "app.title" => "Android-App", + "app.1" => "You can use MetaGer within an app, too. To do so just download the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">MetaGer App</a> on your Android smartphone.", + "plugin.title" => "Browser-Plugin", + "plugin.1" => "There is a MetaGer Plugin for most of the common web browsers. The plugin provides easy search from the web browsers search field. Find out more: <a href=\"/#plugin-modal\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">MetaGer Plugin</a>.", + "suchwortassoziator.title" => "Finding connotations to searchwords", + "suchwortassoziator.1" => "Ask the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">MetaGer-Web-Assoziator</a> (Tools / Associator) to find connotations in a subject area. The service doesn't append upon any language because it uses webdocuments as a source. Therefore, you find any connotations to your used language and vice-versa.", + "suchwortassoziator.2" => "Example: you want to know more about \"tick bites\" and its dangers but you forgot the technical terms around this issue. The \"Assoziator\" presents \"Borreliose\" and \"fsme\" among others.", + "suchwortassoziator.3" => "Please let us know if something unsuitable appears. Please use our <a href=\"/en/kontakt/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">contact form</a>.", + "widget.title" => "MetaGer widget", + "widget.1" => "Provide full MetaGer functionality to your own website! Just select Tools / widget on our startpage, decide whether you want a powerful websearch or a sitesearch -which may be useful on your own pages. Enter the domainname and let the script do the rest. Questions to: <a href=\"/en/kontakt/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">contact form</a>", + "urlshort.title" => "URL-shortener", + "urlshort.1" => "Click: \"Tools / URL-shortener\": Imagine your nice website \"\". Just shorten it to \"\" or anything you like. MetaGer and Yourls then provide the redirection.", + "dienste.kostenlos" => "All our services are cost free. You do not pay with your data.", + "datenschutz.title" => "Privacy", + "datenschutz.1" => "Cookies, Session-IDs, IP addresses", + "datenschutz.2" => "We don't store or work with any personal information (For the purpose of securing our servers against Hacking- and Bot-Attacks, we need to store these information for a short period of time. It will be then automatically deleted afterwards). We provide further privacy security services as follows:", + "datenschutz.3" => "For more details see \"Tools\" above.", + "tor.title" => "Tor Hidden Service", + "tor.1" => "MetaGer provides the highest reachable security level for your privacy (anonymised IP addresses, servers under german privacy protection law). For further security needs or fear of compromised servers you may use the MetaGer-Tor branch. Please download the specialized webbrowser from <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"></a>. You will find help there, too.", + "tor.2" => "MetaGer Tor address: http://b7cxf4dkdsko6ah2.onion/tor/", + "proxy.title" => "MetaGer proxy server", + "proxy.1" => "Looking at the MetaGer result page, you will find a link \"open anonymously\" marked by a small lock at the right of every single result. Use this link to hide behind the MetaGer proxy server. The provided protection is limited to the website you reached from our result page. Protection persists while you see your webbrowser‘s address field.", + "infobutton.title" => "I see a <span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign info-details-available\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span> in some spots. What is it?", + "infobutton.1" => "You gain more information on the specific theme by clicking it (e.g. weather data or something).", + "maps.title" => "MetaGer maps", + "maps.1" => "MetaGer provides a map function: On a result page you see a new focus on the upper right, called \"\". You receive a map according to your search by click (only Germany for the moment). Use the \"customize\" page for toggling maps function \"show/hide\", you will get a durably embedded small map on the result page, then.", + "maps.2" => "After loading the map shows POIs according to the MetaGer results. You see them in the right column too. Mouseover a POI highlights its counterpart. Click \"Details\" to get further information (Nominatim data base) to this POI.", + "maps.3" => "The maps are rendered before (except for the last three ones) and fast available. Affect the zoom level by mouse-wheel or the \"+ / -\" buttons in the upper left corner of the map.", + "sucheingabe" => "Enter search words", +]; -- GitLab