From c240a3b01037404db11dc203e851c771526215c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Karl <Karl Hasselbring>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2016 09:09:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?Die=20Hilfe=20und=20FAQ=20sind=20soweit=20?=
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 resources/lang/de/hilfe.php |   2 +-
 resources/lang/en/faq.php   |  68 ++++++++++++++++++
 resources/lang/en/hilfe.php | 140 ++++++------------------------------
 3 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 resources/lang/en/faq.php

diff --git a/resources/lang/de/hilfe.php b/resources/lang/de/hilfe.php
index cd4845037..e68812770 100644
--- a/resources/lang/de/hilfe.php
+++ b/resources/lang/de/hilfe.php
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ return [
     'title'               => 'MetaGer - Hilfe',
     'einstellungen'       => 'Einstellungen',
-    'allgemein.title'     => 'Allgemein',
+    'allgemein.title'     => 'Allgemeine Einstellungen',
     'allgemein.1'         => 'Alle Einstellungen finden Sie unter dem Suchfokus &quot;anpassen&quot;.',
     'allgemein.2'         => 'Der Farbtropfen links neben dem Suchfeld erm&ouml;glicht Ihnen eine individuelle Farbeinstellung für die Startseite.',
     'allgemein.3'         => 'Ein Plugin f&uuml;r die allermeisten Browser finden Sie leicht &uuml;ber den Link gleich unter dem Suchfeld, wo Ihr Browser bereits voreingestellt sein sollte.',
diff --git a/resources/lang/en/faq.php b/resources/lang/en/faq.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f39c865f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/en/faq.php
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+return [
+    'title'                    => 'MetaGer - FAQ',
+    'dienste'                  => 'Tools-free of charge',
+    'suchwortassoziator.title' => 'finding connotations to searchwords',
+    'suchwortassoziator.1'     => 'Ask the <a href="" target="_blank">MetaGer-Web-Assoziator</a> (Tools/Associator) to find connotations in a subject area. The service doesn&apos;t append upon any language because it uses webdocuments as a source. Therefore, you find any connotations to your used language and vice-versa.',
+    'suchwortassoziator.2'     => 'Example: you want to know more about &quot;tick bites&quot; and its dangers but you forgot the technical terms around this issue. The &quot;Assoziator&quot; presents &quot;Borreliose&quot; and &quot;fsme&quot; among others.',
+    'suchwortassoziator.3'     => 'Please let us know if something unsuitable appears. Please use our <a href="" target="_blank">contact form</a>.',
+    'widget.title'             => 'MetaGer widget',
+    'widget.1'                 => 'Provide full MetaGer functionality to your own website! Just select Tools/widget on our startpage, decide whether you want a powerful websearch or a sitesearch -which may be useful on your own sites. Enter the domainname and let the script do the rest. Questions to: <a href="" target="_blank">contact form</a>',
+    'urlshort.title'           => 'URL-shortener',
+    'urlshort.1'               => 'Click: &quot;Tools/URL-shortener&quot;: Imagine your nice website &quot;;. Just shorten it to &quot;; or anything you like. MetaGer and Yourls then provide the redirection.',
+    'datenschutz.title'        => 'Privacy',
+    'datenschutz.1'            => 'cookies, session-IDs, IP addresses',
+    'datenschutz.2'            => 'We don&apos;t store or work with any personal information. We provide further privacy security services as follows:',
+    'datenschutz.3'            => '',
+    'tor.title'                => 'Tor Hidden Service',
+    'tor.1'                    => 'MetaGer provides the highest reachable security level for your privacy (anonymised IP addresses, servers under german privacy protection law). For further security needs or fear of compromised servers you may use the MetaGer-Tor branch. Please download the specialized webbrowser from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. You will find help there, too.',
+    'tor.2'                    => 'MetaGer Tor address: http://b7cxf4dkdsko6ah2.onion/tor/',
+    'proxy.title'              => 'MetaGer proxy server',
+    'proxy.1'                  => 'Looking at the MetaGer result page, you will find a link &quot;open anonymously&quot; marked by a small lock at the right of every single result. Use this link to hide behind the MetaGer proxy server. The provided protection is limited to the website you reached from our result page. Protection persists while you find your webbrowser‘s address field.',
+    'faq.title'                => 'FAQ',
+    'faq.1.h'                  => 'MetaGer – what is it?',
+    'faq.1.b'                  => 'MetaGer ist eine Suchmaschine, die Suchdienste parallel nach den von Ihnen eingegebenen Suchworten absucht und alle Ergebnisse zusammenfasst. MetaGer arbeitet die Ergebnisse sinnvoll auf. Dabei werden etwa (m&ouml;glichst) alle doppelten Treffer (Doubletten) zu einem zusammengefasst. Eine vollst&auml;ndige Erkennung von Doubletten ist allerdings unm&ouml;glich. So etwas nennt man eine Meta-Suchmaschine. Wenn man also sinnvoll suchen will, dann muss man etliche Suchmaschinen nacheinander "von Hand" absuchen und alle Ergebnisse vergleichen und zusammenf&uuml;hren. Diese Arbeit kann einem ein Automat - die Metasuchmaschine – abnehmen. Dazu kommt der h&ouml;here Abdeckungsgrad, denn nicht jede Suchmaschine kennt das ganze Internet. N&auml;heres zu Metasuchmaschinen finden Sie bei <a href="" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a>. Vielleicht gen&uuml;gen Ihnen die Ergebnisse, die Ihnen MetaGer pr&auml;sentiert, vielleicht m&ouml;chten Sie mit einer einzelnen Suchmaschine nochmals suchen. In der Ergebnisliste sehen Sie an jedem Ergebnis, woher es kam und k&ouml;nnen auch direkt klicken. Viele weitere Suchmaschinen finden Sie zum Beispiel hier: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.',
+    'faq.2.h'                  => 'Welche Suchdienste sucht MetaGer ab?',
+    'faq.2.b'                  => 'Sie finden die Liste unter dem Men&uuml;punkt &quot;anpassen&quot; &uuml;ber dem Suchfeld. Alle, die Sie selbst nicht ausgeschaltet haben, werden abgesucht.',
+    'faq.3.h'                  => 'Warum gibt es keinen Schalter "Suche &uuml;ber alle Suchdienste"?',
+    'faq.3.b'                  => 'Im Wesentlichen liegt das daran, dass sich die Anforderungen manchmal widersprechen. Es macht z.B. keinen Sinn, auf der Suche nach wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen auch die Produktsuchmaschinen einzuschalten und umgekehrt. Diese Ergebnisse eignen sich nicht zum Vermischen.',
+    'faq.4.h'                  => 'Warum fragt Ihr den Suchdienst XY [nicht ab | nicht mehr ab | doch ab]?',
+    'faq.4.b'                  => 'Wenn wir einen Suchdienst nicht mehr abfragen, den wir fr&uuml;her dabei hatten, dann hat das entweder technische, konzeptionelle oder &quot;politische Gr&uuml;nde&quot; (die Verbindung dorthin ist zu schwach, der dortige Rechner zu klein, die Ergebnisse passen nicht richtig, dieser Suchdienst bietet z.B. keine Option f&uuml;r eine deutschsprachige Suche,  dieser Suchdienstbetreiber "mag" uns nicht -was wir selbstverst&auml;ndlich respektieren m&uuml;ssen).',
+    'faq.5.h'                  => 'Ein Suchdienst antwortet nicht mehr',
+    'faq.5.b'                  => 'Einer der von MetaGer abgefragten Suchdienste (der sonst geantwortet hat), findet auf einmal nichts mehr, auch nicht Begriffe, zu denen er bisher immer etwas gefunden hat - was ist da los? Vermutlich hat dieser Suchdienst sein Ausgabeformat ge&auml;ndert, und bringt damit unsere Programme durcheinander. In diesem Falle bitten wir Sie, uns dann sofort eine Mail zu senden, damit wir etwas dagegen tun k&ouml;nnen.',
+    'faq.6.h'                  => 'Fragw&uuml;rdige Inhalte',
+    'faq.6.b.1'                => 'Ich habe "Treffer" erhalten, die finde ich nicht nur &auml;rgerlich, sondern die enthalten meiner Meinung nach illegale Inhalte!',
+    'faq.6.b.2'                => 'Wenn Sie im Internet etwas finden, das Sie f&uuml;r illegal oder jugendgef&auml;hrdend halten, dann k&ouml;nnen Sie sich per Mail an wenden oder Sie gehen auf und f&uuml;llen das dort zu findende Beschwerdeformular aus. Sinnvoll ist ein kurzer Hinweis, was Sie konkret f&uuml;r unzul&auml;ssig halten und wie Sie auf dieses Angebot gestoßen sind. Direkt an uns k&ouml;nnen Sie fragw&uuml;rdige Inhalte auch melden. Schreiben Sie dazu eine Mail an unseren Jugendschutzbeauftragten (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>).',
+    'faq.7.h'                  => 'Kann ich MetaGer in meine eigene Homepage einbauen?',
+    'faq.7.b'                  => 'Kein Problem! Gerne! Genauere Informationen dazu finden Sie unter der &Uuml;berschrift &quot;Dienste&quot;, unter dem Punkt &quot;Widget&quot;.',
+    'faq.8.h'                  => 'Wo kann ich bei MetaGer meine Homepage/URL/etc. Anmelden ?',
+    'faq.8.b'                  => 'Gar nicht. MetaGer ist eine MetaSuchmaschine. Sie sucht nicht selber, sondern l&auml;sst andere Suchdienste suchen. Wenn Sie Ihre eigenen WWW-Seiten den Suchmaschinen bekannt geben wollen, dann m&uuml;ssen Sie die Suchmaschinen einzeln aufsuchen, bei denen Sie Ihre Seiten anmelden wollen.',
+    'faq.9.h'                  => 'Wie genau funktioniert das Ranking bei MetaGer?',
+    'faq.9.b'                  => 'Dazu machen wir aus nahe liegenden Gr&uuml;nden keine Angaben',
+    'faq.10.h'                 => 'Mit meinem XYZ-Browser und dem XYZ-Betriebssystem kann ich MetaGer nicht abfragen. Was tun?',
+    'faq.10.b'                 => 'Versuchen Sie bitte zuerst, das aktuelle Plugin zu installieren. Zum Installieren einfach auf den Link direkt unter dem Suchfeld klicken. Dort sollte Ihr Browser schon erkannt worden sein. Wenn Sie dann noch Probleme haben sollten, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns:',
+    'faq.11.h'                 => 'Wo habt ihr eigentlich all\' die klugen Spr&uuml;che eures "Spr&uuml;cheklopfers" her?',
+    'faq.11.b'                 => 'Sie sind aus Quellen im Internet zusammengesucht. Den gr&ouml;ßten Teil hatte uns netterweise Alexander Hammer zur Verf&uuml;gung gestellt. Sch&ouml;nen Dank! Nebenbei bemerkt: Wir teilen keineswegs die inhaltliche Meinung, die in jedem Spruch zum Ausdruck kommt! Spr&uuml;che sollen und m&uuml;ssen kontroverses darstellen. Unter &quot;anpassen&quot; k&ouml;nnen Sie sie ausschalten.',
+    'faq.12.h'                 => 'Wie kann ich die Anzeige meiner vorherigen Suchen l&ouml;schen?',
+    'faq.12.b'                 => 'Die Suchvorschl&auml;ge liefert Ihnen Ihr Webbrowser und dort k&ouml;nnen Sie sie auch ausschalten. Meist geht das &uuml;ber die Chronik.',
+    'faq.13.h'                 => 'Wie haltet ihr es eigentlich mit dem Datenschutz, wie lange wird bei euch was gespeichert?',
+    'faq.13.b.1'               => 'Der Schutz pers&ouml;nlicher Daten ist uns so wichtig, dass wir alles, was dem zuwiderlaufen k&ouml;nnte, gar nicht erst machen: es gibt bei uns keine Cookies oder Session-IDs oder irgendetwas, was so etwas erm&ouml;glichen w&uuml;rde. Siehe auch:',
+    'faq.13.b.2'               => 'Was es bei jeder Suchmaschine gibt (und wogegen auch wir nichts tun k&ouml;nnen), das sind die bei den Abfragen mitgesendeten IP-Adressen. Auch dies k&ouml;nnen personenbezogene Daten sein. Darum speichern wir auch diese Adressen NICHT - und zwar &uuml;berhaupt nicht, auch nicht tageweise, und schon gar nicht f&uuml;r Jahre. Die IP-Adressen werden bereits w&auml;hrend Ihre Suche noch l&auml;uft, anonymisiert. Auch die anonymisierten IP-Adressen speichern wir NICHT und geben sie auch nicht an die von MetaGer abgefragten Suchdienste weiter. Nach unseren Erfahrungen kommt der Betrieb von Suchmaschinen sehr gut OHNE Speicherung von IP-Adressen aus. Was tun wir zus&auml;tzlich?',
+    'faq.13.b.3'               => 'Wenn Sie generell (unabh&auml;ngig von MetaGer) ohne Speicherung Ihrer IP-Adresse im Internet surfen wollen, dann k&ouml;nnen Sie am einfachsten einen der freien und werbefinanzierten Proxies benutzen, einen kommerziellen anmieten, oder den f&uuml;r Sie kostenlosen MetaGer-Proxy verwenden. Genauere Informationen dazu finden Sie unter der &Uuml;berschrift &quot;Dienste&quot;.',
+    'faq.13.b.4'               => 'Wenn Sie Ihre Anonymit&auml;t noch weiter absichern wollen, dann k&ouml;nnen Sie Teilnehmer am Tor-Netzwerk werden. Genauere Informationen dazu finden Sie unter der &Uuml;berschrift &quot;Dienste&quot;.',
+    'faq.13.b.5'               => 'Selbstverst&auml;ndlich erfolgt der Zugang zu MetaGer immer automatisch nur &uuml;ber das verschl&uuml;sselnde https-Protokoll. Damit sind Ihre Suchabfragen auch auf dem &Uuml;bertragungsweg von Ihrem PC zum MetaGer-Server sicher.',
+    'faq.14.h'                 => '&Uuml;ber welche Wege kann eine Zuordnung zu Personen hergestellt werden?',
+    'faq.14.b'                 => 'Die Zuordnung kann dann hergestellt werden, wenn sich ein Nutzer bei einem Dienst eines Anbieters (z.B. Google-Mail) pers&ouml;nlich angemeldet hat. Dann wird ein Cookie f&uuml;r diesen Anmelder gesetzt. Bei einer sp&auml;teren Suche ist dann dieser Anmelder anhand des Cookies identifiziert. Es sein denn: der (schlaue) Anwender l&ouml;scht den Cookie ;-) Aber die wenigsten tun das. Eine exakte Zuordnung &uuml;ber die IP-Adresse zur Person ist nur mit Hilfe des Providers m&ouml;glich. Dies wird im Normalfall wahrscheinlich nicht geschehen. Aber es gibt weitere Indizien: auch anhand einer wechselnden IP ist ohne Mithilfe des Providers eine ungef&auml;hre geografische Zuordnung m&ouml;glich. Dar&uuml;ber hinaus sendet der Browser weitere Daten, wie z.B. den User-Agent, dessen genaue Version und Arbeitsumgebung, das Betriebssystem und dessen exakte Version und ggf. Patch-Level. Auch mit diesen Daten ist eine Zuordnung zur Person des Anmelders, wenn dessen Daten durch die Anmeldung zu einem Dienst erst einmal bekannt sind, mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit m&ouml;glich.',
+    'faq.15.h'                 => 'Wie ist MetaGer eigentlich entstanden, wie ist die Geschichte von MetaGer?',
+    'faq.15.b'                 => 'MetaGer gibt es seit 1996 ... die Einzelheiten der Entstehungsgeschichte kann man hier in einem Interview nachlesen:',
+    'faq.16.h'                 => 'Darf ich einen Link auf euch setzen? oder Darf ich auf euch verlinken ?',
+    'faq.16.b'                 => 'Ja! Sie d&uuml;rfen 1000-sende von Links auf uns setzen!! Sie d&uuml;rfen das selbst dann, wenn Sie &uuml;ber manche Dinge des Lebens eine andere Meinung haben als wir, selbst dann, wenn Sie nicht die gleiche Partei w&auml;hlen oder eine andere Meinung &uuml;ber die einzig richtige Art der Rechtschreibung haben. Sie d&uuml;rfen Links auf alles von uns setzen, was Sie wollen. Je mehr, je besser! Noch lieber w&auml;re es uns nat&uuml;rlich, wenn Sie (vielleicht im Rahmen der Verbesserung Ihrer Webseiten) unser Widget nutzen w&uuml;rden. Bitte schauen Sie unter dem Punkt &quot;Dienste&quot; nach.',
diff --git a/resources/lang/en/hilfe.php b/resources/lang/en/hilfe.php
index 4bb7e11df..cc27dfd28 100644
--- a/resources/lang/en/hilfe.php
+++ b/resources/lang/en/hilfe.php
@@ -1,124 +1,28 @@
 return [
-	'head.1' => 'MetaGer - Help',
-	'head.2' => 'The MetaGer help tries to offer help for every level of skill: The professional should not be forced to read lengthy explanations, while the beginner should learn to understand what happens here, and how it happens.',
+    'title'               => 'MetaGer - Hilfe',
+    'einstellungen'       => 'Einstellungen',
-	'help.1' => 'Usage',
-	'help.2' => 'General Settings',
-	'help.3' => 'All settings can be found at the search focus "customize".',
-	'help.4' => 'On the left hand side of the input field you will find a drop icon, which allows you to customize the color.',
-	'help.5' => 'A plugin for most browsers can be found easily via the link next to the search field, where browser should be preset.',
-	'help.6' => 'Personal Settings',
-	'help.7' => 'Selection of the Search Focus',
-	'help.8' => 'The default settings of MetaGer are such that they provide the best results possible for the most users possible. Now it is a human quality to want different things: Some are searching for scientific results, while others want to shop online, and still others want something completely different. You can haul much better and fitting results out of MetaGer, by briefly considering which field your result should come from.',
-	'help.9' => 'For example a News focussed search:',
-	'help.10' => 'Click on "News" on the startpage.',
-	'help.11' => 'Perform your search as you always do.',
-	'help.12' => 'Depending on the focus you chose, you will get custom results.',
-	'help.13' => 'In case you do not like the offered settings, you can create an owen focus under "customize".',
-	'help.14' => 'How to Set the Customized Settings as Default',
-	'help.15' => 'If you do not use any of our offered Foki, but instead are using a selfmade one, in order to permanently use it, you need to save your settings in your browser. Otherwise the settings are lost, because MetaGer does not save anything. To do this you have two buttons at disposal at the bottom of the page: The one generates a version of your startpage with your settings. You can then bookmark that page. The other button saves the settings in your browser, inside the so called "local storage". This does not require Javascript.',
-	'help.16' => 'Input Aids and Guidelines',
-	'help.17' => 'Stopwords',
-	'help.18' => 'If you want to exclude MetaGer-results, which contain words (stopwords), you can do this by first typing in your searchwords as usual, then typing a blank (" ") followed by a minus ("-") and the words you want to exclude from your search.',
-	'help.19' => 'An Example: You are looking for a new car, but you definitely do not want a BMW. Therefore your input would be: car new -BMW',
-	'help.20' => 'Multi Word Search',
-	'help.21' => 'By default, a multi word search looks for documents, in which all words appear. The search for multiple terms shows almost equal results with or without quotation marks. However, if you have a longer citation or something like that, you should use quatation marks.',
-	'help.22' => 'Example: a search for "in den öden Fensterhöhlen" will provide many results, but it gets interesting (and more exact) when you search for: Schiller "in den öden Fensterhöhlen"',
-	'help.23' => 'Upper and Lower Case',
-	'help.24' => 'are usually not distinguished.',
-	'help.25' => 'Search Word Associator',
-	'help.26' => 'The headline above conveys a big problem of retrieving information from the internet: When searching in a certain field of expertise, the technical terms and conceptual field are not always known. To deduce this conceptual field with a click of your mouse, we developed the',
-	'help.27' => 'MetaGer-Web-Assoziator',
-	'help.28' => '; You can find the tool under the tab "Tools". Once you enter a search term, which kind of belongs to the field, it is attempted to extract typical terms of this field.',
-	'help.29' => 'Example: You want to find out something about tick bites and the dangers that come with it, but you can not remember the medical terms for diseases in this field. Entering the words "tick bite", the Web-Assoziator will provide you with results including "borreliosis" and "fsme".',
-	'help.30' => 'Since this association analysis among others uses web documents, it is language independant; this means that you can enter english words and acquire results in any language. Then again if you notice association analysises , which could be improved with your expertise, then please do not hesitate to tell us your improvement suggestions',
-	'help.31' => 'via our contact form',
-	'help.32' => '.',
-	'help.33' => 'Anonymity and Data Security',
-	'help.34' => 'Cookies, Session-IDs and IP-Adresses',
-	'help.35' => 'None of those is saved, kept, or elsewise processed here at MetaGer. Because we concider this topic of high importance, we created the possibility to help you reach a maximum of security: the MetaGer-TOR-Hidden-Service and our proxyserver.',
-	'help.36' => 'More exact information about other topics and about our dealings with data in general can be found in our',
-	'help.37' => 'The list of most frequently asked questions and answers. If you come up with something that could be turned on or off, or if you have questions regarding it: Write us a',
+    'allgemein.title'     => 'common settings',
+    'allgemein.1'         => 'You may change general settings by choosing &quot;customize&quot;.',
+    'allgemein.2'         => 'The colour drop on the left side of the search field allows you to apply your favourite colour to MetaGer.',
+    'allgemein.3'         => 'Add MetaGer to your browsers search engines by clicking the &quot;Add the MetaGer Plugin&quot; button just below the search field.',
-	'faq.1' => 'The Most Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About MetaGer:',
-	'faq.2' => 'What is MetaGer?',
-	'faq.3' => 'MetaGer is a search engine, that scans German-language (an international on demand) in parallel for your searchword and concludes them. This is called a meta-search-engine. In other words, if you want to search reasonably, you have to scan several search engines one after another and compare all results to conclude them. This work can be done for you by a machine - the meta-search-engine.',
-	'faq.4' => 'What do you need that for?',
-	'faq.5' => 'Every search engine only knows a fraction of the whole internet\'s information - according to former analysises at NEC Lab it was about a third. A study at NEC Lab from february 1999 for example shows, that the level of search-engine\'s coverage was about 16% of the web\'s content. Other studies suggest a clearly smaller coverage; also more topical ones, comparison tests of the search-engines Google, Ask Jeeves, MSN Search and Yahoo at the University of Pittsburgh and Penn State University pointed out the clear advantage of meta-searching.',
-	'faq.6' => 'I would like to know more exactly: What is a meta-search-engine?',
-	'faq.7' => 'For a short explanation click on',
-	'faq.8' => 'or for a detailed desctiption read the essay "Die Internet-Suchmaschinen der Zukunft" (Zeitschrift c\'t 13/98, S. 178, Heise Verlag).',
-	'faq.9' => 'If meta-search-engines are so "great", what do we need "normal" search-engines for?',
-	'faq.10' => 'First of all: meta-search-engines depend on the "normal" ones - without them there were no meta\'s',
-	'faq.11' => 'And second of all: meta-search-egnines are not actually all that "great": They can only be as good (or bad) as the "least common factor" of all the the scanned "normal" search-engines. The latter commonly offer more detailed search-options; in other words you can search more closely and accurately, once you know the destination route of your search. Therefore for detailed searches we recommend using the search-egnines directly. For gettins started and an overview, and for the decision on which search engine to use, a meta-search-engine is probably the best choice. If you are looking for a quite thorough overview of german search-engines, then visit',
-	'faq.12' => 'Which search-engines does MetaGer scan?',
-	'faq.13' => 'The ones that under customize are marked with an * are used for the web-search.',
-	'faq.14' => 'Why is there no switch for "search all search-engines"?',
-	'faq.15' => 'We have two reasons for this:',
-	'faq.16' => 'Because several queried services do not want this: if there was such a switch, the engines with smaller hardware-ressources were worn out by MetaGer due to the big amount of requests - and of course we we do not want that.',
-	'faq.17' => 'Because it would not make sense: With MetaGer we are scanning various small search-engines. Thereby for example it would not make sense to include product search-engines in your search for scientific results or vice versa. The results of different sections are not suitable to be mixed.',
-	'faq.18' => 'Why do you [not | no longer | still] query the search-engine XY?',
-	'faq.19' => 'You can believe us if we say that we know all search-engines of a certain relevance; if one of of them is not used by us, there are ALWAYS substantial reasons (discussing about which is tiring). If you want to know what these "substantial" reasons can be, they are for example: 
-Technical reasons: the connection to them is to slow, their hardware is to weak and so on
-Conceptional reasons: their service does for example not give us the possibility for a German-Language search
-"Political" reasons: the service provider does not "like" us (which we of course respect).
-Our reasons: we rank their offering as not good enough for MetaGer.
-and many others.',
-	'faq.20' => 'How does MetaGer search?',
-	'faq.21' => 'MetaGer passes your search-term to the search-services and fetches your results from there. In advance however, we search in a primarily local knowledge base, the QuickTips. This QuickTip search takes place in parallel to the meta-search. You can potentially click on quickly found results there right away, the actual search goes on in parallel.',
-	'faq.22' => 'What does MetaGer do with the results of their services?',
-	'faq.23' => 'MetaGer tries to sensibly process the results. For this purpose (preferably) all dublicate results (doublets) are merged into one. Yet an absolute detection of doublets is impossible.',
-	'faq.24' => 'A service queried by MetaGer (that actually answered) stopped finding anything, even phrases, it so far always had results for - what is going on there?',
-	'faq.25' => 'In this case the situation described in the paragraph above happened: One of the queried services changed their output format and confuses our ptograms. In this case we ask you to right away send us a mail, so that we can do somethign about it.',
-	'faq.26' => 'Questionable Content',
-	'faq.27' => 'I got results that had nothing to do with what i searched for - how is that possible?',
-	'faq.28' => 'I got results that I find (more then) annoying: there is written nothing but rubbish!',
-	'faq.29' => 'I got results that not only do I find annoying, but also do I think that they contain illegal content!',
-	'faq.30' => 'If you find something on the internet that you deem illegal or liable to have an undesirable influence on the moral development of young people, you can contact per email or visit and fill in the form to be found there. A short note on what you deem as illegitimate and how you found this offer can be useful. You can also directly report questionable content to us. Therefore write a mail at our',
-	'faq.31' => 'youth protection commissioner',
-	'faq.32' => 'Can I incorporate MetaGer in my own homepage?',
-	'faq.33' => 'Yes, please feel free to do so, it is real easy to do:
-Click on "Tools -> Widget" in the menu above and follow the instructions. The tool generates code according to your information, that you can insert into your website. You have the choice between a complete web-search or a search only on your own website. Or of course both!',
-	'faq.34' => 'Can I use MetaGer via email, thus sending a request per email and receive the result later?',
-	'faq.35' => 'That was possible a short while ago, due to the cooperation with and help of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Triest using a mail-to-web gateway. Unfortunately they appearantly stood down their service. Long story short: it is not possible at the moment.',
-	'faq.36' => 'Where can I enter my homepage/URL/etc. for MetaGer?',
-	'faq.37' => 'You can not. MetaGer is a meta-search-engine. It does not search itself, but instead uses other services. If you want to announce your www-page to the search-engines, then you have to contact the ones you want to enter your page for.',
-	'faq.38' => 'How exact is the MetaGer ranking?',
-	'faq.39' => 'For obvious reasons we do not furnish particulars regarding this topic.',
-	'faq.40' => 'I can not request MetaGer with my xyz-browser and the xyz-operating-system. What can I do?',
-	'faq.41' => 'You should absolutely try to install the newest plugin. For installation simply click on the link directly below the search box. There your browser should already be detected. If you still have problems afterwards, contact us at:',
-	'faq.42' => 'Where did you get all those clever quotes of your braggart?',
-	'faq.43' => 'They are collected from sources all over the internet. The majority was provided by Alexander Hammer. Thank you very much!
-By the way: We do not share every opinion expressed by the quotes! They shall and must express controversials. People who can not accept other opinions then their own should turn the braggart off. (With our "customize"-function)',
-	'faq.44' => 'How can I delete the display of my former searches?',
-	'faq.45' => 'The following email is symptomatical for this kind of question:',
-	'faq.46' => 'Dear Sir or Madam, I have a problem regarding the search function. The problem is, every time I make a certain search, for example an erotic website, how can I delete this search again? Whenever I now enter just E, Erotikseite appears below. I want to avoid this because of my children.',
-	'faq.47' => 'The answer is: This problem has nothing to do with MetaGer, but with the settings of your local system (browser and/or operating system). Finding out how to turn it off or delete it, is your task. Simply use our search.',
-	'faq.48' => 'How do you treat privacy, for how long do you save what?',
-	'faq.49' => 'The protection of private data is so important for us, that we do not do the contrary: We do not use cookies, session-ids or anything, that would enable such.',
-	'faq.50' => 'A thing every search engine has (and we can not do anythign about), is the ip-adress sent within a request. These can also be personal data. Therefore we do not save these adresses aswell - not at all, not even per day and especially not for years. Instead your ip-adress is anonymised during your search. We do not save the anonymised ip-adress aswell, because we can not rule out the possibility that future decryption methods can deanonymise them. And: ip-adresses are in no case passed to other search-engines queried by MetaGer. As far as our experience goes operating search-engines worgst great WITHOUT saving ip-adresses.',
-	'faq.51' => 'If you (in general) want to browse without storage of your ip-adress, the easiest way is to use an open and free proxy; under you will find for example a comprehensive list of the network or at Since the free proxies are powered by ads, you have to expect disruptive pop-ups. If you want to avoid this, you can use a commercial proxy-anonymisation-service: such as for example Here you can, tiered by tariff, also expect a better performance. However while using anonymisation through proxies you are not anonymous for the operator of the service - you have to trust him that that he preserves your privacy.',
-	'faq.52' => 'If you want to ensure your privacy even more, you can become part of the tor network. MetaGer offers access via a tor network "tor-hidden"-access: the details aredescribed ',
-	'faq.53' => 'here',
-	'faq.54' => '. Since the dealings with the tor network and the installation of a tor browser is a considerable obstacle for many users, we offer another possibility, to access the MetaGer result pages anonymously: a proxy server',
-	'faq.55' => 'To use it, you just have to click on the link "open anonymously" on the MetaGer result page right next to the actual result link. Your request will then be sent via our anonymising proxy-server, and your personal data stays protected. Important: As long as you follow links on the pages, you stay protected by the proxy. However you can not enter a new adress through your adress field. In this case you will lose the protection. You can find out if you are still protected by looking at your adress field. It shows:',
-	'faq.56' => 'Of course you always access MetaGer automatically via the encrypted https-protocol. Hence your requests are also protected on the way from your pc to our MetaGer-server. Maybe a few words about anonymity on the internet in general. We do not want to discuss the question, whether "anonymity on the internet" is more of a "moral basic right" or an "evil" - there are good arguments for both sides. But you should know that anonymity on the internet is not a "either-or" term. (just as in real life) There is always more or less anonymity. At MetaGer you have more of it. Of course we do not know exactly what other search engones do internally. Though most likely a lot of search-engines save ip-adresses and so on. Because if they did not do this, they could point that out loud and clear. What other search-engines do with this data is the big unknown. That google analyses it becomes clear when you look at the example Flu Trends (prediction of flu trends). And in such a way you can of course forecast other trends aswell (buying behavior, political opinions etc.).',
-	'faq.57' => 'How can there now be an allocation with people?',
-	'faq.58' => 'The allocation is possible, if a user registers for the service of a service provider (e.g. Google-Mail). Then a cookie is set for this user. On later searches the user can now be identified by this cookie. Except for when the user deletes the cookie. But this is not done by many people. An exact mapping via the ip-adress to the person is only possible with the help of the provider. This probably does not happen on normal occasions. But there are other indications: Through a switching ip a rough geographical allocation is possible without the help of a provider. Moreover the browser does send a lot of additional information, such as for example the User-Agent, it\'s exact version and working environment, aswell as the operating system with it\'s exact version and perhaps patch-level. With this data you can most probably also allocate the person of the user, if his data became apparent at a former login for a service.',
-	'faq.59' => 'How was MetaGer formed, what is the history of MetaGer?',
-	'faq.60' => 'MetaGer exists since 1996 ... the details about it\'s origin can be read  in this interview:',
-	'faq.61' => 'Can I set a link on you? or can I link you?',
-	'faq.62' => 'Yes! You may set thousands of links on us! You may even do this, if you have a different oppinion then us about some things in life, even if you do not vote for the same pary od have a different oppinion about the right way of spelling. You may set links on everything of us you want, The more the better!',
-	'faq.63' => 'MetaGer as a TOR-hidden-Service',
-	'faq.64' => 'At MetaGer the user\'s internet adresses are being anonymised and not saved since lots of years. Nonetheless these adresses are visible on the MetaGer-server: if an intruder had hacked into MetaGer, this intruder could read along your adresses and save them on his servers. Now MetaGer is located in one of the most secure environments possible, the RRZN of the Universität Hannover, but there never is absolute savety from hackers - NSA-state-hackers or others. Therefore we created a new access to MetaGer, which according to current knowledge offers the highest level of security, which does not let you internet adresses become visible for the MetaGer-server:
-The MetaGer-TOR-Hidden-Service - accessible under:',
-	'faq.65' => 'Without diffusing complex details, here is a short Instruction on how to access MetaGer via this service (clicking on the above link alone is not enough):
-1) Open the website of the TOR-project and click on "Download Tor".
-2) Install the "Tor-Browser" on your PC. This is real easy to do, you do not need to compile/configure etc. anything. This Tor-Browser is just a customized version of Firefox.
-3) In this Tor-Browser enter the adress
-4) Then click on the button "MetaGer hidden öffnen"
-Now use MetaGer as anonymous, as modern internet technology allows for. Once you have installed the "Tor Browser", you can also access the MetaGer-TOR-Hidden-Service directly under: http://b7cxf4dkdsko6ah2.onion/tor/. If you want to know more about the TOR-Hidden-Service: under there is a good explanation. In these times of total internet surveillance we should do what we can, to impede espionage for the sureillors - or at least "throw a wrench in the works".
+    'suchfokus.title'     => 'select a search focus / using the &quot;customize&quot; button',
+    'suchfokus.1'         => 'Just pick one of the foci ( &quot;web&quot;, &quot;pictures&quot;, &quot;news&quot;, &quot;science&quot; or &quot;shopping&quot; ) to start a search with general settings made by us. These should fit most of your needs. You may set exact personally ADV?? adjustments to the foci (some other settings are available too) by clicking &quot;customize&quot;. At last, make a decision whether your settings should be used once ( it is possible to set a bookmark ) or permanent by clicking either &quot;one time use&quot; or &quot;permanent use&quot;. Your settings are stored in the so called &quot;local storage&quot; of your webbrowser (JavaScript is needed for this).',
+    'sucheingabe'         => 'Sucheingabe',
+    'stopworte.title'     => 'stopwords',
+    'stopworte.1'         => 'It is possible to exclude single words from a search. Just write your searchword(s), add a minus and your desired exclusion.',
+    'stopworte.2'         => 'Example: You are looking for a new car, but you do not want a BMW. Therefore your input is: <div class="well well-sm">car new -bmw</div>',
+    'mehrwortsuche.title' => 'Mehrwortsuche',
+    'mehrwortsuche.1'     => 'Bei einer Mehrwortsuche werden als Voreinstellung diejenigen Dokumente gesucht, in denen alle Worte vorkommen. Die Suche nach mehreren Begriffen zeigt ann&auml;hernd gleiche Ergebnisse mit oder ohne Verwendung von Anf&uuml;hrungszeichen. Wenn Sie jedoch zum Beispiel ein l&auml;ngeres Zitat oder so etwas suchen, sollten Sie Anf&uuml;hrungszeichen verwenden.',
+    'mehrwortsuche.2'     => 'Beispiel: die Suche nach <div class="well well-sm">&quot;in den &ouml;den Fensterh&ouml;hlen&quot;</div> liefert viele Ergebnisse, aber spannend (und genauer) wird es bei der Suche <div class="well well-sm">Schiller &quot;in den &ouml;den Fensterh&ouml;hlen&quot;</div>',
+    'grossklein.title'    => 'Gro&szlig;-/ Kleinschreibung',
+    'grossklein.1'        => 'Gro&szlig;- und Kleinschreibung wird bei der Suche nicht unterschieden, es handelt sich um eine rein inhaltliche Suche.',
+    'grossklein.2'        => 'Beispiel: die Suche nach <div class="well well-sm">gro&szlig;schreibung</div> liefert also genau die gleichen Ergebnisse wie <div class="well well-sm">GRO&szlig;SCHREIBUNG</div>',