diff --git a/app/Jobs/Searcher.php b/app/Jobs/Searcher.php
index 5605492bd3c6cb9bc19a804cf2827aabcfd650e6..ec82937b42b85994833d0d930a46ef08deeb002c 100644
--- a/app/Jobs/Searcher.php
+++ b/app/Jobs/Searcher.php
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ class Searcher implements ShouldQueue
         // Set this URL to the Curl handle
         curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
         $result = curl_exec($this->ch);
         $this->connectionInfo = curl_getinfo($this->ch);
         return $result;
@@ -203,10 +204,13 @@ class Searcher implements ShouldQueue
         if ($this->headers !== null) {
+            $headers = [];
+            foreach ($this->headers as $key => $value) {
+                $headers[] = $key . ":" . $value;
+            }
             # Headers are in the Form:
             # <key>:<value>;<key>:<value>
-            $headerArray = explode(";", $this->headers);
-            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headerArray);
+            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
         return $ch;
diff --git a/app/MetaGer.php b/app/MetaGer.php
index ad21554bceb399445c78dabb0dedfb3a58fbff59..899ccc84227649b632dbd6e2d17ad1a7978de201 100644
--- a/app/MetaGer.php
+++ b/app/MetaGer.php
@@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ class MetaGer
     protected $fokus;
     protected $eingabe;
     protected $q;
-    protected $category;
-    protected $time;
     protected $page;
     protected $lang;
     protected $cache = "";
     protected $site;
+    protected $time = 2000;
     protected $hostBlacklist = [];
     protected $domainBlacklist = [];
     private $urlBlacklist = [];
@@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ class MetaGer
     protected $mobile;
     protected $resultCount;
     protected $sprueche;
-    protected $maps;
     protected $newtab;
     protected $domainsBlacklisted = [];
     protected $urlsBlacklisted = [];
@@ -309,7 +307,6 @@ class MetaGer
         if ($this->validated) {
             $this->ads = [];
-            $this->maps = false;
         if (count($this->results) <= 0) {
@@ -531,99 +528,48 @@ class MetaGer
-        $xml = simplexml_load_file($this->sumaFile);
-        $sumas = $xml->xpath("suma");
         $enabledSearchengines = [];
         $overtureEnabled = false;
-        $sumaCount = 0;
-        /*
-         * Erstellt eine Liste mit Foki, die verfügbar sind
-         */
-        $this->availableFoki = [];
-        foreach ($sumas as $suma) {
-            $foki = explode(",", trim($suma["type"]));
-            foreach ($foki as $fokus) {
-                if (!empty($fokus)) {
-                    $this->availableFoki[$fokus] = "available";
-                }
-            }
+        # Check if selected focus is valid
+        if (empty($this->sumaFile->foki->{$this->fokus})) {
+            $this->fokus = "web";
-        $isCustomSearch = $this->startsWith($this->fokus, 'focus_');
-        # Im Falle einer Custom-Suche ohne mindestens einer selektierter Suchmaschine wird eine Web-Suche durchgeführt
-        if ($isCustomSearch && !$this->atLeastOneSearchengineSelected($request)) {
-            $isCustomSearch = false;
-            $this->fokus = 'web';
-        }
-        /* Erstellt die Liste der eingestellten Sumas
-         * Der einzige Unterschied bei angepasstem Suchfokus ist,
-         * dass nicht nach den Typen einer Suma,
-         * sondern den im Request mitgegebenen Typen entschieden wird.
-         * Ansonsten wird genau das selbe geprüft und gemacht:
-         * Handelt es sich um spezielle Suchmaschinen die immer an sein müssen
-         * Wenn es Overture ist vermerken dass Overture an ist
-         * Suma Zähler erhöhen
-         * Zu Liste hinzufügen
-         */
-        foreach ($sumas as $suma) {
-            if (($this->sumaIsSelected($suma, $request, $isCustomSearch)
-                || (!$this->isBildersuche()
-                    && $this->sumaIsAdsuche($suma, $overtureEnabled)))
-                && (!$this->sumaIsDisabled($suma))) {
-                if ($this->sumaIsOverture($suma)) {
-                    $overtureEnabled = true;
-                }
-                if ($this->sumaIsNotAdsuche($suma)) {
-                    $sumaCount += 1;
-                }
-                $enabledSearchengines[] = $suma;
+        foreach ($this->sumaFile->foki->{$this->fokus}->sumas as $suma) {
+            # Check if this engine is disabled and can't be used
+            $disabled = empty($suma->disabled) ? false : $suma->disabled;
+            if ($disabled) {
+                continue;
-        }
-        # Sonderregelung für alle Suchmaschinen, die zu den Minisuchern gehören. Diese können alle gemeinsam über einen Link abgefragt werden
-        $subcollections = [];
-        $tmp = [];
-        // Es gibt den Schalter "minism=on" Dieser soll bewirken, dass alle Minisucher angeschaltet werden.
-        // Wenn also "minism=on" ist, dann durchsuchen wir statt den tatsächlich angeschalteten Suchmaschinen,
-        // alle Suchmaschinen nach "minismCollection"
-        if ($request->input("minism", "off") === "on") {
-            // Wir laden alle Minisucher
-            foreach ($sumas as $engine) {
-                if (isset($engine["minismCollection"])) {
-                    $subcollections[] = $engine["minismCollection"]->__toString();
-                }
-            }
-            # Nur noch alle eventuell angeschalteten Minisucher deaktivieren
-            foreach ($enabledSearchengines as $index => $engine) {
-                if (!isset($engine["minismCollection"])) {
-                    $tmp[] = $engine;
+            # Check if this engine can use eventually defined query-filter
+            $valid = true;
+            foreach ($this->queryFilter as $queryFilter => $filter) {
+                if (empty($this->sumaFile->filter->$queryFilter->sumas->$suma)) {
+                    $valid = false;
+                    break;
-        } else {
-            // Wir schalten eine Teilmenge, oder aber gar keine an
-            foreach ($enabledSearchengines as $engine) {
-                if (isset($engine['minismCollection'])) {
-                    $subcollections[] = $engine['minismCollection']->__toString();
-                } else {
-                    $tmp[] = $engine;
-                }
+            # If it can we add it
+            if ($valid) {
+                $enabledSearchengines[$suma] = $this->sumaFile->sumas->{$suma};
-        $enabledSearchengines = $tmp;
-        if (sizeof($subcollections) > 0) {
-            $enabledSearchengines[] = $this->loadMiniSucher($xml, $subcollections);
-        }
-        if ($sumaCount <= 0) {
-            $this->errors[] = trans('metaGer.settings.noneSelected');
+        if (sizeof($enabledSearchengines) === 0) {
+            $filter = "";
+            foreach ($this->queryFilter as $queryFilter => $filterPhrase) {
+                $filter .= trans($this->sumaFile->filter->{$queryFilter}->name) . ",";
+            }
+            $filter = rtrim($filter, ",");
+            $error = trans('metaGer.engines.noSpecialSearch', ['fokus' => trans($this->sumaFile->foki->{$this->fokus}->{"display-name"}),
+                'filter' => $filter]);
+            $this->errors[] = $error;
         $engines = [];
-        # Wenn eine Sitesearch durchgeführt werden soll, überprüfen wir ob überhaupt eine der Suchmaschinen eine Sitesearch unterstützt
-        $siteSearchFailed = $this->checkCanNotSitesearch($enabledSearchengines);
         $typeslist = [];
         $counter = 0;
@@ -635,9 +581,8 @@ class MetaGer
         } else {
-            $engines = $this->actuallyCreateSearchEngines($enabledSearchengines, $siteSearchFailed);
+            $engines = $this->actuallyCreateSearchEngines($enabledSearchengines);
         # Wir starten alle Suchen
         foreach ($engines as $engine) {
@@ -684,50 +629,34 @@ class MetaGer
         return false;
-    public function actuallyCreateSearchEngines($enabledSearchengines, $siteSearchFailed)
+    public function actuallyCreateSearchEngines($enabledSearchengines)
         $engines = [];
-        foreach ($enabledSearchengines as $engine) {
+        foreach ($enabledSearchengines as $engineName => $engine) {
-            # Wenn diese Suchmaschine gar nicht eingeschaltet sein soll
-            if (!$siteSearchFailed
-                && strlen($this->site) > 0
-                && (!isset($engine['hasSiteSearch'])
-                    || $engine['hasSiteSearch']->__toString() === "0")) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (!isset($engine["package"])) {
+            if (!isset($engine->{"parser-class"})) {
             # Setze Pfad zu Parser
-            $path = "App\Models\parserSkripte\\" . ucfirst($engine["package"]->__toString());
+            $path = "App\\Models\\parserSkripte\\" . $engine->{"parser-class"};
             # Prüfe ob Parser vorhanden
-            if (!file_exists(app_path() . "/Models/parserSkripte/" . ucfirst($engine["package"]->__toString()) . ".php")) {
-                Log::error("Konnte " . $engine["name"] . " nicht abfragen, da kein Parser existiert");
-                $this->errors[] = trans('metaGer.engines.noParser', ['engine' => $engine["name"]]);
+            if (!file_exists(app_path() . "/Models/parserSkripte/" . $engine->{"parser-class"} . ".php")) {
+                Log::error("Konnte " . $engine->{"display-name"} . " nicht abfragen, da kein Parser existiert");
+                $this->errors[] = trans('metaGer.engines.noParser', ['engine' => $engine->{"display-name"}]);
             # Es wird versucht die Suchengine zu erstellen
             $time = microtime();
             try {
-                $tmp = new $path($engine, $this);
+                $tmp = new $path($engineName, $engine, $this);
             } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
-                Log::error("Konnte " . $engine["name"] . " nicht abfragen. " . var_dump($e));
+                Log::error("Konnte " . $engine->{"display-name"} . " nicht abfragen. " . var_dump($e));
-            # Ausgabe bei Debug-Modus
-            if ($tmp->enabled && isset($this->debug)) {
-                $this->warnings[] = $tmp->service . "   Connection_Time: " . $tmp->connection_time . "    Write_Time: " . $tmp->write_time . " Insgesamt:" . ((microtime() - $time) / 1000);
-            }
-            # Wenn die neu erstellte Engine eingeschaltet ist, wird sie der Liste hinzugefügt
-            if ($tmp->isEnabled()) {
-                $engines[] = $tmp;
-            }
+            $engines[] = $tmp;
         return $engines;
@@ -790,16 +719,6 @@ class MetaGer
         return $engines;
-    public function loadMiniSucher($xml, $subcollections)
-    {
-        $minisucherEngine = $xml->xpath('suma[@name="minism"]')[0];
-        $minisucherEngine["subcollections"] = implode(", ", $subcollections);
-        $subcollectionsString = urlencode("(" . implode(" OR ", $subcollections) . ")");
-        $minisucherEngine["formData"] = str_replace("<<SUBCOLLECTIONS>>", $subcollectionsString, $minisucherEngine["formData"]);
-        $minisucherEngine["formData"] = str_replace("<<COUNT>>", sizeof($subcollections) * 10, $minisucherEngine["formData"]);
-        return $minisucherEngine;
-    }
     # Passt den Suchfokus an, falls für einen Fokus genau alle vorhandenen Sumas eingeschaltet sind
     public function adjustFocus($sumas, $enabledSearchengines)
@@ -864,26 +783,6 @@ class MetaGer
-    public function checkCanNotSitesearch($enabledSearchengines)
-    {
-        if (strlen($this->site) > 0) {
-            $enginesWithSite = 0;
-            foreach ($enabledSearchengines as $engine) {
-                if (isset($engine['hasSiteSearch']) && $engine['hasSiteSearch']->__toString() === "1") {
-                    $enginesWithSite++;
-                }
-            }
-            if ($enginesWithSite === 0) {
-                $this->errors[] = trans('metaGer.sitesearch.failed', ['site' => $this->site, 'searchLink' => $this->generateSearchLink("web", false)]);
-                return true;
-            } else {
-                $this->warnings[] = trans('metaGer.sitesearch.success', ['site' => $this->site]);
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
     public function waitForResults($enginesToLoad, $overtureEnabled, $canBreak)
@@ -977,12 +876,14 @@ class MetaGer
         $this->fokus = $request->input('focus', 'web');
         # Suma-File
         if (App::isLocale("en")) {
-            $this->sumaFile = config_path() . "/sumasEn.xml";
+            $this->sumaFile = config_path() . "/sumasEn.json";
         } else {
-            $this->sumaFile = config_path() . "/sumas.xml";
+            $this->sumaFile = config_path() . "/sumas.json";
         if (!file_exists($this->sumaFile)) {
+        } else {
+            $this->sumaFile = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->sumaFile));
         # Sucheingabe
         $this->eingabe = trim($request->input('eingabe', ''));
@@ -1001,10 +902,7 @@ class MetaGer
         } else {
             $this->language = "";
-        # Category
-        $this->category = $request->input('category', '');
-        # Request Times
-        $this->time = $request->input('time', 1500);
         # Page
         $this->page = 1;
         # Lang
@@ -1022,12 +920,7 @@ class MetaGer
         } else {
             $this->sprueche = false;
-        $this->maps = $request->input('maps', 'off');
-        if ($this->maps === "on") {
-            $this->maps = true;
-        } else {
-            $this->maps = false;
-        }
         $this->newtab = $request->input('newtab', 'on');
         if ($this->newtab === "on") {
             $this->newtab = "_blank";
@@ -1038,14 +931,7 @@ class MetaGer
         $this->theme = preg_replace("/[^[:alnum:][:space:]]/u", '', $request->input('theme', 'default'));
         # Ergebnisse pro Seite:
         $this->resultCount = $request->input('resultCount', '20');
-        # Manchmal müssen wir Parameter anpassen um den Sucheinstellungen gerecht zu werden:
-        if ($request->filled('dart')) {
-            $this->time = 10000;
-            $this->warnings[] = trans('metaGer.formdata.dartEurope');
-        }
-        if ($this->time <= 500 || $this->time > 20000) {
-            $this->time = 1000;
-        }
         if ($request->filled('minism') && ($request->filled('fportal') || $request->filled('harvest'))) {
             $input = $request->all();
             $newInput = [];
@@ -1075,6 +961,7 @@ class MetaGer
             $this->quicktips = true;
+        $this->queryFilter = [];
         $this->verificationId = $request->input('verification_id', null);
         $this->verificationCount = intval($request->input('verification_count', '0'));
         $this->apiKey = $request->input('key', '');
@@ -1117,7 +1004,29 @@ class MetaGer
     public function checkSpecialSearches(Request $request)
-        $this->searchCheckSitesearch($request);
+        # Check for query-filter (i.e. Sitesearch, etc.):
+        foreach ($this->sumaFile->filter as $filterName => $filter) {
+            if ($filter->type !== "query-filter") {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (!empty($filter->{"optional-parameter"}) && $request->filled($filter->{"optional-parameter"})) {
+                $this->queryFilter[$filterName] = $request->input($filter->{"optional-parameter"});
+            } else if (preg_match_all("/" . $filter->regex . "/si", $this->q, $matches) > 0) {
+                switch ($filter->match) {
+                    case "last":
+                        $this->queryFilter[$filterName] = $matches[$filter->save][sizeof($matches[$filter->save]) - 1];
+                        $toDelete = preg_quote($matches[$filter->delete][sizeof($matches[$filter->delete]) - 1], "/");
+                        $this->q = preg_replace('/(' . $toDelete . '(?!.*' . $toDelete . '))/si', '', $this->q);
+                        break;
+                    default: # First occurence
+                        $this->queryFilter[$filterName] = $matches[$filter->save][0];
+                        $toDelete = preg_quote($matches[$filter->delete][0], "/");
+                        $this->q = preg_replace('/' . $toDelete . '/si', '', $this->q, 1);
+                }
+            }
+        }
@@ -1143,19 +1052,6 @@ class MetaGer
-    private function searchCheckSitesearch($request)
-    {
-        // matches '[... ]site:test.de[ ...]'
-        while (preg_match("/(^|.*?\s)site:(\S+)(\s.*|$)/si", $this->q, $match)) {
-            $this->site = $match[2];
-            $this->q = $match[1] . $match[3];
-        }
-        # Overwrite Setting if it's submitted via Parameter
-        if ($request->has('site')) {
-            $this->site = $request->input('site');
-        }
-    }
     private function searchCheckHostBlacklist($request)
         // matches '[... ]-site:test.de[ ...]'
@@ -1573,10 +1469,6 @@ class MetaGer
         return $this->url;
-    public function getTime()
-    {
-        return $this->time;
-    }
     public function getLanguage()
@@ -1598,16 +1490,6 @@ class MetaGer
         return $this->sprueche;
-    public function getMaps()
-    {
-        return $this->maps;
-    }
-    public function getCategory()
-    {
-        return $this->category;
-    }
     public function getPhrases()
         return $this->phrases;
@@ -1622,6 +1504,16 @@ class MetaGer
         return $this->sumaFile;
+    public function getQueryFilter()
+    {
+        return $this->queryFilter;
+    }
+    public function getTime()
+    {
+        return $this->time;
+    }
     public function getUserHostBlacklist()
         return $this->hostBlacklist;
diff --git a/app/Models/Result.php b/app/Models/Result.php
index 03349b5dfd1db2dfa1e3ffa1e20907d6d9bb62b7..529788464d4021f4f3739c7181e594243059e58d 100644
--- a/app/Models/Result.php
+++ b/app/Models/Result.php
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ class Result
     # Erstellt ein neues Ergebnis
     public function __construct($provider, $titel, $link, $anzeigeLink, $descr, $gefVon, $gefVonLink, $sourceRank, $additionalInformation = [])
-        $provider = simplexml_load_string($provider);
         $this->titel = strip_tags(trim($titel));
         $this->link = trim($link);
         $this->anzeigeLink = trim($anzeigeLink);
@@ -52,8 +51,8 @@ class Result
             $this->sourceRank = 20;
         $this->sourceRank = 20 - $this->sourceRank;
-        if (isset($provider["engineBoost"])) {
-            $this->engineBoost = floatval($provider["engineBoost"]->__toString());
+        if (isset($provider->{"engine-boost"})) {
+            $this->engineBoost = floatval($provider->{"engine-boost"});
         } else {
             $this->engineBoost = 1;
@@ -275,22 +274,6 @@ class Result
-        /* Der Host-Filter der sicherstellt,
-         *  dass von jedem Host maximal 3 Links angezeigt werden.
-         *  Diese Überprüfung führen wir unter bestimmten Bedingungen nicht durch.
-         */
-        if (($metager->getSite() === "" || $metager->getSite() === null) &&
-            strpos($this->strippedHost, "ncbi.nlm.nih.gov") === false &&
-            strpos($this->strippedHost, "twitter.com") === false &&
-            strpos($this->strippedHost, "www.ladenpreis.net") === false &&
-            strpos($this->strippedHost, "ncbi.nlm.nih.gov") === false &&
-            strpos($this->strippedHost, "www.onenewspage.com") === false &&
-            $this->gefVon !== "Shopzilla") {
-            $count = $metager->getHostCount($this->strippedHost);
-            if ($count >= 3) {
-                return false;
-            }
-        }
         /* Der Dublettenfilter, der sicher stellt,
          *  dass wir nach Möglichkeit keinen Link doppelt in der Ergebnisliste haben.
diff --git a/app/Models/Searchengine.php b/app/Models/Searchengine.php
index b6be56e91867530b6dc2d816a7cb353718ad360c..239e0ba67acd718014aa843d3d27f9b2fcc32599 100644
--- a/app/Models/Searchengine.php
+++ b/app/Models/Searchengine.php
@@ -12,10 +12,8 @@ abstract class Searchengine
     use DispatchesJobs;
-    public $ch; # Curl Handle zum erhalten der Ergebnisse
     public $getString = ""; # Der String für die Get-Anfrage
     public $engine; # Die ursprüngliche Engine XML
-    public $enabled = true; # true, wenn die Suchmaschine nicht explizit disabled ist
     public $results = []; # Die geladenen Ergebnisse
     public $ads = []; # Die geladenen Werbungen
     public $products = []; # Die geladenen Produkte
@@ -31,7 +29,7 @@ abstract class Searchengine
     public $startTime; # Die Zeit der Erstellung dieser Suchmaschine
     public $hash; # Der Hash-Wert dieser Suchmaschine
-    private $user; # Username für HTTP-Auth (falls angegeben)
+    private $username; # Username für HTTP-Auth (falls angegeben)
     private $password; # Passwort für HTTP-Auth (falls angegeben)
     private $headers; # Headers to add
@@ -42,58 +40,40 @@ abstract class Searchengine
     public $write_time = 0; # Wird eventuell für Artefakte benötigt
     public $connection_time = 0; # Wird eventuell für Artefakte benötigt
-    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, MetaGer $metager)
+    public function __construct($name, \stdClass $engine, MetaGer $metager)
-        # Versucht möglichst viele attribute aus dem engine XML zu laden
-        foreach ($engine->attributes() as $key => $value) {
-            $this->$key = $value->__toString();
-        }
-        # Standardhomepage metager.de
-        if (!isset($this->homepage)) {
-            $this->homepage = "https://metager.de";
-        }
-        # Speichert die XML der Engine
-        $this->engine = $engine->asXML();
+        $this->engine = $engine;
+        $this->name = $name;
         # Cache Standarddauer 60
         if (!isset($this->cacheDuration)) {
             $this->cacheDuration = 60;
-        $this->enabled = true;
-        # Eine Suchmaschine kann automatisch temporär deaktiviert werden, wenn es Verbindungsprobleme gab:
-        if (isset($this->disabled) && strtotime($this->disabled) <= time()) {
-            # In diesem Fall ist der Timeout der Suchmaschine abgelaufen.
-            $this->enable($metager->getSumaFile(), "Die Suchmaschine " . $this->name . " wurde wieder eingeschaltet.");
-        } elseif (isset($this->disabled) && strtotime($this->disabled) > time()) {
-            $this->enabled = false;
-            return;
-        }
         $this->useragent = $metager->getUserAgent();
         $this->ip = $metager->getIp();
         $this->startTime = microtime();
+        # check for http Auth
+        if (!empty($this->engine->{"http-auth-credentials"}->username) && !empty($this->engine->{"http-auth-credentials"}->password)) {
+            $this->username = $this->engine->{"http-auth-credentials"}->username;
+            $this->password = $this->engine->{"http-auth-credentials"}->password;
+        }
-        # Suchstring generieren
-        $q = "";
-        if (isset($this->hasSiteSearch) && $this->hasSiteSearch === "1") {
-            if (strlen($metager->getSite()) === 0) {
-                $q = $metager->getQ();
-            } else {
-                $q = $metager->getQ() . " site:" . $metager->getSite();
-            }
+        $this->headers = $this->engine->{"request-header"};
-        } else {
-            $q = $metager->getQ();
+        # Suchstring generieren
+        $q = $metager->getQ();
+        $filters = $metager->getSumaFile()->filter;
+        foreach ($metager->getQueryFilter() as $queryFilter => $filter) {
+            $filterOptions = $filters->$queryFilter;
+            $filterOptionsEngine = $filterOptions->sumas->{$this->name};
+            $query = $filterOptionsEngine->prefix . $filter . $filterOptionsEngine->suffix;
+            $q = $query . " " . $q;
-        $this->getString = $this->generateGetString($q, $metager->getUrl(), $metager->getLanguage(), $metager->getCategory());
-        $this->hash = md5($this->host . $this->getString . $this->port . $this->name);
+        $this->getString = $this->generateGetString($q);
+        $this->hash = md5($this->engine->host . $this->getString . $this->engine->port . $this->name);
         $this->resultHash = $metager->getHashCode();
         $this->canCache = $metager->canCache();
-        if (!isset($this->additionalHeaders)) {$this->additionalHeaders = "";}
     abstract public function loadResults($result);
@@ -107,6 +87,7 @@ abstract class Searchengine
     # Prüft, ob die Suche bereits gecached ist, ansonsted wird sie als Job dispatched
     public function startSearch(\App\MetaGer $metager)
         if ($this->canCache && Cache::has($this->hash)) {
             $this->cached = true;
@@ -118,18 +99,20 @@ abstract class Searchengine
             // <ResultHash>;<URL to fetch>
             // With <ResultHash> being the Hash Value where the fetcher will store the result.
             // and <URL to fetch> being the full URL to the searchengine
             $url = "";
-            if ($this->port === "443") {
+            if ($this->engine->port === 443) {
                 $url = "https://";
             } else {
                 $url = "http://";
-            $url .= $this->host;
-            if ($this->port !== 80 && $this->port !== 443) {
-                $url .= ":" . $this->port;
+            $url .= $this->engine->host;
+            if ($this->engine->port !== 80 && $this->engine->port !== 443) {
+                $url .= ":" . $this->engine->port;
             $url .= $this->getString;
             $url = base64_encode($url);
             $mission = $this->resultHash . ";" . $url . ";" . $metager->getTime();
             // Submit this mission to the corresponding Redis Queue
             // Since each Searcher is dedicated to one specific search engine
@@ -176,7 +159,7 @@ abstract class Searchengine
             if ($needSearcher && Redis::get($this->name) !== "locked") {
                 Redis::set($this->name, "locked");
-                $this->dispatch(new Searcher($this->name, $this->user, $this->password, $this->headers));
+                $this->dispatch(new Searcher($this->name, $this->username, $this->password, $this->headers));
@@ -189,46 +172,11 @@ abstract class Searchengine
-    # Magic ???
-    private function setStatistic($key, $val)
-    {
-        $oldVal = floatval(Redis::hget($this->name, $key)) * $this->uses;
-        $newVal = ($oldVal + max($val, 0)) / $this->uses;
-        Redis::hset($this->name, $key, $newVal);
-        $this->$key = $newVal;
-    }
-    # Entfernt wenn gesetzt das disabled="1" für diese Suchmaschine aus der sumas.xml
-    public function enable($sumaFile, $message)
-    {
-        $xml = simplexml_load_file($sumaFile);
-        unset($xml->xpath("//sumas/suma[@name='" . $this->name . "']")['0']['disabled']);
-        $xml->saveXML($sumaFile);
-        $this->enabled = true;
-    }
     public function setResultHash($hash)
         $this->resultHash = $hash;
-    public function closeFp()
-    {
-        fclose($this->fp);
-    }
-    # Öffnet einen neuen Socket für diese Engine
-    public function getSocket()
-    {
-        $number = Redis::hget('search.' . $this->hash, $this->name);
-        if ($number === null) {
-            return null;
-        } else {
-            return pfsockopen($this->getHost() . ":" . $this->port . "/$number", $this->port, $errstr, $errno, 1);
-        }
-    }
     # Fragt die Ergebnisse von Redis ab und lädt Sie
     public function retrieveResults(MetaGer $metager)
@@ -256,71 +204,34 @@ abstract class Searchengine
-    public function shutdown()
-    {
-        Redis::del($this->host . "." . $this->socketNumber);
-    }
-    # Erstellt den für die Get-Anfrage genutzten Host-Link
-    protected function getHost()
-    {
-        $return = "";
-        if ($this->port === "443") {
-            $return .= "tls://";
-        } else {
-            $return .= "tcp://";
-        }
-        $return .= $this->host;
-        return $return;
-    }
     # Erstellt den für die Get-Anfrage genutzten String
-    private function generateGetString($query, $url, $language, $category)
+    protected function generateGetString($query)
         $getString = "";
         # Skript:
-        if (strlen($this->skript) > 0) {
-            $getString .= $this->skript;
+        if (!empty($this->engine->path)) {
+            $getString .= $this->engine->path;
         } else {
             $getString .= "/";
-        # FormData:
-        if (strlen($this->formData) > 0) {
-            $getString .= "?" . $this->formData;
-        }
-        # Wir müssen noch einige Platzhalter in dem GET-String ersetzen:
-        # Useragent
-        if (strpos($getString, "<<USERAGENT>>")) {
-            $getString = str_replace("<<USERAGENT>>", $this->urlEncode($this->useragent), $getString);
-        }
-        # Query
-        if (strpos($getString, "<<QUERY>>")) {
-            $getString = str_replace("<<QUERY>>", $this->urlEncode($query), $getString);
+        $getString .= "?";
+        $parameter = [];
+        foreach ($this->engine->{"get-parameter"} as $key => $value) {
+            $parameter[] = $this->urlEncode($key) . "=" . $this->urlEncode($value);
+        $getString .= implode("&", $parameter);
-        # IP
-        if (strpos($getString, "<<IP>>")) {
-            $getString = str_replace("<<IP>>", $this->urlEncode($this->ip), $getString);
-        }
-        # Language
-        if (strpos($getString, "<<LANGUAGE>>")) {
-            $getString = str_replace("<<LANGUAGE>>", $this->urlEncode($language), $getString);
-        }
-        # Category
-        if (strpos($getString, "<<CATEGORY>>")) {
-            $getString = str_replace("<<CATEGORY>>", $this->urlEncode($category), $getString);
-        }
+        # Append the Query String
+        $getString .= "&" . $this->engine->{"query-parameter"} . "=" . $this->urlEncode($query);
-        # Affildata
-        if (strpos($getString, "<<AFFILDATA>>")) {
-            $getString = str_replace("<<AFFILDATA>>", $this->getOvertureAffilData($url), $getString);
-        }
+# Affildata
+if (strpos($getString, "<<AFFILDATA>>")) {
+$getString = str_replace("<<AFFILDATA>>", $this->getOvertureAffilData($url), $getString);
         return $getString;
@@ -333,43 +244,4 @@ abstract class Searchengine
             return urlencode($string);
-    # Liefert Sonderdaten für Yahoo
-    private function getOvertureAffilData($url)
-    {
-        $affil_data = 'ip=' . $this->ip;
-        $affil_data .= '&ua=' . $this->useragent;
-        $affilDataValue = $this->urlEncode($affil_data);
-        # Wir benötigen die ServeUrl:
-        $serveUrl = $this->urlEncode($url);
-        return "&affilData=" . $affilDataValue . "&serveUrl=" . $serveUrl;
-    }
-    public function isEnabled()
-    {
-        return $this->enabled;
-    }
-    # Artefaktmethoden
-    public function getCurlInfo()
-    {
-        return curl_getinfo($this->ch);
-    }
-    public function getCurlErrors()
-    {
-        return curl_errno($this->ch);
-    }
-    public function addCurlHandle($mh)
-    {
-        curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $this->ch);
-    }
-    public function removeCurlHandle($mh)
-    {
-        curl_multi_remove_handle($mh, $this->ch);
-    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing.php
deleted file mode 100644
index af6ebc9fe882d9889349159903906f631163f430..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
-use App\Models\Searchengine;
-use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
-use Log;
-class Bing extends Searchengine
-    public $results = [];
-    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-    {
-        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-    }
-    public function loadResults($result)
-    {
-        try {
-            $crawler = new Crawler($result);
-            $crawler->filter('ol#b_results > li.b_algo')->each(function (Crawler $node, $i) {
-                $title       = $node->filter('li h2 > a')->text();
-                $link        = $node->filter('li h2 > a')->attr('href');
-                $anzeigeLink = $link;
-                $descr       = $node->filter('li div > p')->text();
-                $this->counter++;
-                $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-                    $this->engine,
-                    $title,
-                    $link,
-                    $anzeigeLink,
-                    $descr,
-                    $this->displayName,$this->homepage,
-                    $this->counter
-                );
-            });
-        } catch (\Exception $e) {
-            Log::error("A problem occurred parsing results from $this->name:");
-            Log::error($e->getMessage());
-            return;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/BingBilder.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/BingBilder.php
index cd360e2fe165aee30af9eb3cdc7f0aa990c0f8d0..1587e230fb4a14c015940a25239a8969c60e1421 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/BingBilder.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/BingBilder.php
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ class BingBilder extends Searchengine
     public $results = [];
-    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    public function __construct($name, \stdClass $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+        parent::__construct($name, $engine, $metager);
     public function loadResults($result)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class BingBilder extends Searchengine
-                    $this->displayName, $this->homepage,
+                    $this->engine->{"display-name"}, $this->engine->homepage,
                     ['image' => $image]
@@ -59,12 +59,9 @@ class BingBilder extends Searchengine
-            $next = new BingBilder(simplexml_load_string($this->engine), $metager);
-            if (\str_contains($next->getString, "&offset=")) {
-                $next->getString = preg_replace("/&offset=.*/si", "", $next->getString);
-            }
-            $next->getString .= "&offset=" . $nextOffset;
-            $next->hash = md5($next->host . $next->getString . $next->port . $next->name);
+            $newEngine = unserialize(serialize($this->engine));
+            $newEngine->{"get-parameter"}->offset = $nextOffset;
+            $next = new BingBilder($this->name, $newEngine, $metager);
             $this->next = $next;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing_bilder.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing_bilder.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 56dc4fd21ed1ff81bb938dab7bff5017cdf74f68..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Bing_bilder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-namespace app\Models\parserSkripte;
-use App\Models\Searchengine;
-use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
-class Bing_bilder extends Searchengine
-    public $results = [];
-    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-    {
-        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
-    }
-    public function loadResults($result)
-    {
-        $crawler = new Crawler($result);
-        $crawler->filter('div#b_content div.item')->each(function (Crawler $node, $i) {
-            $title       = $node->filter('div.meta > a.tit')->text();
-            $link        = $node->filter('div.meta > a.tit')->attr("href");
-            $anzeigeLink = $link;
-            $descr       = $node->filter('div.meta > div.des')->text();
-            $image       = $node->filter('a.thumb img')->attr("src");
-            $this->counter++;
-            $this->results[] = new \App\Models\Result(
-                $this->engine,
-                $title,
-                $link,
-                $anzeigeLink,
-                $descr,
-                $this->displayName,$this->homepage,
-                $this->counter,
-                ['image' => $image]
-            );
-        });
-    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Overture.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Overture.php
index c54d531f2732facdd035c9dcab06b5e00e39faf4..c8351132db27d09e398edcec27137e82652e1b85 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Overture.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Overture.php
@@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ class Overture extends Searchengine
     public $results = [];
-    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    public function __construct($name, \stdClass $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+        parent::__construct($name, $engine, $metager);
+        # We need some Affil-Data for the advertisements
+        $this->getString .= $this->getOvertureAffilData($metager->getUrl());
+        $this->hash = md5($this->engine->host . $this->getString . $this->engine->port . $this->name);
     public function loadResults($result)
@@ -36,8 +39,8 @@ class Overture extends Searchengine
-                    $this->displayName,
-                    $this->homepage,
+                    $this->engine->{"display-name"},
+                    $this->engine->homepage,
@@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ class Overture extends Searchengine
-                    $this->displayName, $this->homepage,
+                    $this->engine->{"display-name"}, $this->engine->homepage,
@@ -112,9 +115,21 @@ class Overture extends Searchengine
         # Erstellen des neuen Suchmaschinenobjekts und anpassen des GetStrings:
-        $next = new Overture(simplexml_load_string($this->engine), $metager);
+        $next = new Overture($this->name, $this->engine, $metager);
         $next->getString = preg_replace("/&Keywords=.*?&/si", "&", $next->getString) . "&" . $nextArgs;
-        $next->hash = md5($next->host . $next->getString . $next->port . $next->name);
+        $next->hash = md5($next->engine->host . $next->getString . $next->engine->port . $next->name);
         $this->next = $next;
+    # Liefert Sonderdaten für Yahoo
+    private function getOvertureAffilData($url)
+    {
+        $affil_data = 'ip=' . $this->ip;
+        $affil_data .= '&ua=' . $this->useragent;
+        $affilDataValue = $this->urlEncode($affil_data);
+        # Wir benötigen die ServeUrl:
+        $serveUrl = $this->urlEncode($url);
+        return "&affilData=" . $affilDataValue . "&serveUrl=" . $serveUrl;
+    }
diff --git a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Scopia.php b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Scopia.php
index 8516eacb0d032c6ee774755c0fc7f3485effa08a..29a1b5b7cd56f7b9ebab66fec0e36fb30dffc006 100644
--- a/app/Models/parserSkripte/Scopia.php
+++ b/app/Models/parserSkripte/Scopia.php
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ class Scopia extends Searchengine
     public $results = [];
-    public function __construct(\SimpleXMLElement $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
+    public function __construct($name, \stdClass $engine, \App\MetaGer $metager)
-        parent::__construct($engine, $metager);
+        parent::__construct($name, $engine, $metager);
     public function loadResults($result)
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class Scopia extends Searchengine
             $results = $content->xpath('//results/result');
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 $title = $result->title->__toString();
                 $link = $result->url->__toString();
                 $anzeigeLink = $link;
@@ -41,8 +42,8 @@ class Scopia extends Searchengine
-                    $this->displayName,
-                    $this->homepage,
+                    $this->engine->{"display-name"},
+                    $this->engine->homepage,
@@ -76,9 +77,9 @@ class Scopia extends Searchengine
             $results = $content->xpath('//results/result');
             $number = $results[sizeof($results) - 1]->number->__toString();
             # Erstellen des neuen Suchmaschinenobjekts und anpassen des GetStrings:
-            $next = new Scopia(simplexml_load_string($this->engine), $metager);
-            $next->getString = preg_replace("/\\?s=.*?&/si", "?s=" . $number, $next->getString);
-            $next->hash = md5($next->host . $next->getString . $next->port . $next->name);
+            $newEngine = unserialize(serialize($this->engine));
+            $newEngine->{"get-parameter"}->s = $number;
+            $next = new Scopia($this->name, $newEngine, $metager);
             $this->next = $next;
diff --git a/resources/lang/de/metaGer.php b/resources/lang/de/metaGer.php
index 4668449ec948619ed7210db39f7b6893e21ccc33..dff2750917df77dcac326c89c9771a82e2dd71ba 100644
--- a/resources/lang/de/metaGer.php
+++ b/resources/lang/de/metaGer.php
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ return [
     'settings.noneSelected' => 'Achtung: Sie haben in ihren Einstellungen keine Suchmaschine ausgewählt.',
     'engines.noParser' => 'Beim Abfragen von :engine ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte benachrichtigen Sie uns unter: office@suma-ev.de',
+    'engines.noSpecialSearch' => 'Für eine Ihrer Filteroptionen gab es keine Suchmaschine im aktuellen Fokus (:fokus), welche diese unterstützen würde. Sie haben folgende(n) Filter aktiv: ":filter".',
     'formdata.cantLoad' => 'Suma-File konnte nicht gefunden werden',
     'formdata.noSearch' => 'Achtung: Sie haben keinen Suchbegriff eingegeben. Sie können ihre Suchbegriffe oben eingeben und es erneut versuchen.',
@@ -20,4 +21,5 @@ return [
     'sitesearch.failed' => 'Sie wollten eine Sitesearch auf :site durchführen. Leider unterstützen die eingestellten Suchmaschinen diese nicht. Sie können die Sitesearch im Web-Fokus durchführen. Es werden ihnen Ergebnisse ohne Sitesearch angezeigt.',
     'sitesearch.success' => 'Sie führen eine Sitesearch durch. Es werden nur Ergebnisse von der Seite: ":site" angezeigt.',
     'feedback' => 'Nichts Passendes dabei? Geben Sie uns Feedback: ',
+    'filter.sitesearch' => 'Sitesearch',