diff --git a/resources/lang/de/kontakt.php b/resources/lang/de/kontakt.php
index d8d3b40581a7025ec460c219dbe04c8b91ef621b..e91717bb1c3710532d02b3145d4dac422bb7617c 100644
--- a/resources/lang/de/kontakt.php
+++ b/resources/lang/de/kontakt.php
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 return [
 	'headline.1' => 'Kontakt',
 	'headline.2' => 'Forum',
-	'headline.3' => 'Bitte stellen Sie Ihre Frage zuerst in unserem',
+	'headline.3' => 'Bitte stellen Sie technische Fragen zuerst in unserem <a href="http://forum.suma-ev.de/" target="_blank">Forum</a>',
 	'headline.4' => 'So können auch andere von einer Antwort profitieren.',
 	'form.1' => 'Sicheres Kontakformular',
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ Dafür wird Javascript benötigt.',
 	'form.8' => 'Falls Sie Javascript deaktiviert haben, wird Ihre Eingabe unverschlüsselt gesendet.',
 	'form.9' => 'Verschlüsseln und senden',
-	'mail.1' => 'Per E-Mail',
-	'mail.2' => 'Sie können uns auch direkt eine e-mail an die folgende Adresse schicken:',
+	'mail.1' => 'Per Email',
+	'mail.2' => 'Sie können uns auch direkt eine email an die folgende Adresse schicken:',
 	'mail.3' => 'Falls Sie diese verschlüsseln wollen, finden Sie nachfolgend unseren öffentlichen OpenPGP-Schlüssel:',
 	'letter.1' => 'Per Brief-Post',
diff --git a/resources/lang/en/kontakt.php b/resources/lang/en/kontakt.php
index 652649b15853eee4a0a631bdc77697d3bba92d1b..4036752067539ba9904a7aebf6f41ebdca17a47c 100644
--- a/resources/lang/en/kontakt.php
+++ b/resources/lang/en/kontakt.php
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
 return [
 	'headline.1' => 'Contact',
 	'headline.2' => 'Forum',
-	'headline.3' => 'Please ask your question first at our',
-	'headline.4' => 'This way others can benefit from an answer.',
+	'headline.3' => 'If you have a technical question, ask it at our <a href="http://forum.suma-ev.de/" target="_blank">board</a> first, please',
+	'headline.4' => 'By this way others can benefit from an answer.',
 	'form.1' => 'Secure Contact Form',
-	'form.2' => 'Via this form you can contact us encrypted',
+	'form.2' => 'Via this form you can contact us by encrypted',
 	'form.3' => '.',
 	'form.4' => 'Please note that due to a lot of requests we are personnel-wise not able to answer everything promptly.',
 	'form.5' => 'If you do not enter an email-adress, we can not answer you.',
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ We use Javascript for this.',
 	'form.8' => 'If you have Javascript disabled, your message will be send unencrypted.',
 	'form.9' => 'Encrypt and send',
-	'mail.1' => 'By E-Mail',
-	'mail.2' => 'You can also e-mail us directly at:',
-	'mail.3' => 'If you want to encrypt your e-mail aswell, the following is our public OpenPGP-Key:',
+	'mail.1' => 'By Email',
+	'mail.2' => 'You can also email us directly at:',
+	'mail.3' => 'If you want to encrypt your email you can use our following public OpenPGP-Key:',
 	'letter.1' => 'By Letter Mail',
 	'letter.2' => 'We prefer digital contact. However, if you consider it neccessary to contact us postally, you can mail us at:',
diff --git a/resources/views/kontakt/kontakt.blade.php b/resources/views/kontakt/kontakt.blade.php
index 1ffcc0a2a9b4ee22f7f70480cf247408c182e1bc..a5650ff4cd2cca652b2016d774febfdd6db0aa53 100644
--- a/resources/views/kontakt/kontakt.blade.php
+++ b/resources/views/kontakt/kontakt.blade.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 <h1>{{ trans('kontakt.headline.1') }}</h1>
 <h2>{{ trans('kontakt.headline.2') }}</h2>
-<p><span class="bold">{{ trans('kontakt.headline.3') }} <a href="http://forum.suma-ev.de/" target="_blank">Forum.</a></span>
+<p><span class="bold">{!! trans('kontakt.headline.3') !!}</span>
 <span>{{ trans('kontakt.headline.4') }}</span></p>
 <h2>{{ trans('kontakt.form.1') }}</h2>
 <p>{{ trans('kontakt.form.2') }} <a href="mailto:office@suma-ev.de">email</a> {{ trans('kontakt.form.3') }}</p>