diff --git a/resources/lang/en/hilfe.php b/resources/lang/en/hilfe.php
index 5c5f9fc081dd1dab485fffffdf6fb6808c5a94c1..9dda04ba82832af3e8d12fb65f95a2569e5a4b69 100644
--- a/resources/lang/en/hilfe.php
+++ b/resources/lang/en/hilfe.php
@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ return [
     "datenschutz.1"                  => "Cookies, Session-IDs, IP addresses",
     "datenschutz.2"                  => "We don't store or work with any personal information (For the purpose of securing our servers against Hacking- and Bot-Attacks, we need to store these information for a short period of time. It will be then automatically deleted afterwards). We provide further privacy security services as follows:",
     "datenschutz.3"                  => "For more details see \"Tools\" above.",
+    "datenschutz.faktencheck.heading"=> "Fact-Check versus fake news:",
+    "datenschutz.faktencheck.body.1" => '<a href="http://www.password-online.de/?wysija-page=1&controller=email&action=view&email_id=280" target="_blanK" rel="noopener">Ausführliche Anleitung und Beschreibung</a> von <a href="http://www.ude.de/" target="_blanK" rel="noopener">Albrecht Ude</a>',
+    "datenschutz.faktencheck.body.2" => '<a href="en/hilfe/faktencheck">Checklist</a>'
     "tor.title"                      => "Tor Hidden Service",
     "tor.1"                          => "MetaGer provides the highest reachable security level for your privacy (anonymised IP addresses, servers under german privacy protection law). For further security needs or fear of compromised servers you may use the MetaGer-Tor branch. Please download the specialized webbrowser from <a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">https://www.torproject.org/</a>. You will find help there, too.",
     "tor.2"                          => "MetaGer Tor address: http://b7cxf4dkdsko6ah2.onion/tor/",