diff --git a/resources/lang/en/app.php b/resources/lang/en/app.php
index d38644e15e68eceb66ce3ff940a67d35f2265941..08a887df46db9caa5d38db9098a3e982cb2c237c 100644
--- a/resources/lang/en/app.php
+++ b/resources/lang/en/app.php
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ return [
     "maps.playstore"	=>	"Google Playstore",
     "maps.1"	        =>	"This App provides a native integration of  <a href=\"https://maps.metager.de\" target=\"_blank\">MetaGer Maps</a> (powered by <a href=\"https://www.openstreetmap.de/\" target=\"_blank\">Openstreetmap</a>) on your mobile Android device.",
     "maps.2"	        =>	"Therefore, the route planner and the navigation service is running very fast on your smartphone. The app is faster compared against the use in a mobile web browser. And there are some more advantages- check it out!",
-    "maps.3"	        =>	"This Android App is not yet available in the Google Playstore (coming soon). After the first start you will be asked for the following permissions:",
+    "maps.3"	        =>	"After the first start you will be asked for the following permissions:",
     "maps.list.1"       =>	"Access to positioning data => With GPS activated we can provide better search results. With this you get access to the step-by-step navigation. <b> Of course, we don't store any of your data and we don't give any of your data to third persons.</b>",
     "maps.list.2"	    =>	"Access to images, media and files on the device => This permit is necessary for the automated update of the App. If there is a newer version it can be stored in your download archive and will be installed automatically. Without this permission you have to do a manual installation every time there is an update.",
     "head.4"	        =>	"Installation",